[Zope-CVS] CVS: Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib/tests - test_dav.html:1.2
Stephan Richter
Tue, 1 Apr 2003 08:02:08 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv9378/moztop/content/lib/tests
Modified Files:
Log Message:
More tests and bug fixes.
=== Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib/tests/test_dav.html 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib/tests/test_dav.html:1.1 Sun Mar 30 14:45:15 2003
+++ Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib/tests/test_dav.html Tue Apr 1 08:02:07 2003
@@ -13,8 +13,20 @@
- DavLockToken: constructor, set/getHref, createXML
+ - DavTimeout: constructor, getValue, getType, setTimeout, createXML
+ - DavCollection: createXML
- DavHref: constructor, set/getURL, createXML
+ - DavLink: getSources, addSource, getDestinations, addDestination, createXML
+ - DavLockScope: constructor, set/getScope, isExclusive, isShared, createXML
+ - DavLockType: constructor, set/getType, isWrite, createXML
+ - DavSupportedLock: getEntries, addEntry, createXML
@@ -22,12 +34,24 @@
- DavLockToken: parseXML
+ - DavTimeout: parseXML
+ - DavCollection: parseXML
- DavHref: parseXML
+ - DavLink: parseXML
+ - DavLockScope: parseXML
+ - DavLockType: parseXML
+ - DavSupportedLock: parseXML
var serializer = new XMLSerializer();
function testDavDepthConstructor() {
var d = new DavDepth('0');
assertEquals("Test Depth Constructor with passed value.",
@@ -129,6 +153,109 @@
+function testDavTimeoutConstructor() {
+ var t = new DavTimeout();
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, t.type);
+ assertEquals(0, t.value);
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, t.type);
+ assertEquals(0, t.value);
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, 4000);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, t.type);
+ assertEquals(4000, t.value);
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE, t.type);
+ assertEquals(null, t.value);
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE, 'foo');
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE, t.type);
+ assertEquals(null, t.value);
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, t.type);
+ assertEquals('', t.value);
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, 'foo');
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, t.type);
+ assertEquals('foo', t.value);
+function testDavTimeoutGettersSetters() {
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, 4000);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, t.getType());
+ assertEquals(4000, t.getValue());
+ t.setTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, t.type);
+ assertEquals(0, t.value);
+ t.setTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, 4000);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_SECOND, t.type);
+ assertEquals(4000, t.value);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE, t.type);
+ assertEquals(null, t.value);
+ t.setTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE, 'foo');
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE, t.type);
+ assertEquals(null, t.value);
+ t.setTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND);
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, t.type);
+ assertEquals('', t.value);
+ t.setTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, 'foo');
+ assertEquals(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, t.type);
+ assertEquals('foo', t.value);
+function _XXX_testDavTimeoutParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavTimeoutCreateXML() {
+ var t = new DavTimeout();
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ t.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:timeout xmlns:a0="DAV:">Second-0</a0:timeout>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_INFINITE);
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ t.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:timeout xmlns:a0="DAV:">Infinite</a0:timeout>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+ var t = new DavTimeout(DAV_TIMETYPE_EXTEND, ' foo');
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ t.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:timeout xmlns:a0="DAV:">Extend foo</a0:timeout>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function _XXX_testDavCollectionParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavCollectionCreateXML() {
+ var t = new DavCollection();
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ t.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:collection xmlns:a0="DAV:"/>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
function testDavHrefConstructor() {
var href = new DavHref('http://test.com/test.html');
assertEquals("Test Href Constructor with passed href value.",
@@ -162,6 +289,266 @@
"Test DavHref serializeXML() function.",
'<a0:href xmlns:a0="DAV:">http://test.com/t.html</a0:href>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function testDavLinkConstructor() {
+ var link = new DavLink();
+ assertEquals(0, link.sources.length);
+ assertEquals(0, link.destinations.length);
+function testDavLinkGetAddSource() {
+ var link = new DavLink();
+ var src1 = DavSrc('http://test.com/test1.html')
+ var src2 = DavSrc('http://test.com/test2.html')
+ link.sources = [src1]
+ assertEquals(src1, link.getSources()[0]);
+ link.addSource(src2);
+ assertEquals(src1, link.getSources()[0]);
+ assertEquals(src2, link.getSources()[1]);
+function testDavLinkGetAddDestination() {
+ var link = new DavLink();
+ var dst1 = DavDst('http://test.com/test1.html')
+ var dst2 = DavDst('http://test.com/test2.html')
+ link.destinations = [dst1]
+ assertEquals(dst1, link.getDestinations()[0]);
+ link.addSource(dst2);
+ assertEquals(dst1, link.getDestinations()[0]);
+ assertEquals(dst2, link.getDestinations()[1]);
+function _XXX_testDavLinkParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavLinkCreateXML() {
