[Zope-Coders] 2.6 barfage

alan runyan runyaga@runyaga.com
Tue, 29 Jul 2003 12:01:46 -0500

plone.org is running Zope2.6.2b4 + ZODB3.1 package.

I do not see this problem.

In lib/python/Connection/Connection.py

    125     def _breakcr(self):
    126         try: del self._cache
    127         except: pass
    128         try: del self._incrgc
    129         except: pass
    130         try: del self.cacheGC
    131         except: pass

we run ZODB3.1 package with Zope2.6.2 for a variety
of reasons.  First sidnei told me that the ZODB3.1 package
was being used on nzo.org.  Secondly it seems the pythonlabs
folks are juggling quite a few ZODB branches and a 'final'
branch that is cut as a tarball is a good place to look
for stability.
