[Zope-CVS] CVS: Packages/JobBoardEx - ApproveJobsView.py:1.2 IJobList.py:1.6 JobList.py:1.12 JobList.zcml:1.20 JobListTraverser.py:NONE
Jim Fulton
Tue, 11 Jun 2002 19:14:51 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/JobBoardEx
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv10222
Modified Files:
ApproveJobsView.py IJobList.py JobList.py JobList.zcml
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Refactored JobList to use __getitem__ rather than lookup.
This allowed is to assert that JobList implemented IItemContainer,
which got us a traverser. We made this assertion in the zcml file so
as not to much up the IJobList interface.
Also added a defaultView directive to mark index.html as JobLists
default view.
=== Packages/JobBoardEx/ApproveJobsView.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
for variable in form:
- id = int(variable)
+ job = self.context.lookup(id)
+ except KeyError:
+ raise
- job = self.context.lookup(id)
action = form[variable]
if action == 'approve':
=== Packages/JobBoardEx/IJobList.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
class IJobList(Interface):
+ def __getitem__(id):
+ """Returns the job with the given id"""
def query(state):
"""Returns a list of Job objects"""
@@ -11,12 +14,6 @@
def getPendingJobs():
"""Returns a sequence of the jobs that are in the pending state
- """
- def lookup(jobid):
- """Returns the job corresponding to jobid.
- Raises KeyError if jobid is not in list.
def add(job):
=== Packages/JobBoardEx/JobList.py 1.11 => 1.12 ===
if job.state == state]
- def lookup(self, jobid):
+ def __getitem__(self, jobid):
+ jobid = int(jobid)
for job in self.jobs:
if job.id == jobid:
return job
=== Packages/JobBoardEx/JobList.zcml 1.19 => 1.20 ===
<security:allow interface=".IJobList." />
+ <implements interface="Zope.App.OFS.Container.IContainer.IItemContainer" />
<content class=".Job.">
@@ -22,10 +23,9 @@
-<browser:view name="_traverse"
- for=".IJobList."
- factory=".JobListTraverser."
- />
+<browser:defaultView for=".IJobList."
+ name="index.html"
+ />
<browser:view for=".IJobList."
=== Removed File Packages/JobBoardEx/JobListTraverser.py ===