[Digicool-CVS] CVS: CVSROOT - postcommit_actions:1.107

klm@cvs.baymountain.com klm@cvs.baymountain.com
Sat, 21 Jul 2001 20:06:02 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/CVSROOT
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24922

Modified Files:
Log Message:
In order for all checkins to post a notice somewhere, i've implemented
a catchall hook in postcommit_actions, and a catchall entry (posting
to zope-checkins) in traffic_table.py.

 [debug - name:CVSROOT, repo:CVSROOT, fn:postcommit_actions
====== Updated CVSROOT/postcommit_actions, 1.106 => 1.107 ======
             is_match = 1
         elif got_re:
-            try:
-                is_match = re.match(t['path'], repo)
-            except TypeError:
-                complain("Whoops - t: %s, repo: %s\n" % (t, repo))
-                raise
+            is_match = re.match(t['path'], repo)
             is_match = (regex.match(t['path'], repo) != -1)
         if is_match:
@@ -344,7 +340,9 @@
     for e in entries:
         if not e.has_key('excludes'): e['excludes'] = []
         if not e.has_key('remote'):
-            e['remote'] = traffic_table.get('remote', None)
+            if hasattr(traffic_table, 'remote'):
+                e['remote'] = traffic_table.remote
+            else: e['remote'] = None
         if e.has_key('addrs'):
             if type(e['addrs']) == type(""):
                 # Be lenient - listify string args.