[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/ExternalEditor - README.txt:1.3 version.txt:1.3 zopeedit.py:1.22

Casey Duncan casey@zope.com
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 23:47:54 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/ExternalEditor
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13954

Modified Files:
	README.txt version.txt zopeedit.py 
Log Message:
Final commit for 0.3

=== Products/ExternalEditor/README.txt 1.2 => 1.3 ===
-  - https support (untested)
+  - https support (Openssl required)
   Using It

=== Products/ExternalEditor/version.txt 1.2 => 1.3 ===

=== Products/ExternalEditor/zopeedit.py 1.21 => 1.22 ===
             # Read the configuration file
             if win32:
-                config_path = path.expanduser('~\ZopeEdit.ini')
+                config_path = path.expanduser('~\\ZopeEdit.ini')
                 config_path = path.expanduser('~/.zope-external-edit')