[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs - annotated.py:1.2 base.py:1.6 classification.py:1.4 connection.py:1.6 interfaces.py:1.3 properties.py:1.4 security.py:1.3 structure.py:1.5 cache.py:NONE exceptions.py:NONE

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Mon Feb 2 10:07:51 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv26672/lib/apelib/fs

Modified Files:
	base.py classification.py connection.py interfaces.py 
	properties.py security.py structure.py 
Added Files:
Removed Files:
	cache.py exceptions.py 
Log Message:
Moved ape-0_8-branch to the HEAD.

>From CHANGES.txt:

- Major restructuring to reduce the number of concepts in
  Ape. Keychains and keys have been replaced with simple string OIDs.
  There is now a flat namespace of mappers instead of a tree.  Only
  one classifier and one OID generator are used in any object

- The ZODB root object is now stored on the filesystem.

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/annotated.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Mon Feb  2 10:07:51 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/annotated.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""AnnotatedFilesystem class.
+import re
+from time import time
+from types import StringType
+# This expression matches "\n[sectionname]...\n", where len(sectionname) > 0.
+section_re = re.compile(r'^\[([^\[\]\n]+)\][^\r\n]*(?:\r\n|\r|\n)',
+                      re.MULTILINE)
+properties_ext = 'properties'
+remainder_ext = 'remainder'
+# Match 'foo.properties', 'foo.remainder', 'properties', or 'remainder'.
+# This is for filtering out annotation filenames.
+annotation_re = re.compile('(|.+[.])(%s|%s)$' % (
+    properties_ext, remainder_ext))
+# Names of annotations handled by this module
+remainder_ann = 'remainder'         # The value is a binary string.
+object_names_ann = 'object_names'
+class AnnotatedFilesystem:
+    """Filesystem abstraction that adds annotations and automatic extensions.
+    Annotations are stored in .properties and .remainder files.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ops, annotation_prefix='.', hidden_filenames='_'):
+        self.ops = ops
+        self.annotation_prefix = annotation_prefix
+        self.hidden_re = re.compile(hidden_filenames)
+        # _anns_cache: { path -> annotations }
+        self._anns_cache = ShortLivedCache()
+        # _dir_cache: { path -> directory info }
+        self._dir_cache = ShortLivedCache()
+    def clearCache(self):
+        """Clears the cache of annotations and automatic filename extensions.
+        Useful after writing to the filesystem.
+        """
+        self._anns_cache.clear()
+        self._dir_cache.clear()
+    def invalidate(self, path):
+        """Invalidates info about a path being written.
+        """
+        self._anns_cache.invalidate(path)
+        self._dir_cache.invalidate(path)
+    def getAnnotationPaths(self, path):
+        """Returns the property and remainder paths for a path.
+        """
+        ops = self.ops
+        if ops.isdir(path):
+            base_fn = ops.join(path, self.annotation_prefix)
+        else:
+            dirname, filename = ops.split(path)
+            base_fn = ops.join(dirname, '%s%s.' % (
+                self.annotation_prefix, filename))
+        return (base_fn + properties_ext, base_fn + remainder_ext)
+    def getAnnotations(self, path):
+        """Reads the annotations for a path."""
+        res = self._anns_cache.get(path)
+        if res is not None:
+            return res
+        props_fn, rem_fn = self.getAnnotationPaths(path)
+        res = {}
+        try:
+            data = self.ops.readfile(rem_fn, 0)
+        except IOError:
+            # The remainder file apparently does not exist
+            pass
+        else:
+            res[remainder_ann] = data
+            # Note properties file can override the remainder.
+        try:
+            data = self.ops.readfile(props_fn, 1)
+        except IOError:
+            # The properties file apparently does not exist
+            self._anns_cache.set(path, res)
+            return res
+        pos = 0
+        prev_section_name = None
+        while 1:
+            match = section_re.search(data, pos)
+            if match is None:
+                endpos = len(data)
+            else:
+                endpos = match.start()
+            if prev_section_name is not None:
+                # get the data and decode.
+                section = data[pos:endpos].replace('[[', '[')
+                res[prev_section_name] = section
+            if match is None:
+                break
+            else:
+                prev_section_name = match.group(1)
+                pos = match.end()
+        self._anns_cache.set(path, res)
+        return res
+    def checkAnnotationName(self, ann_name):
+        if (not isinstance(ann_name, StringType)
+            or not ann_name
+            or '[' in ann_name
+            or ']' in ann_name
+            or '\n' in ann_name):
+            raise ValueError(ann_name)
+    def writeAnnotations(self, path, anns):
+        props_fn, rem_fn = self.getAnnotationPaths(path)
+        props_data = ''
+        rem_data = ''
+        items = anns.items()
+        items.sort()
+        for name, value in items:
+            if name == remainder_ann:
+                # Write to the remainder file.
+                rem_data = value
+            else:
+                # Write a section of the properties file.
+                props_data += self.formatSection(name, value)
+        self.writeOrRemove(props_fn, 1, props_data)
+        self.writeOrRemove(rem_fn, 0, rem_data)
+        self._anns_cache.invalidate(path)
+        # The file might be new, so invalidate the directory.
+        self._dir_cache.invalidate(self.ops.dirname(path))
+    def formatSection(self, name, text):
+        s = '[%s]\n%s\n' % (name, text.replace('[', '[['))
+        if not text.endswith('\n'):
+            s += '\n'
+        return s
+    def writeOrRemove(self, fn, as_text, data):
+        """If data is provided, write it.  Otherwise remove the file.
+        """
+        ops = self.ops
+        if data:
+            ops.writefile(fn, as_text, data)
+        else:
+            if ops.exists(fn):
+                ops.remove(fn)
+    def isLegalFilename(self, fn):
+        ap = self.annotation_prefix
+        if (not fn or
+            (fn.startswith(ap) and annotation_re.match(fn, len(ap)))
+            or self.hidden_re.match(fn) is not None):
+            return 0
+        return 1
+    def computeDirectoryContents(self, path, allow_missing=0):
+        """Returns the name translations for a directory.  Caches the results.
+        Returns ({filename: name}, {name: filename}).
+        """
+        res = self._dir_cache.get(path)
+        if res is not None:
+            return res
+        try:
+            fns = self.ops.listdir(path)
+        except OSError:
+            if allow_missing:
+                return {}, {}
+            raise
+        obj_list = []   # [name]
+        trans = {}     # { base name -> filename with extension or None }
+        filenames = filter(self.isLegalFilename, fns)
+        anns = self.getAnnotations(path)
+        text = anns.get(object_names_ann)
+        if text:
+            # Prepare a dictionary of translations from basename to filename.
+            for fn in filenames:
+                if '.' in fn:
+                    base, ext = fn.split('.', 1)
+                    if trans.has_key(base):
+                        # Name collision: two or more files have the same base
+                        # name.  Don't strip the extensions for any of them.
+                        trans[base] = None
+                    else:
+                        trans[base] = fn
+                else:
+                    trans[fn] = None
+            obj_list = [line.strip() for line in text.split('\n')]
+            for obj_name in obj_list:
+                if '.' in obj_name:
+                    # An object name uses an extension.  Don't translate
+                    # any name that uses the same base name.
+                    base, ext = obj_name.split('.', 1)
+                    trans[base] = None
+        fn_to_name = {}
+        for fn in filenames:
+            fn_to_name[fn] = fn
+        # Translate the file names to object names.
+        for obj_name in obj_list:
+            fn = trans.get(obj_name)
+            if fn:
+                fn_to_name[fn] = obj_name
+        name_to_fn = {}
+        for fn, name in fn_to_name.items():
+            name_to_fn[name] = fn
+        res = (fn_to_name, name_to_fn)
+        self._dir_cache.set(path, res)
+        return res
+class ShortLivedCache:
+    """Simple short-lived object cache.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, lifetime=1):
+        # The default lifetime is 1 second.
+        self.lifetime = lifetime
+        self.data = {}
+        self.expiration = time() + lifetime
+    def get(self, key, default=None):
+        now = time()
+        if now >= self.expiration:
+            self.data.clear()
+            return default
+        res = self.data.get(key, default)
+        return res
+    def set(self, key, value):
+        now = time()
+        if now >= self.expiration:
+            self.data.clear()
+            self.expiration = now + self.lifetime
+        self.data[key] = value
+    def invalidate(self, key):
+        try:
+            del self.data[key]
+        except KeyError:
+            pass
+    def clear(self):
+        self.data.clear()

