[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/QueueCatalog/help - QueueCatalog-Add.stx:1.2 QueueCatalog-Configure.stx:1.2 QueueCatalog-Queue.stx:1.2

Jens Vagelpohl jens@zope.com
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 14:17:23 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/QueueCatalog/help
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv29799/help

Modified Files:
	QueueCatalog-Add.stx QueueCatalog-Configure.stx 
Log Message:
- removed straggler
- filled help screens with content

=== Products/QueueCatalog/help/QueueCatalog-Add.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+QueueCatalog - Add: Create a new ZCatalog Queue
+  Description
+    A ZCatalog Queue is a drop-in replacement for a ZCatalog that
+    can queue cataloging requests. These queued requests can be 
+    processed manually or using a cron-like mechanism. 
+    When the queues are processed the catalog requests will be 
+    sent to a *real* catalog, which real catalog this ends up
+    being can be configured into the ZCatalog Queue.
+  Controls
+    'ID' -- The ID for the ZCatalog Queue
+    'Title' -- An optional Title
+    'Catalog Instance' -- This is where the *real* catalog for
+      sending cataloging requests to can be selected.
+    'Add' -- Instantiates the ZCatalog Queue object

=== Products/QueueCatalog/help/QueueCatalog-Configure.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+QueueCatalog - Configure: Configure a ZCatalog Queue
+  Description
+    This view is used to edit the properties of a ZCatalog
+    Queue instance.
+  Controls
+    'Title' -- An optional Title
+    'Catalog Instance' -- This is where the *real* catalog for
+      sending cataloging requests to can be selected.
+    'Change' -- Commit the changes

=== Products/QueueCatalog/help/QueueCatalog-Queue.stx 1.1 => 1.2 ===
+QueueCatalog - Queue: View the number of queued catalog requests
+  Description
+    This view shows the number of queued catalog requests and, if
+    the queue is not empty, a form for immediate queue processing.
+  Controls
+    'Process Queue' -- Process all queued requests. This control
+      will only show up if requests are in the queue.