[Zope-CVS] CVS: Packages/zpkgtools/doc - index.txt:1.1

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fred at zope.com
Sat Apr 3 02:06:32 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/zpkgtools/doc
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv2537

Added Files:
Log Message:
an overview of the zpkg documentation

=== Added File Packages/zpkgtools/doc/index.txt ===
The Zope Packaging Tools


`Running the |zpkg|_ tool <zpkg.html>`_
  Essentially a man page for |zpkg|_.  This describes command line
  options and configuration of the tool.

`Metadata Descriptions for Distributions <metadata.html>`_
  Descriptions of the metadata files read by |zpkg|_ to allow it to
  create distributions from components.

`Resource Locations <resources.html>`_
  Information about how locations for resources are specified for
  |zpkg|_, with an emphasis on URL schemes used to support revision
  control systems.

`Collection Distributions <collections.html>`_
  A description of how collection distributions are put together.

`API documentation <apiref/index.html>`_
  Documentation on the ``zpkgtools`` interface.  The interface to this
  package is entirely open to change at this point, but this might
  help to understand how to tool works.

Related Links

`PEP 241 <http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0241.html>`_
  `Distribution metadata`

  This PEP describes a mechanism for adding metadata to Python
  packages.  It includes specifics of the field names, and their
  semantics and usage.

`PEP 262 <http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0241.html>`_
  `A Database of Installed Python Packages`

  This PEP describes a mechanism for adding metadata to Python
  packages.  It includes specifics of the field names, and their
  semantics and usage.

  Implementation of this PEP in distutils, along with a general way to
  identify dependencies, would allow import-less dependency checking
  as well as uninstallation.

. include:: links.rst

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