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/base.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/base.py:1.5	Wed Jul 30 17:33:02 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/base.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -27,11 +27,8 @@
     def __init__(self, conn_name='fs'):
         self.conn_name = conn_name
-    def getSchema(self):
-        return self.schema
     def getConnection(self, event):
-        return event.getConnection(self.conn_name)
+        return event.connections[self.conn_name]
-    def getSources(self, event):
+    def getPollSources(self, event):
         return None

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/classification.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/classification.py:1.3	Wed Jul 30 17:33:02 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/classification.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -11,18 +11,18 @@
-"""Filesystem classification section.
+"""Filesystem classification annotation.
-from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway
+from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway, LoadError, OIDConflictError
 from apelib.core.schemas import FieldSchema
 from base import FSGatewayBase
-class FSClassificationSection(FSGatewayBase):
+class FSClassificationAnnotation(FSGatewayBase):
     """Gateway for storing classification data."""
     __implements__ = IGateway
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@
     def load(self, event):
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         classification = {'node_type': fs_conn.readNodeType(p)}
-        text = fs_conn.readSection(p, 'classification', '')
+        text = fs_conn.readAnnotation(p, 'classification', '')
         if text:
             lines = text.split('\n')
             for line in lines:
@@ -46,7 +46,17 @@
     def store(self, event, state):
         # state is a classification
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
+        if event.is_new:
+            # Don't overwrite existing data
+            try:
+                fs_conn.readNodeType(p)
+            except LoadError:
+                # Nothing exists yet.
+                pass
+            else:
+                # Something exists.  Don't overwrite it.
+                raise OIDConflictError(p)
         items = state.items()
         text = []
@@ -56,5 +66,5 @@
                 text.append('%s=%s' % (k, v))
         text = '\n'.join(text)
-        fs_conn.writeSection(p, 'classification', text)
+        fs_conn.writeAnnotation(p, 'classification', text)
         return text.strip()

