[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3 - zodbtables.py:

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Thu Dec 25 16:52:13 EST 2003

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv11216/lib/apelib/zodb3

Added Files:
      Tag: ape-0_8-branch
Log Message:
Switched from minitables to zodbtables.

zodbtables is a more mature version of minitables.  Unlike 
minitables, zodbtables is able to persist the database in ZODB, and the 
results of queries are Record objects rather than dictionaries, so the 
results have attributes in addition to items.

=== Added File Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/zodbtables.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""ZODB tables with support for basic relational operations.

$Id: zodbtables.py,v 2003/12/25 21:52:12 shane Exp $

from ZODB import Persistent
from BTrees.IIBTree import IITreeSet, intersection
from BTrees.IOBTree import IOBTree
from BTrees.OIBTree import OIBTree
from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
from Record import Record

class DuplicateError(Exception):
    """Duplicated data record"""

class Column:

    def __init__(self, name, primary, indexed):
        self.name = name        # string
        self.primary = primary  # boolean
        self.indexed = indexed  # boolean

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)

class TableSchema:

    reserved_names = ('rid',)

    def __init__(self):
        self.columns = []
        self.column_names = {}

    def addColumn(self, name, primary=0, indexed=0):
        if name in self.reserved_names:
            raise ValueError, "Column name %s is reserved" % repr(name)
        if self.column_names.has_key(name):
            raise ValueError, "Column %s already exists" % repr(name)
        self.column_names[name] = 1
        self.columns.append(Column(name, primary, indexed))

    def getColumns(self):
        return tuple(self.columns)

    def __repr__(self):
        names = []
        for c in self.columns:
        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(names))

class TableRecordMixin:

    def __repr__(self):
        items = []
        for name, position in self.__record_schema__.items():
            value = repr(getattr(self, name))
            items.append((position, "%s=%s" % (name, value)))
        params = []
        for position, p in items:
        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(params))

class Table(Persistent):
    """Simple, generic relational table.
    schema = None
    _v_record_class = None

    def __init__(self, schema=None):
        if schema is not None:
            self.schema = schema
        columns = schema.getColumns()
        self.col_info = []  # [(tuple position, column),]
        self.positions = {}
        for i in range(len(columns)):
            # Leave space for the record ID at position 0.
            position = i + 1
            self.col_info.append((position, columns[i]))
            self.positions[columns[i].name] = position
        self.proto_record = [None] * (len(columns) + 1)
        self.next_rid = 1

    def clear(self):
        self.data = IOBTree()  # {rid -> record as tuple}
        self.indexes = {}      # {index_name -> OOBTree({value -> IITreeSet})}
        self.primary_index = OIBTree()  # {primary key -> rid}
        for position, column in self.col_info:
            if column.indexed:
                self.indexes[column.name] = OOBTree()

    def tuplify(self, params):
        """Accepts a mapping-like object and returns a tuple.
        record = self.proto_record[:]
        positions = self.positions
        if hasattr(params, '__record_schema__'):
            for name in params.__record_schema__.keys():
                position = positions[name]
                record[position] = params[name]
            for name, value in params.items():
                position = positions[name]
                record[position] = value
        return tuple(record)

    def insert(self, params):
        record = self.tuplify(params)

        # Determine the primary key.
        primary_key = []
        for position, column in self.col_info:
            if column.primary:
                if record[position] is None:
                    raise ValueError, (
                        "No value provided for primary key column %s"
                        % repr(column.name))
        if primary_key:
            primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
            if self.primary_index.has_key(primary_key):
                raise DuplicateError(
                    "Primary key %s in use" % repr(primary_key))

        # Add a record.
        rid = self.next_rid
        self.next_rid += 1   # XXX Hotspot!
        record = (rid,) + record[1:]
        self.data[rid] = record
        if primary_key:
            self.primary_index[primary_key] = rid

        # Add to indexes.
        for position, column in self.col_info:
            name = column.name
            value = record[position]
            if value is not None:
                if self.indexes.has_key(name):
                    set = self.indexes[name].get(value)
                    if set is None:
                        set = IITreeSet()
                        self.indexes[name][value] = set

        # Return the number of rows inserted.
        return 1

    def delete(self, filter):
        rids = self._select_rids(self.tuplify(filter))
        if rids is None:
            # Zap everything
            count = len(self.data)
            return count
        elif not rids:
            # No rows selected
            return 0

        rids = tuple(rids)  # Make sure rids is a static sequence
        for rid in rids:
            old_r = self.data[rid]
            assert old_r[0] == rid
            primary_key = []
            for position, column in self.col_info:
                old_value = old_r[position]
                if old_value is not None:
                    if column.primary:
                    # Remove from indexes.
                    index = self.indexes.get(column.name)
                    if index is not None:
                        if index.has_key(old_value):
                            # Remove an index entry.
                            set = index[old_value]
                            if not set:
                                del index[old_value]

            if primary_key:
                # Remove a primary key.
                primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
                assert self.primary_index[primary_key] == rid
                del self.primary_index[primary_key]