+ var link = new DavLink();
+ link.sources[0] = new DavSrc('test1.html');
+ link.sources[1] = new DavSrc('test2.html');
+ link.destinations[0] = new DavDst('test3.html');
+ link.destinations[1] = new DavDst('test4.html');
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ link.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals(
+ '<a0:link xmlns:a0="DAV:"><a0:src>test1.html</a0:src>' +
+ '<a0:src>test2.html</a0:src><a0:dst>test3.html</a0:dst>' +
+ '<a0:dst>test4.html</a0:dst></a0:link>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function testDavDstConstructor() {
+ var dst = new DavDst('http://test.com/test.html');
+ assertEquals('http://test.com/test.html', dst.url);
+ var dst = new DavDst();
+ assertEquals(null, dst.url);
+function testDavDstGetSetURL() {
+ var dst = new DavDst('http://test.com/test.html');
+ assertEquals('http://test.com/test.html', dst.getURL());
+ dst.setURL('http://test.com/test1.html');
+ assertEquals('http://test.com/test1.html', dst.url);
+function _XXX_testDavDstParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavDstCreateXML() {
+ var dst = new DavDst('http://test.com/t.html');
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ dst.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:dst xmlns:a0="DAV:">http://test.com/t.html</a0:dst>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function testDavSrcConstructor() {
+ var src = new DavSrc('http://test.com/test.html');
+ assertEquals('http://test.com/test.html', src.url);
+ var src = new DavSrc();
+ assertEquals(null, src.url);
+function testDavSrcGetSetURL() {
+ var src = new DavSrc('http://test.com/test.html');
+ assertEquals('http://test.com/test.html', src.getURL());
+ src.setURL('http://test.com/test1.html');
+ assertEquals('http://test.com/test1.html', src.url);
+function _XXX_testDavSrcParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavSrcCreateXML() {
+ var src = new DavSrc('http://test.com/t.html');
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ src.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:src xmlns:a0="DAV:">http://test.com/t.html</a0:src>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function testDavLockScopeConstructor() {
+ var s = new DavLockScope();
+ assertEquals(DAV_SHARED_LOCKSCOPE, s.scope);
+ var s = new DavLockScope(DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKSCOPE);
+ assertEquals(DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKSCOPE, s.scope);
+function testDavLockScopeGetSetScope() {
+ var s = new DavLockScope(DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKSCOPE);
+ assertEquals(DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKSCOPE, s.getScope());
+ assertEquals(DAV_SHARED_LOCKSCOPE, s.scope);
+ try {
+ s.setScope('foo');
+ }
+ catch(error) {
+ assertEquals("The value 'foo' is not a valid scope. Use one " +
+ "of the following values instead: shared, exclusive",
+ error.serialize());
+ }
+function testDavIsSharedExclusive() {
+ var s = new DavLockScope(DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKSCOPE);
+ assertEquals(true, s.isExclusive());
+ assertEquals(false, s.isShared());
+ var s = new DavLockScope(DAV_SHARED_LOCKSCOPE);
+ assertEquals(false, s.isExclusive());
+ assertEquals(true, s.isShared());
+function _XXX_testDavLockScopeParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavLockScopeCreateXML() {
+ var s = new DavLockScope(DAV_SHARED_LOCKSCOPE);
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ s.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:lockscope xmlns:a0="DAV:"><a0:shared/></a0:lockscope>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function testDavLockScopeConstants() {
+ assertEquals("shared", DAV_SHARED_LOCKSCOPE);
+ assertEquals("exclusive", DAV_EXCLUSIVE_LOCKSCOPE);
+function testDavLockTypeConstructor() {
+ var t = new DavLockType();
+ assertEquals(DAV_WRITE_LOCKTYPE, t.type);
+ var t = new DavLockType(DAV_WRITE_LOCKTYPE);
+ assertEquals(DAV_WRITE_LOCKTYPE, t.type);
+function testDavLockTypeGetSetType() {
+ var t = new DavLockType();
+ t.type = 'foo';
+ assertEquals('foo', t.getType());
+ assertEquals(DAV_WRITE_LOCKTYPE, t.type);
+ try {
+ t.setType('foo');
+ }
+ catch(error) {
+ assertEquals("The lock type 'foo' is not a valid type. Use one " +
+ "of the following values instead: write",
+ error.serialize());
+ }
+function testDavIsWrite() {
+ var s = new DavLockType(DAV_WRITE_LOCKTYPE);
+ assertEquals(true, s.isWrite());
+ s.type = 'foo'
+ assertEquals(false, s.isWrite());
+function _XXX_testDavLockTypeParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavLockTypeCreateXML() {
+ var s = new DavLockType();
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ s.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals('<a0:locktype xmlns:a0="DAV:"><a0:write/></a0:locktype>',
+ serializer.serializeToString(node));
+function testDavLockTypeConstants() {
+ assertEquals("write", DAV_WRITE_LOCKTYPE);
+function testDavSupportedLockConstructor() {
+ var lock = new DavSupportedLock();
+ assertEquals(0, lock.entries.length);
+function testDavSupportedLockGetAddEntry() {
+ var lock = new DavSupportedLock();
+ var entry1 = new DavLockEntry();
+ var entry2 = new DavLockEntry();
+ lock.entries = [entry1];
+ assertEquals(entry1, lock.getEntries()[0]);
+ lock.addEntry(entry2);
+ assertEquals(entry1, lock.getEntries()[0]);
+ assertEquals(entry2, lock.getEntries()[1]);
+function _XXX_testDavSupportedLockParseXML() {
+ throw 'IncompleteTest';
+function testDavSupportedLockCreateXML() {
+ var lock = new DavSupportedLock();
+ lock.entries[0] = new DavLockEntry();
+ var doc = document.implementation.createDocument("DAV:", "D:test",
+ null);
+ var node = doc.documentElement;
+ lock.createXML(node, doc);
+ assertEquals(
+ '<a0:supportedlock xmlns:a0="DAV:"><a0:lockentry><a0:lockscope>' +
+ '<a0:shared/></a0:lockscope><a0:locktype><a0:write/>' +
+ '</a0:locktype></a0:lockentry></a0:supportedlock>',