[Zope-CVS] CVS: Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib - datasourcemanager.js:1.1
Paul Everitt
Thu, 20 Mar 2003 09:58:53 -0500
Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv25578/lib
Added Files:
Log Message:
Welcome to refactoring
=== Added File Packages/Moztop/moztop/content/lib/datasourcemanager.js ===
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
function DataSourceManager () {
/* A prototype to manage the sites database and datasources */
/* The constructor is responsible for .... */
this.dcns = "http://www.purl.org/dc/1.1#";
this.oscomrdfns = "http://www.oscom.org/rdf#";
this.ncns ="http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#";
this.titleprop = this.dcns + "title";
this.descriptionprop = this.dcns + "description";
this.resourcetypeprop = this.oscomrdfns + "resourcetypes";
this.urlprop = this.oscomrdfns + "url";
this.contentsurlprop = this.oscomrdfns + "contentsurl";
this.sitetypeprop = this.oscomrdfns + "sitetype";
this.styleidprop = this.oscomrdfns + "styleid";
this.subitemsprop = this.ncns + "subitems";
this.elementid = 'navigation-tree';
this.sourceurlprop = this.oscomrdfns + "sourceurl";
this.saveurlprop = this.oscomrdfns + "saveurl";
this.previewurlprop = this.oscomrdfns + "previewurl";
var twingleurl = getProfileDirURL() + 'twingle';
// Create some default datasources
this.datasources = new Array();
/* These next lines will go away after switching to the array */
this.sitesds = new RDFDataSource(twingleurl + "/sites.rdf",null);
this.oscomtypesds = new RDFDataSource(twingleurl + "/oscomtypes.rdf",null);
this.localsiteds = new RDFDataSource(twingleurl + "/localsite.rdf",null);
/* Attach these (potentially empty) datasources */
var tree=document.getElementById(this.elementid);
dump("\nfinished add datasources and rebuilding tree");
DataSourceManager.prototype.initializeDatasources =
function ()
/* Called during startup to find needed datasources,
fetch RDF, and build tree */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype.addDataSource =
function (title, rsdurl, rsddom)
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype.removeDataSource = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype.addSite =
function (title, rsdurl, rsddom)
/* Create a new site from the information in the DOM passed in */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype.removeSite = function (rsdurl)
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype.getDataSource = function (resourceurn)
/* Given a urn, find the datasource containing that resource. For
sites, the urn is the urn of the root node, whose value is the
URL of the rdf file on the server. For non-remote datasources, like
the sites.rdf in the profile dir, the root node urn is concocted. */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
DataSourceManager.prototype. = function ()
/* */
return true;
/* ------------ Utility functions below ------------- */
function getProfileDirURL ()
// First get the directory service and query interface it to
// nsIProperties
var dirService = Components.
// Next get the "ProfD" property of type nsIFile from the directory
// service, FYI this constant is defined in
// mozilla/xpcom/io/nsAppDirectoryServiceDefs.h
const NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR = "ProfD";
profileDir = dirService.get(NS_APP_USER_PROFILE_50_DIR,
// Now that we have it we can show it's path. See nsIFile for the
// other things you that can be done with profileDir
var io_service =
var url = io_service.newFileURI(profileDir)
return url.spec;
Email with requirements
From: Paul Everitt <paul@zope-europe.org>
Date: Jeu mars 20, 2003 10:59:44 Europe/Paris
To: Stephan Richter <stephan.richter@tufts.edu>
Subject: DISCUSS: Proposal from last night's discussion
Clearly we need to write down something and agree to it, before jumping into code or doing checkins. Below is a statement of the problem and the beginning of a proposal to solve it.
I haven't gone too far into writing an API yet, as we should agree on this part first.
Moztop needs to manage the RDF datasources associated with each remote
Zope site. This proposal covers the responsibilities needed by this
component and a proposed implementation.
The data in remote datasites is encoded in RDF and loaded as a
datasource in Moztop. To make working with this RDF easier, we use
the RDFDataSource object from rdfds.js to provide an easier API.
However, Moztop still needs a way grab an RDFDataSource from a list of
all the datasources, as well as other operations. Thus we need a
component that manages all the datasources.
Adding a datasource
When the site developer adds a new Zope site to their Moztop, the
component needs to retrieve the RDF, update the sites database,
and update the tree.
Reloading a datasource
If the server data have been changed by someone other than the
current user, then the RDF is out of date. In this case, Moztop
needs to reload the RDF data. This will involve grabbing the
datasource, retrieving the RDF, reloading the data, and
reattaching the datasource to the tree.
Note that this responsibility also applies when Moztop is
restarted, thus making this responsibility a common and critical
Removing a datasource
If a user deletes a site, the datasource manager needs to ensure
that the datasource is removed. Also, when the Moztop is
restarted, there shouldn't be a connection to the server to
retrieve data that won't be displayed.
Attaching a datasource to the tree
This is a simple but common activity. When a datasource is
created, and also (I believe) when data have changed, the tree
needs to be rebuilt.
This is a visually painful process, as the tree collapses. It
would be interesting to find techniques to avoid this.
Detatching a datasource
There may be circumstances where a datasource is removed from the
tree and removed from memory, but not permanently. For instance,
this might be as part of another sequence, such as reloading.
Grabbing the appropriate datasource to make a change
When the site developer makes a change to a resource, the RDF
model must be updated. While read-only operations can be made on
the composite datasource, changes require grabbing the correct
site datasource.
Thus, this responsibility requires being given a resource, and
giving back the datasource that contains that resource.
There are other situations that require grabbing the correct
datasource. For instance, when a site developer selects a site
and selects reload, the correct datasource for that site must be
Saving a datasource
For datasources where the RDF comes from a Zope server, there
should be *no* circumstances under which the datasource should be
saved. All changes should be sent to the server, which is the
authoritative copy of the content. The datasource contents should
be considered volatile.
However, datasources such as the sites database are managed by
Moztop in the local profile directory. These will need to be
flushed to disk as appropriate.
Dumping a datasource
When debugging, it is very important to see the contents of a
datasource. This responsibility can be fulfilled in a number of
ways (using the dump command, logging something to the log
manager, creating a visual inspector, etc.)
Managing in-mem and remote datasources
The classic Mozilla technique for remote datasources is to create
a pair: a read-only datasource representing the remote content and
an in-memory datasource where all local changes are made. With a
model like this, you never have to worry about losing changes when
refreshing the remote content.
Performing operations on all datasources
Some of these operations will apply not just to one datasource,
but to all datasources in the list. For instance, dumping all
datasource contents for debugging purposes is a very common
Site developer adds site
Site developer deletes site
Site developer reloads site contents
Site developer restarts Moztop
Site developer choses "Debug->Dump Datsources"
Proposed Architecture
I propose an architecture where we create a JavaScript prototype
called DataSourceManager. It will be located in its own JavaScript
module stored in a top-level "lib" directory.
An instance of this called "dsm" will be declared as a global in
moztop.js and initialized in initMoztop (which is called by
moztop.xul as the onload action). The initialization happens after
the initialization of the global logging service, thus allowing dsm
to log messages during its initialization.
The dsm variable will be global to all scripts in the main window.
Like the log manager, it will need to be passed explicitly to
dialogs and wizards.
The central architectural idea for dsm is that you "lookup" a
datasource via a method, instead of directly accessing it via a
property or variable. This allows dsm to use a datasource attached
to tree.database and return an instance of RDFDataSource.
Proposed DataSourceManager API
constructor() -> return null
Does this do all the work to open the sites database, retrieve all
the remote RDF, create all the datsources, attach to tree, etc.?