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/connection.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/connection.py:1.5	Mon Sep 22 07:15:36 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/connection.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -16,149 +16,53 @@
-import re
-from types import StringType
-from apelib.core.interfaces import ITPCConnection, ISourceRepository
-from apelib.core.exceptions import NoStateFoundError
-from interfaces import IFSConnection
-from exceptions import FSWriteError
-from cache import ShortLivedCache
+from apelib.core.interfaces import ITPCConnection, ISourceRepository, LoadError
+from interfaces import IFSConnection, FSWriteError
 from fileops import StandardFileOperations
+from annotated import AnnotatedFilesystem, object_names_ann
+# For a node_type_ann, the value is 'f' (file) or 'd' (directory)
+node_type_ann = '@node_type'
+# data_ann holds the content of a file.  It is not valid for directories.
+data_ann = '@data'
+# file_list_ann holds the content of a directory.  It is not valid for files.
+file_list_ann = '@files'
-# Try to decipher this regular expression ;-)
-# It basically matches "\n[sectionname]...\n", where len(sectionname) > 0.
-section_re = re.compile(r'^\[([^\[\]\n]+)\][^\r\n]*(?:\r\n|\r|\n)',
-                      re.MULTILINE)
-# For a NODE_TYPE_SECTION, the value is 'f' (file) or 'd' (directory)
-NODE_TYPE_SECTION = '@node_type'
-# For a DATA_SECTION, the value is a two-item tuple containing a
-# string (file) or list of names (directory) and the as_text flag.
-DATA_SECTION = '@data'
-SUGGESTED_EXTENSION_SECTION = '@s_ext'  # The suggested filename extension.
-OBJECT_NAMES_SECTION = 'object_names'   # For directories.  The value is text.
-REMAINDER_SECTION = 'remainder'         # The value is a binary string.
-# Match 'foo.properties', 'foo.remainder', 'properties', or 'remainder'.
-# This is for filtering out metadata filenames.
-metadata_re = re.compile('(|.+[.])(%s|%s)$' % (
+# The suggested filename extension.
+suggested_extension_ann = '@s_ext'
 class FSConnection:
-    """Reads / writes files with 'sections'.
+    """Reads / writes files with annotations.
-    The required 'type' section specifies whether the object is a file or
-    a directory.  The optional 'data' section specifies either the main
-    file contents or the names of the files in the directory.  All other
-    sections get stored in a '.properties' file.  The properties file uses
-    square-bracket section headers and encodes sections by doubling
-    left-square brackets.
+    The required 'type' annotation specifies whether the object is a file
+    or a directory.  The optional 'data' annotation specifies either the
+    main file contents or the names of the files in the directory.
+    All other annotations get stored in the '.properties' and
+    '.remainder' files.  The properties file uses square-bracket
+    annotation headers and encodes annotations by doubling left-square
+    brackets.
     __implements__ = IFSConnection, ITPCConnection, ISourceRepository
     basepath = ''
-    def __init__(self, basepath, metadata_prefix='.', hidden_filenames='_',
+    def __init__(self, basepath, annotation_prefix='.', hidden_filenames='_',
         self.basepath = basepath
-        self.metadata_prefix = metadata_prefix
-        self.hidden_re = re.compile(hidden_filenames)
-        self._final = 0
-        # _pending holds the data to be written.
-        # _pending: { subpath string -> { section_name -> data } }
-        self._pending = {}
-        self._props_cache = ShortLivedCache()
-        self._dir_cache = ShortLivedCache()
         if ops is None:
             ops = StandardFileOperations()
         self.ops = ops
+        self.afs = AnnotatedFilesystem(
+            ops, annotation_prefix, hidden_filenames)
+        self._final = 0
+        # _pending holds the data to be written.
+        # _pending: { subpath string -> { annotation_name -> data } }
+        self._pending = {}
-    def _isLegalFilename(self, fn):
-        mp = self.metadata_prefix
-        if (not fn or
-            (fn.startswith(mp) and metadata_re.match(fn, len(mp)))
-            or self.hidden_re.match(fn) is not None):
-            return 0
-        return 1
-    def _computeDirectoryContents(self, path, ignore_error=0):
-        """Computes and returns intermediate directory contents info.
-        Returns (filenames, object_names, translations).  The results
-        are cached for a short time.
-        """
-        res = self._dir_cache.get(path)
-        if res is not None:
-            return res
-        obj_names = []
-        trans = {}     # { base name -> filename with extension or None }
-        try:
-            fns = self.ops.listdir(path)
-        except OSError:
-            if ignore_error:
-                return ([], obj_names, trans)
-            raise
-        filenames = filter(self._isLegalFilename, fns)
-        props = self._getPropertiesFromFile(path)
-        text = props.get(OBJECT_NAMES_SECTION)
-        if text:
-            # Prepare a dictionary of translations.
-            for fn in filenames:
-                if '.' in fn:
-                    base, ext = fn.split('.', 1)
-                    if trans.has_key(base):
-                        # Name collision: two or more files have the same base
-                        # name.  Don't use an extension for this name.
-                        trans[base] = None
-                    else:
-                        trans[base] = fn
-                else:
-                    trans[fn] = None
-            obj_names = [line.strip() for line in text.split('\n')]
-            for obj_name in obj_names:
-                if '.' in obj_name:
-                    base, ext = obj_name.split('.', 1)
-                    trans[base] = None
-        res = (filenames, obj_names, trans)
-        self._dir_cache.set(path, res)
-        return res
-    def _listDirectoryAsMapping(self, path, ignore_error=0):
-        """Returns the translated filenames at path.
-        The ignore_error flag makes this method return an empty
-        dictionary if the directory is not found.
-        Returns {filename -> obj_name}.
-        """
-        filenames, obj_names, trans = self._computeDirectoryContents(
-            path, ignore_error)
-        res = {}
-        for fn in filenames:
-            res[fn] = fn
-        # Translate names.
-        for obj_name in obj_names:
-            fn = trans.get(obj_name)
-            if fn:
-                res[fn] = obj_name
-        return res
-    def _expandPath(self, subpath):
+    def getPath(self, subpath):
         if self.basepath:
             while subpath.startswith('/') or subpath.startswith('\\'):
                 subpath = subpath[1:]
@@ -170,64 +74,22 @@
             dir_path, obj_name = self.ops.split(path)
             if '.' not in obj_name:
                 # This object might have an automatic filename extension.
-                filenames, obj_names, trans = self._computeDirectoryContents(
-                    dir_path, 1)
-                fn = trans.get(obj_name)
-                if fn is not None:
+                contents = self.afs.computeDirectoryContents(dir_path, 1)
+                fn_to_name, name_to_fn = contents
+                fn = name_to_fn.get(obj_name)
+                if fn:
                     # Use the filename with an extension.
                     path = self.ops.join(dir_path, fn)
         return path
-    def _checkSectionName(self, section_name):
-        if (not isinstance(section_name, StringType)
-            or not section_name
-            or '[' in section_name
-            or ']' in section_name
-            or '\n' in section_name
-            or section_name.startswith('@')
-            or section_name == OBJECT_NAMES_SECTION):
-            raise ValueError, section_name
-    def writeSection(self, subpath, section_name, data):
-        self._checkSectionName(section_name)
-        self._queue(subpath, section_name, data)
-    def writeNodeType(self, subpath, data):
-        self._queue(subpath, NODE_TYPE_SECTION, data)
-    def writeData(self, subpath, data, as_text=0):
-        self._queue(subpath, DATA_SECTION, (data, as_text))
-    def suggestExtension(self, subpath, ext):
-        self._queue(subpath, SUGGESTED_EXTENSION_SECTION, ext)
-    def readSection(self, subpath, section_name, default=None):
-        self._checkSectionName(section_name)
-        path = self._expandPath(subpath)
-        sections = self._getPropertiesFromFile(path)
-        return sections.get(section_name, default)
     def readNodeType(self, subpath):
-        path = self._expandPath(subpath)
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
         if not self.ops.exists(path):
-            raise NoStateFoundError(subpath)
+            raise LoadError("%s does not exist" % path)
         return self.ops.isdir(path) and 'd' or 'f'
     def readData(self, subpath, allow_missing=0, as_text=0):
-        path = self._expandPath(subpath)
-        isdir = self.ops.isdir(path)
-        # Read either the directory listing or the file contents.
-        if isdir:
-            # Return a sequence of object names.
-            return self._listDirectoryAsMapping(path).values()
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
         # Return a string.
             return self.ops.readfile(path, as_text)
@@ -236,12 +98,39 @@
                 return None
+    def readDirectory(self, subpath, allow_missing=0):
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
+        # Return a sequence of object names.
+        contents = self.afs.computeDirectoryContents(path, allow_missing)
+        fn_to_name, name_to_fn = contents
+        return name_to_fn.keys()
+    def readAnnotation(self, subpath, name, default=None):
+        self.afs.checkAnnotationName(name)
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
+        annotations = self.afs.getAnnotations(path)
+        return annotations.get(name, default)
+    def writeNodeType(self, subpath, data):
+        self._queue(subpath, node_type_ann, data)
+    def writeData(self, subpath, data, as_text=0):
+        self._queue(subpath, data_ann, (data, as_text))
+    def writeDirectory(self, subpath, names):
+        self._queue(subpath, file_list_ann, names)
+    def writeAnnotation(self, subpath, name, data):
+        self.afs.checkAnnotationName(name)
+        self._queue(subpath, name, data)
     def getExtension(self, subpath):
-        path = self._expandPath(subpath)
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
         stuff, ext = self.ops.splitext(path)
         return ext
+    def suggestExtension(self, subpath, ext):
+        self._queue(subpath, suggested_extension_ann, ext)
     def getModTime(self, subpath, default=0):
         """Returns the time an object was last modified.
@@ -250,10 +139,10 @@
         implementation returns the modification time of the most
         recently modified of the three.
-        path = self._expandPath(subpath)
-        props, remainder = self._getPropertyPaths(path)
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
+        extra = self.afs.getAnnotationPaths(path)
         maxtime = -1
-        for p in (path, props, remainder):
+        for p in (path,) + tuple(extra):
                 t = self.ops.getmtime(p)
             except OSError:
@@ -266,70 +155,12 @@
         return maxtime
-    def _getPropertyPaths(self, path):
-        """Returns the property and remainder paths for a path."""
-        if self.ops.isdir(path):
-            base_fn = self.ops.join(path, self.metadata_prefix)
-        else:
-            dirname, filename = self.ops.split(path)
-            base_fn = self.ops.join(dirname, '%s%s.' % (
-                self.metadata_prefix, filename))
-        return (base_fn + PROPERTIES_EXTENSION, base_fn + REMAINDER_EXTENSION)
-    def _getPropertiesFromFile(self, path):
-        """Reads the properties and remainder for a path."""
-        res = self._props_cache.get(path)
-        if res is not None:
-            return res
-        props_fn, rem_fn = self._getPropertyPaths(path)
-        res = {}
-        try:
-            data = self.ops.readfile(rem_fn, 0)
-        except IOError:
-            # The remainder file apparently does not exist
-            pass
-        else:
-            res[REMAINDER_SECTION] = data
-            # Note that the remainder can be overridden by the properties