            # Remove the data.
            del self.data[rid]

        return len(rids)

    def update(self, filter, changes):
        rids = self._select_rids(self.tuplify(filter))
        if rids is None:
            rids = self.data.keys()
        elif not rids:
            # Nothing needs to be updated.
            return 0
        count = len(rids)

        # Identify changes.
        old_data = {}    # rid -> old tuple
        new_data = {}    # rid -> new tuple
        old_to_new = {}  # old primary key -> new primary key
        new_to_rid = {}  # new primary key -> rid

        record = self.tuplify(changes)
        for rid in rids:
            old_r = self.data[rid]
            old_data[rid] = old_r
            new_r = list(old_r)
            # new_r and old_r contain record tuples.
            for position, column in self.col_info:
                if record[position] is not None:
                    new_r[position] = record[position]
            new_data[rid] = tuple(new_r)
            # Hmm.  The code below allows an update to change the primary
            # key.  It might be better to prevent primary key columns from
            # being changed by an update() call.
            opk = []
            npk = []
            for position, column in self.col_info:
                if column.primary:
            if opk != npk:
                opk = tuple(opk)
                npk = tuple(npk)
                old_to_new[opk] = npk
                new_to_rid[npk] = rid

        # Look for primary key conflicts.  A primary key conflict can
        # occur when changing a record to a different primary key and
        # the new primary key is already in use.
        for pk in old_to_new.values():
            if (self.primary_index.has_key(pk)
                and not old_to_new.has_key(pk)):
                raise DuplicateError("Primary key %s in use" % repr(pk))

        # Update the data.

        # Remove old primary key indexes and insert new primary key indexes.
        for pk in old_to_new.keys():
            del self.primary_index[pk]

        # Update indexes.
        for rid, old_r in old_data.items():
            for position, column in self.col_info:
                index = self.indexes.get(column.name)
                if index is not None:
                    new_value = record[position]
                    old_value = old_r[position]
                    if new_value != old_value:
                        if old_value is not None and index.has_key(old_value):
                            # Remove an index entry.
                            set = index[old_value]
                            if not set:
                                del index[old_value]
                        if new_value is not None:
                            # Add an index entry.
                            set = index.get(new_value)
                            if set is None:
                                set = IITreeSet()
                                index[new_value] = set

        # Return the number of rows affected.
        return count

    def getRecordClass(self):
        klass = self._v_record_class
        if klass is None:
            schema = {'rid': 0}
            for position, column in self.col_info:
                schema[column.name] = position
            class TableRecord(TableRecordMixin, Record):
                __record_schema__ = schema
            self._v_record_class = klass = TableRecord
        return klass

    def select(self, filter):
        rids = self._select_rids(self.tuplify(filter))
        if rids is None:
            # All
            klass = self.getRecordClass()
            return [klass(rec) for rec in self.data.values()]
        elif rids:
            # Some
            klass = self.getRecordClass()
            data = self.data
            return [klass(data[rid]) for rid in rids]
            # None
            return []

    def _select_rids(self, query):
        """Searches the table for matches, returning record ids.

        Returns a sequence of record ids, or None for all records.
        primary_key = []
        params = 0  # The number of parameters specified
        primary_params = 0  # The number of primary params specified
        for position, column in self.col_info:
            value = query[position]
            if value is not None:
                params += 1
                if column.primary:
                    primary_params += 1
                    if primary_key is not None:
            elif column.primary:
                # Didn't fully specify the primary key.
                # Can't search by primary key.
                primary_key = None

        if not params:
            # No query.  Select all.
            return None

        # First strategy: try to satisfy the request by consulting
        # the primary key index.
        if primary_key:
            # The primary key is complete.  The result set will have
            # either zero rows or one row.
            primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
            rid = self.primary_index.get(primary_key)
            if rid is None:
                return ()
            # Possibly filter out the single item.
            if params > primary_params:
                cand = self.data[rid]
                for position, column in self.col_info:
                    if query[position] is not None:
                        if cand[position] != query[position]:
                            # Not a match.
                            return ()
            return (rid,)

        # Second strategy: try to satisfy the request by intersecting
        # indexes.
        rids = None
        iteration_filters = []
        for position, column in self.col_info:
            value = query[position]
            if value is not None:
                index = self.indexes.get(column.name)
                if index is None:
                    iteration_filters.append((position, value))
                    set = index.get(value)
                    if set is None:
                        # No rows satisfy this criterion.
                        return ()
                    if rids is None:
                        rids = set
                        rids = intersection(rids, set)
                    if not rids:
                        # No rows satisfy all criteria.
                        return ()
        if rids is not None:
            rids = rids.keys()

        if not iteration_filters:
            # Indexes did all the work.  No need to search each record.
            return rids

        # Fallback strategy: Eliminate items one by one.
        if rids is None:
            # Use the whole data set.
            candidates = self.data.values()
            # Use the specified records.
            candidates = [self.data[rid] for rid in rids]

        rids = []
        append = rids.append
        for cand in candidates:
            for position, value in iteration_filters:
                if cand[position] != value:
                    # Not a match.
                # A match.
        return rids

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s(schema=%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.schema))

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