[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/ZCTextIndex - CosineIndex.py:1.1 Index.py:NONE

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Thu, 16 May 2002 13:12:43 -0400

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/ZCTextIndex
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv23818

Added Files:
Removed Files:
Log Message:
Renamed Index.py to CosineIndex.py

=== Added File Products/ZCTextIndex/CosineIndex.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.

"""Full text index with relevance ranking, using a cosine measure."""

import math

from BTrees.IOBTree import IOBTree
from BTrees.IIBTree import IIBTree, IIBucket

from Products.ZCTextIndex.IIndex import IIndex
from Products.ZCTextIndex import WidCode
from Products.ZCTextIndex.SetOps import mass_weightedIntersection, \

import ZODB
from Persistence import Persistent

# Instead of storing floats, we generally store scaled ints.  Binary pickles
# can store those more efficiently.  The default SCALE_FACTOR of 1024
# is large enough to get about 3 decimal digits of fractional info, and
# small enough so that scaled values should almost always fit in a signed
# 16-bit int (we're generally storing logs, so a few bits before the radix
# point goes a long way; on the flip side, for reasonably small numbers x
# most of the info in log(x) is in the fractional bits, so we do want to
# save a lot of those).

def scaled_int(f, scale=SCALE_FACTOR):
    # We expect only positive inputs, so "add a half and chop" is the
    # same as round().  Surprising, calling round() is significantly more
    # expensive.
    return int(f * scale + 0.5)

class Index(Persistent):

    __implements__ = IIndex

    def __init__(self, lexicon):
        self._lexicon = lexicon

        # wid -> { docid -> frequency }
        self._wordinfo = IOBTree()

        # docid -> W(docid)
        self._docweight = IIBTree()

        # docid -> [ wid ]
        # used for un-indexing
        self._docwords = IOBTree()

    def length(self):
        """Return the number of documents in the index."""
        return len(self._docwords)

    def get_words(self, docid):
        """Returns the wordids for a given docid"""
        return WidCode.decode(self._docwords[docid])

    # Most of the computation for computing a relevance score for the
    # document occurs in the search() method.  The code currently
    # implements the cosine similarity function described in Managing
    # Gigabytes, eq. 4.3, p. 187.  The index_object() method
    # precomputes some values that are independent of the particular
    # query.

    # The equation is
    #                     sum(for t in I(d,q): w(d,t) * w(q,t))
    #     cosine(d, q) =  -------------------------------------
    #                                  W(d) * W(q)
    # where
    #    I(d, q) = the intersection of the terms in d and q.
    #    w(d, t) = 1 + log f(d, t)
    #        computed by doc_term_weight(); for a given word t,
    #        self._wordinfo[t] is a map from d to w(d, t).
    #    w(q, t) = log(1 + N/f(t))
    #        computed by query_term_weight()
    #    W(d) = sqrt(sum(for t in d: w(d, t) ** 2))
    #        computed by _get_frequencies(), and remembered in
    #        self._docweight[d]
    #    W(q) = sqrt(sum(for t in q: w(q, t) ** 2))
    #        computed by self.query_weight()

    def index_doc(self, docid, text):
        wids = self._lexicon.sourceToWordIds(text)
        uniqwids, freqs, docweight = self._get_frequencies(wids)
        for i in range(len(uniqwids)):
            self._add_wordinfo(uniqwids[i], freqs[i], docid)
        self._docweight[docid] = docweight
        self._add_undoinfo(docid, wids)
        return len(wids)

    def unindex_doc(self, docid):
        for wid in self._get_undoinfo(docid):
            self._del_wordinfo(wid, docid)
        del self._docwords[docid]
        del self._docweight[docid]

    def search(self, term):
        wids = self._lexicon.termToWordIds(term)
        return mass_weightedUnion(self._search_wids(wids))

    def search_glob(self, pattern):
        wids = self._lexicon.globToWordIds(pattern)
        return mass_weightedUnion(self._search_wids(wids))

    def search_phrase(self, phrase):
        wids = self._lexicon.termToWordIds(phrase)
        hits = mass_weightedIntersection(self._search_wids(wids))
        if not hits:
            return hits
        code = WidCode.encode(wids)
        result = IIBTree()
        for docid, weight in hits.items():
            docwords = self._docwords[docid]
            if docwords.find(code) >= 0:
                result[docid] = weight
        return result

    def _search_wids(self, wids):
        if not wids:
            return []
        N = float(len(self._docweight))
        L = []
        DictType = type({})
        for wid in wids:
            d2w = self._wordinfo[wid] # maps docid to w(docid, wid)
            idf = query_term_weight(len(d2w), N)  # this is an unscaled float
            #print "idf = %.3f" % idf
            if isinstance(d2w, DictType):
                d2w = IIBucket(d2w)
            L.append((d2w, scaled_int(idf)))
        L.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(x[0]), len(y[0])))
        return L