-            # file.  Perhaps that should be prevented in the future.
-        try:
-            data = self.ops.readfile(props_fn, 1)
-        except IOError:
-            # The properties file apparently does not exist
-            self._props_cache.set(path, res)
-            return res
-        pos = 0
-        prev_section_name = None
-        while 1:
-            match = section_re.search(data, pos)
-            if match is None:
-                endpos = len(data)
-            else:
-                endpos = match.start()
-            if prev_section_name is not None:
-                # get the data and decode.
-                section = data[pos:endpos].replace('[[', '[')
-                res[prev_section_name] = section
-            if match is None:
-                break
-            else:
-                prev_section_name = match.group(1)
-                pos = match.end()
-        self._props_cache.set(path, res)
-        return res
-    def _writeFinal(self, subpath, sections):
-        """Performs an actual write of a file or directory to disk."""
-        # sections is a mapping.
-        path = self._expandPath(subpath)
-        t = sections[NODE_TYPE_SECTION]
+    def _writeFinal(self, subpath, anns):
+        """Performs an actual write of a file or directory to disk.
+        """
+        # anns is a mapping.
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
+        t = anns[node_type_ann]
         if not self.ops.exists(path):
             if t == 'd':
@@ -337,7 +168,7 @@
                 fn = self.ops.split(path)[1]
                 if '.' not in fn:
                     # This object has no extension and doesn't yet exist.
-                    ext = sections.get(SUGGESTED_EXTENSION_SECTION)
+                    ext = anns.get(suggested_extension_ann)
                     if ext:
                         # Try to use the suggested extension.
                         if not ext.startswith('.'):
@@ -347,59 +178,24 @@
                             # No file is in the way.
                             # Use the suggested extension.
                             path = p
-        props_fn, rem_fn = self._getPropertyPaths(path)
-        props_data = ''
-        rem_data = ''
-        items = sections.items()
-        items.sort()
-        try:
-            for name, value in items:
-                if name == NODE_TYPE_SECTION:
-                    continue
-                elif name == DATA_SECTION:
-                    data, as_text = value
-                    if t == 'd':
-                        # Change the list of subobjects.
-                        self._removeUnlinkedItems(path, data)
-                        props_data += self._formatSection(
-                            OBJECT_NAMES_SECTION, '\n'.join(data))
-                        self._disableConflictingExtensions(subpath, data)
-                        self._dir_cache.invalidate(path)
-                    else:
-                        # Change the file contents.
-                        self.ops.writefile(path, as_text, data)
-                elif name == SUGGESTED_EXTENSION_SECTION:
-                    # This doesn't need to be written.
-                    pass
-                elif name == REMAINDER_SECTION:
-                    # Write to the remainder file.
-                    rem_data = value
-                else:
-                    # Write a metadata section.
-                    props_data += self._formatSection(name, value)
-        finally:
-            self._writeOrRemove(props_fn, 1, props_data)
-            self._writeOrRemove(rem_fn, 0, rem_data)
-            self._props_cache.invalidate(path)
-            # The file might be new, so invalidate the directory.
-            self._dir_cache.invalidate(self.ops.dirname(path))
-    def _formatSection(self, name, text):
-        s = '[%s]\n%s\n' % (name, text.replace('[', '[['))
-        if not text.endswith('\n'):
-            s += '\n'
-        return s
-    def _writeOrRemove(self, fn, as_text, data):
-        """If data is provided, write it.  Otherwise remove the file.
-        """
-        if data:
-            self.ops.writefile(fn, as_text, data)
-        else:
-            if self.ops.exists(fn):
-                self.ops.remove(fn)
+        to_write = {}
+        for name, value in anns.items():
+            if (name == node_type_ann
+                or name == suggested_extension_ann):
+                # Doesn't need to be written.
+                continue
+            elif name == data_ann:
+                data, as_text = value
+                self.ops.writefile(path, as_text, data)
+            elif name == file_list_ann:
+                # Change the list of subobjects.
+                self._removeUnlinkedItems(path, value)
+                to_write[object_names_ann] = '\n'.join(value)
+                self._disableConflictingExtensions(subpath, value)
+                self.afs.invalidate(path)
+            else:
+                to_write[name] = value
+        self.afs.writeAnnotations(path, to_write)
     def _removeUnlinkedItems(self, path, names):
@@ -407,26 +203,26 @@
         linked = {}
         for name in names:
             linked[name] = 1
-        for fn, obj_name in self._listDirectoryAsMapping(path).items():
+        fn_to_name, name_to_fn = self.afs.computeDirectoryContents(path)
+        for fn, obj_name in fn_to_name.items():
             if not linked.get(obj_name):
                 item_fn = self.ops.join(path, fn)
                 if self.ops.isdir(item_fn):
-                    props_fn, rem_fn = self._getPropertyPaths(item_fn)
-                    if self.ops.exists(props_fn):
-                        self.ops.remove(props_fn)
-                    if self.ops.exists(rem_fn):
-                        self.ops.remove(rem_fn)
+                    extra_paths = self.afs.getAnnotationPaths(item_fn)
+                    for p in extra_paths:
+                        if self.ops.exists(p):
+                            self.ops.remove(p)
     def _disableConflictingExtensions(self, subpath, obj_names):
         """Fixes collisions before writing files in a directory.
-        Enforces the rule: if 'foo.*' is in the
-        database, 'foo' may not have an automatic extension.
-        Enforces by un-queuing suggested extensions.
+        Enforces the rule: if 'foo.*' is in the database, 'foo' may
+        not have an automatic extension.  Enforces by un-queuing
+        suggested extensions.
         reserved = {}  # { object name without extension -> 1 }
         for obj_name in obj_names:
@@ -436,14 +232,13 @@
         if not reserved:
             # No objects have extensions.
         while subpath.endswith('/'):
             subpath = subpath[:-1]
         for obj_name in obj_names:
             if reserved.has_key(obj_name):
                 # Prevent obj_name from using an automatic extension.
                 child_subpath = '%s/%s' % (subpath, obj_name)
-                self._queue(child_subpath, SUGGESTED_EXTENSION_SECTION,
+                self._queue(child_subpath, suggested_extension_ann,
                             '', force=1)
@@ -454,44 +249,52 @@
         transaction commit.
         non_containers = {}
-        for subpath, sections in items:
-            path = self._expandPath(subpath)
+        for subpath, anns in items:
+            path = self.getPath(subpath)
             exists = self.ops.exists(path)
             if exists and not self.ops.canwrite(path):
                 raise FSWriteError(
                     "Can't get write access to %s" % subpath)
             # type must be provided and must always be either 'd' or 'f'.
-            if (not sections.has_key(NODE_TYPE_SECTION)
-                or not sections.has_key(DATA_SECTION)):
+            if not anns.has_key(node_type_ann):
                 raise FSWriteError(
-                    'Data or node type not specified for %s' % subpath)
-            t = sections[NODE_TYPE_SECTION]
+                    'Node type not specified for %s' % subpath)
+            t = anns[node_type_ann]
             dir = self.ops.dirname(subpath)
             if non_containers.get(dir):
                 raise FSWriteError(
                     "Not a directory: %s" % dir)
-            data, as_text = sections[DATA_SECTION]
             if t == 'f':
+                data, as_text = anns[data_ann]
+                if anns.has_key(file_list_ann):
+                    raise FSWriteError(
+                        "Files can't have directory contents. %s"
+                        % subpath)
                 if exists and self.ops.isdir(path):
                     raise FSWriteError(
                         "Can't write file data to directory at %s"
                         % subpath)
                 non_containers[subpath] = 1
-                if not isinstance(data, StringType):
+                if not isinstance(data, type('')):
                     raise FSWriteError(
                         'Data for a file must be a string at %s'
                         % subpath)
             elif t == 'd':
+                data = anns[file_list_ann]
+                if anns.has_key(data_ann):
+                    raise FSWriteError(
+                        "Directories can't have file data. %s"
+                        % subpath)
                 if exists and not self.ops.isdir(path):
                     raise FSWriteError(
                         "Can't write directory contents to file at %s"
                         % subpath)
-                if isinstance(data, StringType):
+                if isinstance(data, type('')):
                     raise FSWriteError(
                         'Data for a directory must be a list or tuple at %s'
                         % subpath)
                 for item in data:
-                    if not self._isLegalFilename(item):
+                    if not self.afs.isLegalFilename(item):
                         raise FSWriteError(
                             'Not a legal object name: %s' % repr(item))
@@ -499,20 +302,20 @@
                     'Node type must be "d" or "f" at %s' % subpath)
-    def _queue(self, subpath, section_name, data, force=0):
+    def _queue(self, subpath, name, data, force=0):
         """Queues data to be written at commit time"""
         m = self._pending
-        sections = m.get(subpath)
-        if sections is None:
-            sections = {}
-            m[subpath] = sections
-        if sections.has_key(section_name) and not force:
-            if sections[section_name] != data:
+        anns = m.get(subpath)
+        if anns is None:
+            anns = {}
+            m[subpath] = anns
+        if anns.has_key(name) and not force:
+            if anns[name] != data:
                 raise FSWriteError(
                     'Conflicting data storage at %s (%s)' %
-                    (subpath, section_name))
+                    (subpath, name))
-            sections[section_name] = data
+            anns[name] = data
@@ -530,8 +333,7 @@
     def begin(self):
-        self._props_cache.clear()
-        self._dir_cache.clear()
+        self.afs.clearCache()
     def vote(self):
         """Do some early verification
@@ -546,8 +348,7 @@
     def reset(self):
         self._final = 0
-        self._props_cache.clear()
-        self._dir_cache.clear()
+        self.afs.clearCache()
     def abort(self):
@@ -557,8 +358,8 @@
                 items = self._pending.items()
                 items.sort()  # Ensure that base directories come first.
-                for subpath, sections in items:
-                    self._writeFinal(subpath, sections)
+                for subpath, anns in items:
+                    self._writeFinal(subpath, anns)
@@ -575,16 +376,14 @@
         return t
-    def getSources(self, subpath):
-        p = self._expandPath(subpath)
-        props, remainder = self._getPropertyPaths(p)
-        paths = (p, props, remainder)
+    def getPollSources(self, subpath):
+        path = self.getPath(subpath)
+        extra = self.afs.getAnnotationPaths(path)
+        paths = (path,) + tuple(extra)
         t = self._get_paths_mtime(paths)
         return {(self, paths): t}
-    def freshen(self, sources):
+    def poll(self, sources):
         """ISourceRepository implementation.
         Returns the changed items.
@@ -597,5 +396,3 @@
             if t != new_t:
                 res[source] = new_t
         return res

