[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/ZCTextIndex - SetOps.py:1.4
Tim Peters
Wed, 29 May 2002 19:12:23 -0400
Update of /cvs-repository/Products/ZCTextIndex
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv5920
Modified Files:
Log Message:
These guys actually return IIBuckets, not IIBTrees. Rewrote the docs
and code accordingly.
Also rewrote the code to never create a new IIBucket unless one is
really needed (for example, if the input list has only one (bucket, weight)
pair, and the weight is 1, the input bucket can be returned as-is; and
this case will be common with score maps produced by an Okapi index).
=== Products/ZCTextIndex/SetOps.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
"""SetOps -- Weighted intersections and unions applied to many inputs."""
-from BTrees.IIBTree import IIBTree, weightedIntersection, weightedUnion
+from BTrees.IIBTree import IIBucket, weightedIntersection, weightedUnion
from Products.ZCTextIndex.NBest import NBest
def mass_weightedIntersection(L):
- "A list of (mapping, weight) pairs -> their weightedIntersection IIBTree."
- L = [(map, weight) for (map, weight) in L if map is not None]
- if not L:
- return IIBTree()
- # Intersect with smallest first.
+ "A list of (mapping, weight) pairs -> their weightedIntersection IIBucket."
+ L = [(x, wx) for (x, wx) in L if x is not None]
+ if len(L) < 2:
+ return _trivial(L)
+ # Intersect with smallest first. We expect the input maps to be
+ # IIBuckets, so it doesn't hurt to get their lengths repeatedly
+ # (len(Bucket) is fast; len(BTree) is slow).
L.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(len(x[0]), len(y[0])))
- x, w = L[0]
- dummy, result = weightedUnion(IIBTree(), x, 1, w)
- for x, w in L[1:]:
- dummy, result = weightedIntersection(result, x, 1, w)
+ (x, wx), (y, wy) = L[:2]
+ dummy, result = weightedIntersection(x, y, wx, wy)
+ for x, wx in L[2:]:
+ dummy, result = weightedIntersection(result, x, 1, wx)
return result
def mass_weightedUnion(L):
- "A list of (mapping, weight) pairs -> their weightedUnion IIBTree."
- if not L:
- return IIBTree()
- if len(L) == 1:
- # Have to do a union in order to get the input's values
- # multiplied by the weight.
- x, weight = L[0]
- dummy, result = weightedUnion(IIBTree(), x, 1, weight)
- return result
+ "A list of (mapping, weight) pairs -> their weightedUnion IIBucket."
+ if len(L) < 2:
+ return _trivial(L)
# Balance unions as closely as possible, smallest to largest.
- assert len(L) > 1
merge = NBest(len(L))
for x, weight in L:
merge.add((x, weight), len(x))
@@ -53,4 +48,15 @@
dummy, z = weightedUnion(x, y, wx, wy)
merge.add((z, 1), len(z))
(result, weight), dummy = merge.pop_smallest()
+ return result
+def _trivial(L):
+ # L is empty or has only one (mapping, weight) pair. If there is a
+ # pair, we may still need to multiply the mapping by its weight.
+ assert len(L) <= 1
+ if len(L) == 0:
+ return IIBucket()
+ [(result, weight)] = L
+ if weight != 1:
+ dummy, result = weightedUnion(IIBucket(), result, 0, weight)
return result