[Zope-CVS] CVS: Packages3/workflow - README.txt:1.2

Ulrich Eck ueck@net-labs.de
Fri, 7 Feb 2003 10:56:30 -0500

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages3/workflow
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25085

Modified Files:
Log Message:
improved/updated the README abit

=== Packages3/workflow/README.txt 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Packages3/workflow/README.txt:1.1	Tue Feb  4 16:49:54 2003
+++ Packages3/workflow/README.txt	Fri Feb  7 10:56:29 2003
@@ -3,19 +3,69 @@
 This package is currently developed outside of the Zope3 CVS-HEAD
 to be able to share work between the developers more easily.
-to install this package you need to check it out from
+to install this package you need to check it out 
+from the Zope-CVS-Repository:
-remove the workflow directory from src/zope/app from Zope3src
+ - cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.zope.org:/cvs-repository login
+   cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@cvs.zope.org:/cvs-repository co Packages3/workflow
-link this package into src/zope/app/workflow
+ - remove the workflow directory from src/zope/app from Zope3src
-add this to the src/zope/app/configure.zcml:
-<include package=".workflow" />
+ - link/copy this package into src/zope/app/workflow
-and link the workflow/browser folder into
-src/zope/app/browser/workflow and include it in zcml.
+ - add this to the src/zope/app/configure.zcml:
+   <include package=".workflow" />
-start your Zope3 server and add a workflow-service.
+ - link/copy the workflow/browser folder into
+   src/zope/app/browser/workflow 
-nothing else works yet ....
+ - add this to the src/zope/app/browser/configure.zcml:
+   <include package=".workflow" />
+ - edit your site-zcml to grant workflow permissions to manager:
+   <grant permission="zope.workflow.ManageProcessDefinitions" role="Manager" />
+   <grant permission="zope.workflow.CreateProcessInstances"  role="Manager" />
+   <grant permission="zope.workflow.UseProcessInstances" role="Manager" />
+ - start your Z3 server
+Configure your System to use Workflow:
+ - goto Servicemanager and add a WorkflowService
+ - configure and activate that WorkflowService
+ - create a new package called workflows (for example)
+ - within that package create a new Stateful ProcessDefinition
+ - configure and activate that ProcessDefinition
+ - goto your newly created ProcessDefinition and 
+   add some States and Transitions
+ - within that package create a persitent module
+ - create a schema-class for your WorkflowRelevantData 
+   within this module
+ - edit your ProcessDefinition to use that Module as
+   RelevantData Schema
+ ... more to come ...
+ - get content-workflow-utilty working
+ - write more tests
+ - build views for managing processinstances that are
+   annotated to content objects.
+ - improve capabilities of stateful workflow
+ - start implementing the wfmc-based workflow based on the 
+   experiences with the "fairly simple" stateful workflow.