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/interfaces.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/interfaces.py:1.2	Wed Jul 30 17:33:02 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/interfaces.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -19,66 +19,83 @@
 from Interface import Interface
+class FSWriteError (Exception):
+    """Unable to write data"""
 class IFSConnection (Interface):
-    """Simple filesystem connection (with textual annotations).
+    """Simple filesystem connection with annotations.
-    def writeSection(subpath, section_name, data):
-        """Writes a text-based metadata section for a filesystem node."""
-    def writeNodeType(subpath, data):
-        """Writes the node type for a filesystem node.
+    def getPath(subpath):
+        """Returns the filesystem path for a subpath.
-        'd' (directory) and 'f' (file) are supported.
+        May automatically append an extension if the file already
+        exists.
-    def writeData(subpath, data, as_text=0):
-        """Writes data to a filesystem node.
+    def readNodeType(subpath):
+        """Reads the node type of a filesystem node.
+        """
-        In the case of directories, expects a tuple containing the names
-        of the files that should be in the directory.  In the case of
-        files, expects a string.
+    def readData(subpath, allow_missing=0, as_text=0):
+        """Reads the main data stream from a file.
-        If as_text is true, the file is written in text mode.  The
-        as_text flag is ignored for directories.
+        If the allow_missing flag is specified, this method returns
+        None if no such file is found.  If as_text is true, the file
+        is read in text mode.
-    def suggestExtension(subpath, ext):
-        """Suggests a filename extension for a filesystem node.
+    def readDirectory(subpath, allow_missing=0):
+        """Reads the contents of a directory.
-        The IFSConnection may use this information to store the file
-        with an automatically appended filename extension.
+        Returns a list of object names.  If the allow_missing flag is
+        specified, this method returns None if no such directory is
+        found.
-    def readSection(subpath, section_name, default=None):
-        """Reads a text-based metadata section.
+    def readAnnotation(subpath, name, default=None):
+        """Reads a text-based annotation for a file.
-    def readNodeType(subpath):
-        """Reads the node type of a filesystem node.
+    def writeNodeType(subpath, data):
+        """Writes the node type for a filesystem node.
+        'd' (directory) and 'f' (file) are supported.
-    def readData(subpath, allow_missing=0, as_text=0):
-        """Reads the data from a filesystem node.
+    def writeData(subpath, data, as_text=0):
+        """Writes string data to a filesystem node.
-        For files, this reads the main data stream.  For directories,
-        this returns a list of names.  If the allow_missing flag is
-        specified, this method returns None if no filesystem node is
-        found.
+        If 'as_text' is true, the file is written in text mode.
+        """
+    def writeDirectory(subpath, names):
+        """Writes data to a directory.
-        If as_text is true, the file is read in text mode.  The
-        as_text flag is ignored for directories.
+        'names' is a sequence of object names used for determining filenames..
+        """
+    def writeAnnotation(subpath, name, data):
+        """Writes a text-based annotation for a filesystem node.
     def getExtension(subpath):
-        """Returns the filename extension used for a filesystem node.
+        """Returns the filename extension for a subpath.
+        """
+    def suggestExtension(subpath, ext):
+        """Suggests a filename extension for a filesystem node.
+        The IFSConnection may use this information to store the file
+        with an automatically appended filename extension.
     def getModTime(subpath, default=0):
-        """Returns the modification time of a file.
+        """Returns the last-modified time of a file.
-    def getSources(subpath):
+    def getPollSources(subpath):
         """Returns source information for a subpath.
         The source information is a mapping that maps