    def query_weight(self, terms):
        wids = []
        for term in terms:
            wids += self._lexicon.termToWordIds(term)
        N = float(len(self._docweight))
        sum = 0.0
        for wid in wids:
            wt = math.log(1.0 + N / len(self._wordinfo[wid]))
            sum += wt ** 2.0
        return scaled_int(math.sqrt(sum))

    def _get_frequencies(self, wids):
        """Return individual doc-term weights and docweight."""
        # Computes w(d, t) for each term, and W(d).
        # Return triple:
        #    [wid0, wid1, ...],
        #    [w(d, wid0)/W(d), w(d, wid1)/W(d), ...],
        #    W(d)
        # The second list and W(d) are scaled_ints.
        d = {}
        for wid in wids:
            d[wid] = d.get(wid, 0) + 1
        Wsquares = 0.0
        weights = []
        push = weights.append
        for count in d.values():
            w = doc_term_weight(count)
            Wsquares += w * w
        W = math.sqrt(Wsquares)
        #print "W = %.3f" % W
        for i in xrange(len(weights)):
            #print i, ":", "%.3f" % weights[i],
            weights[i] = scaled_int(weights[i] / W)
            #print "->", weights[i]
        return d.keys(), weights, scaled_int(W)

    DICT_CUTOFF = 10

    def _add_wordinfo(self, wid, f, docid):
        # Store a wordinfo in a dict as long as there are less than
        # DICT_CUTOFF docids in the dict.  Otherwise use an IIBTree.

        # The pickle of a dict is smaller than the pickle of an
        # IIBTree, substantially so for small mappings.  Thus, we use
        # a dictionary until the mapping reaches DICT_CUTOFF elements.

        # The cutoff is chosen based on the implementation
        # characteristics of Python dictionaries.  The dict hashtable
        # always has 2**N slots and is resized whenever it is 2/3s
        # full.  A pickled dict with 10 elts is half the size of an
        # IIBTree with 10 elts, and 10 happens to be 2/3s of 2**4.  So
        # choose 10 as the cutoff for now.

        # The IIBTree has a smaller in-memory representation than a
        # dictionary, so pickle size isn't the only consideration when
        # choosing the threshold.  The pickle of a 500-elt dict is 92%
        # of the size of the same IIBTree, but the dict uses more
        # space when it is live in memory.  An IIBTree stores two C
        # arrays of ints, one for the keys and one for the values.  It
        # holds upto 120 key-value pairs in a single bucket.
            map = self._wordinfo[wid]
        except KeyError:
            map = {}
            # _add_wordinfo() is called for each update.  If the map
            # size exceeds the DICT_CUTOFF, convert to an IIBTree.
            if len(map) == self.DICT_CUTOFF:
                map = IIBTree(map)
        map[docid] = f
        self._wordinfo[wid] = map # Not redundant, because of Persistency!

    def _del_wordinfo(self, wid, docid):
            map = self._wordinfo[wid]
            del map[docid]
        except KeyError:
        if len(map) == 0:
            del self._wordinfo[wid]
        if len(map) == self.DICT_CUTOFF:
            new = {}
            for k, v in map.items():
                new[k] = v
            map = new
        self._wordinfo[wid] = map # Not redundant, because of Persistency!

    def _add_undoinfo(self, docid, wids):
        self._docwords[docid] = WidCode.encode(wids)

    def _get_undoinfo(self, docid):
        return WidCode.decode(self._docwords[docid])

    # The rest are helper methods to support unit tests

    def _get_wdt(self, d, t):
        wid, = self._lexicon.termToWordIds(t)
        map = self._wordinfo[wid]
        return map.get(d, 0) * self._docweight[d] / SCALE_FACTOR

    def _get_Wd(self, d):
        return self._docweight[d]

    def _get_ft(self, t):
        wid, = self._lexicon.termToWordIds(t)
        return len(self._wordinfo[wid])

    def _get_wt(self, t):
        wid, = self._lexicon.termToWordIds(t)
        map = self._wordinfo[wid]
        return scaled_int(math.log(1 + len(self._docweight) / float(len(map))))

def doc_term_weight(count):
    """Return the doc-term weight for a term that appears count times."""
    # implements w(d, t) = 1 + log f(d, t)
    return 1.0 + math.log(count)

def query_term_weight(term_count, num_items):
    """Return the query-term weight for a term,

    that appears in term_count items in a collection with num_items
    total items.
    # implements w(q, t) = log(1 + N/f(t))
    return math.log(1.0 + float(num_items) / term_count)

=== Removed File Products/ZCTextIndex/Index.py ===