[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb - ASConnection.py:1.6 ASStorage.py:1.6 consts.py:1.4

Shane Hathaway shane@zope.com
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 13:25:30 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24698/zodb

Modified Files:
	ASConnection.py ASStorage.py consts.py 
Log Message:
More sanitization and documentation:

- Renamed RecordSchema to FieldSchema and made the simpler schema classes
  usable.  This removed the need to always work with record sets when all
  that is needed is a single value.

- Finally successfully abstracted away keychain generation.  Now gateways
  and serializers don't have to duplicate logic.

- Renamed IEventBase to IMapperEvent, created a derivative IAspectEvent, and
  moved some of the methods of IMapperEvent to IAspectEvent.
  ISerializationEvent and IDeserializationEvent now derive from IAspectEvent.

- Changed IGateways to expect IMapperEvents instead of a (mapper, keychain)

=== Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/ASConnection.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/ASConnection.py:1.5	Mon Dec  9 10:57:24 2002
+++ Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/ASConnection.py	Mon Dec  9 13:25:29 2002
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
                 ser = mapper.getSerializer()
                 if DEBUG:
                     print 'serializing', repr(oid), repr(serial)
-                state, ext_refs = ser.serialize(mapper, keychain, object, self)
+                state, ext_refs = ser.serialize(self, mapper, keychain, object)
                 if ext_refs:
                     for (ext_keychain, ext_ref) in ext_refs:
                         if (not ext_ref._p_serial
@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@
             ser = mapper.getSerializer()
             if DEBUG:
                 print 'deserializing', repr(oid), repr(serial)
-            ser.deserialize(mapper, keychain, object, self, state)
+            ser.deserialize(self, mapper, keychain, object, state)
             if mapper.isVolatile():
                 v = self._volatile

=== Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/ASStorage.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/ASStorage.py:1.5	Mon Dec  9 10:57:24 2002
+++ Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/ASStorage.py	Mon Dec  9 13:25:29 2002
@@ -21,8 +21,9 @@
 from cStringIO import StringIO
 from ZODB import POSException, BaseStorage
+from serial_public import MapperEvent
+from consts import SERIAL0, SERIAL1, DEBUG
 from OIDEncoder import OIDEncoder
@@ -72,10 +73,12 @@
             k = keychain[:i + 1]
             cfr = mapper.getClassifier()
             assert cfr is not None, keychain
-            classification, sub_mapper_name = cfr.classifyState(mapper, k)
+            event = MapperEvent(mapper, k)
+            classification, sub_mapper_name = cfr.classifyState(event)
             mapper = mapper.getSubMapper(sub_mapper_name)
-        full_state, serial = mapper.getGateway().load(mapper, keychain)
+        event = MapperEvent(mapper, keychain)
+        full_state, serial = mapper.getGateway().load(event)
         return full_state, serial, classification, mapper_names
@@ -136,9 +139,10 @@
             for mapper_name in mapper_names:
                 cfr = mapper.getClassifier()
                 mapper = mapper.getSubMapper(mapper_name)
-            new_serial = mapper.getGateway().store(mapper, keychain, state)
+            event = MapperEvent(mapper, keychain)
+            new_serial = mapper.getGateway().store(event, state)
             if cfr is not None:
-                cfr.store(mapper, keychain, classification)
+                cfr.store(event, classification)
             new_hash = self.hashSerial(new_serial)

=== Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/consts.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/consts.py:1.3	Thu Dec  5 12:38:47 2002
+++ Products/AdaptableStorage/zodb/consts.py	Mon Dec  9 13:25:29 2002
@@ -17,10 +17,6 @@
 DEBUG = 0
 SERIAL0 = '\0' * 8
 SERIAL1 = '\0' * 7 + '\001'