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/properties.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/properties.py:1.3	Wed Jul  9 11:40:03 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/properties.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -58,7 +58,8 @@
 class FSProperties (FSGatewayBase):
-    """Simple properties to filesystem property section gateway."""
+    """Simple properties to filesystem properties annotation gateway.
+    """
     __implements__ = IGateway
@@ -67,14 +68,14 @@
     schema.addField('type', 'string')
     schema.addField('data', 'string')
-    def __init__(self, section='properties', conn_name='fs'):
-        self.section = str(section)
+    def __init__(self, annotation='properties', conn_name='fs'):
+        self.annotation = str(annotation)
         FSGatewayBase.__init__(self, conn_name)
     def load(self, event):
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        text = fs_conn.readSection(p, self.section, '')
+        text = fs_conn.readAnnotation(p, self.annotation, '')
         res = []
         if text:
             lines = text.split('\n')
@@ -95,29 +96,29 @@
             lines.append('%s:%s=%s' % (k, t, escape_string(v)))
         text = '\n'.join(lines)
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        fs_conn.writeSection(p, self.section, text)
+        fs_conn.writeAnnotation(p, self.annotation, text)
         state = list(state)
         return tuple(state)
-class FSSectionData (FSGatewayBase):
-    """Text to filesystem property section gateway."""
+class FSAnnotationData (FSGatewayBase):
+    """Text to filesystem property annotation gateway."""
     __implements__ = IGateway
     schema = FieldSchema('data', 'string')
-    def __init__(self, section, conn_name='fs'):
-        self.section = str(section)
+    def __init__(self, annotation, conn_name='fs'):
+        self.annotation = str(annotation)
         FSGatewayBase.__init__(self, conn_name)
     def load(self, event):
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        p = event.getKey()
-        state = fs_conn.readSection(p, self.section, '').strip()
+        p = event.oid
+        state = fs_conn.readAnnotation(p, self.annotation, '').strip()
         return state, state
     def store(self, event, state):
@@ -125,8 +126,8 @@
             raise ValueError('Not a string: %s' % repr(state))
         state = state.strip()
         if state:
-            p = event.getKey()
+            p = event.oid
             fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-            fs_conn.writeSection(p, self.section, state)
+            fs_conn.writeAnnotation(p, self.annotation, state)
         return state

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/security.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/security.py:1.2	Tue Apr 29 18:11:50 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/security.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -16,9 +16,8 @@
-from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway
+from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway, MappingError
 from apelib.core.schemas import RowSequenceSchema
-from apelib.core.exceptions import MappingError
 from params import stringToParams, paramsToString
 from base import FSGatewayBase
@@ -35,14 +34,13 @@
     schema.addField('permission', 'string')
     schema.addField('username', 'string')
-    def __init__(self, section='security', conn_name='fs'):
-        self.section = section
+    def __init__(self, annotation='security', conn_name='fs'):
+        self.annotation = annotation
         FSGatewayBase.__init__(self, conn_name)
     def load(self, event):
-        key = event.getKey()
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        text = fs_conn.readSection(key, self.section, '')
+        text = fs_conn.readAnnotation(event.oid, self.annotation, '')
         res = []
         if text:
             lines = text.split('\n')
@@ -68,7 +66,7 @@
                             raise ValueError(
                                 "Could not read security declaration "
-                                "%s for %s" % (repr(line), repr(key)))
+                                "%s for %s" % (repr(line), repr(event.oid)))
         return res, tuple(res)
@@ -90,7 +88,7 @@
             text = '\n'.join(lines)
             fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-            fs_conn.writeSection(event.getKey(), self.section, text)
+            fs_conn.writeAnnotation(event.oid, self.annotation, text)
         state = list(state)
         return tuple(state)
@@ -110,7 +108,7 @@
     def load(self, event):
         c = self.getConnection(event)
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         assert c.readNodeType(p) == 'f'
         text = c.readData(p)
         res = []
@@ -158,7 +156,7 @@
             domainlist = self._joinList(domains)
             to_write = '%s:%s:%s:%s' % (id, password, rolelist, domainlist)
             replace_lines[id] = to_write
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
         fs_conn.writeNodeType(p, 'f')
         text = fs_conn.readData(p, allow_missing=1)

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/structure.py 1.4 => 1.5 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/structure.py:1.4	Wed Jul 30 17:33:02 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/structure.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:20 2004
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 from types import StringType
-from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway
+from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway, LoadError
 from apelib.core.schemas import FieldSchema, RowSequenceSchema
 from base import FSGatewayBase
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
     def load(self, event):
         c = self.getConnection(event)
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         assert c.readNodeType(p) == 'f'
         state = c.readData(p, as_text=self.text)
         return state, state
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         if not isinstance(state, StringType):
             raise ValueError('Not a string: %s' % repr(state))
         c = self.getConnection(event)
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         c.writeNodeType(p, 'f')
         c.writeData(p, state, as_text=self.text)
         return state
@@ -65,12 +65,12 @@
     schema = FieldSchema('id', 'string')
     def getIdFrom(self, event):
-        path = event.getKey()
-        pos = path.rfind('/')
+        p = event.oid
+        pos = p.rfind('/')
         if pos >= 0:
-            return path[pos + 1:]
+            return p[pos + 1:]
-            return path
+            return p
     def load(self, event):
         id = self.getIdFrom(event)
@@ -79,13 +79,13 @@
     def store(self, event, state):
         id = self.getIdFrom(event)
         if state != id:
-            raise ValueError('Mismatched file ID')
+            raise ValueError('Mismatched object name: %s != %s' %
+                             (state, id))
         return id
-    def getSources(self, event):
+    def getPollSources(self, event):
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
-        return fs_conn.getSources(event.getKey())
+        return fs_conn.getPollSources(event.oid)
 class FSDirectoryItems (FSGatewayBase):
@@ -94,36 +94,36 @@
     __implements__ = IGateway
     schema = RowSequenceSchema()
-    schema.addField('id', 'string', 1)
-    schema.addField('keychain', 'keychain')
+    schema.addField('key', 'string', 1)
+    schema.addField('oid', 'string')
     def load(self, event):
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         c = self.getConnection(event)
         assert c.readNodeType(p) == 'd'
-        names = c.readData(p)
+        names = c.readDirectory(p)
         res = []
         for name in names:
-            keychain = event.makeKeychain(name, 0)
-            res.append((name, keychain))
+            oid = event.conf.oid_gen.new_oid(event, name, False)
+            res.append((name, oid))
         res = tuple(res)
         return res, res
     def store(self, event, state):
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         c = self.getConnection(event)
         c.writeNodeType(p, 'd')
         state = list(state)
         if __debug__:
-            for name, keychain in state:
-                expect = event.makeKeychain(name, 0)
-                assert expect == keychain, (
-                    "Child of %s named %s must use keychain %s, but used %s" %
-                    (event.getKeychain(), name, expect, keychain))
+            for name, oid in state:
+                expect = event.conf.oid_gen.new_oid(event, name, False)
+                assert expect == oid, (
+                    "Child of %s named %s must use OID %s, but used %s" %
+                    (event.oid, name, expect, oid))
         names = [row[0] for row in state]
-        c.writeData(p, names)
+        c.writeDirectory(p, names)
         return tuple(state)
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
     schema = FieldSchema('mtime', 'int')
     def load(self, event):
-        p = event.getKey()
+        p = event.oid
         fs_conn = self.getConnection(event)
         state = long(fs_conn.getModTime(p))
         return state, None  # Use None as the hash (see store())
@@ -145,3 +145,57 @@
         # time of a file.  Ignore by returning None as the hash.
         return None
+class RootDirectoryItems (FSGatewayBase):
+    """Read/write the root object.
+    The root object is stored as a normal directory with one special feature:
+    the name 'Application' is always present and points to the OID '/'.  This
+    allows the root object to be stored inside the application object.
+    """
+    __implements__ = IGateway
+    schema = RowSequenceSchema()
+    schema.addField('key', 'string', 1)
+    schema.addField('oid', 'string')
+    def load(self, event):
+        p = event.oid
+        c = self.getConnection(event)
+        try:
+            t = c.readNodeType(p)
+        except LoadError:
+            # The root object doesn't exist, but it's reasonable
+            # to infer a state anyway.
+            names = []
+        else:
+            assert t == 'd', 'The root object must be a directory'
+            names = c.readDirectory(p)
+            names.sort()
+        res = [('Application', '/')]
+        for name in names:
+            if name != 'Application':
+                oid = event.conf.oid_gen.new_oid(event, name, False)
+                res.append((name, oid))
+        res = tuple(res)
+        return res, res
+    def store(self, event, state):
+        p = event.oid
+        c = self.getConnection(event)
+        c.writeNodeType(p, 'd')
+        state = list(state)
+        state.sort()
+        names = []
+        for name, oid in state:
+            if name == 'Application':
+                expect = '/'
+            else:
+                expect = event.conf.oid_gen.new_oid(event, name, False)
+                names.append(name)
+            assert expect == oid, (
+                "Child of %s named %s must use OID %s, but used %s" %
+                (event.oid, name, expect, oid))
+        c.writeDirectory(p, names)
+        return tuple(state)

=== Removed File Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/cache.py ===

=== Removed File Products/Ape/lib/apelib/fs/exceptions.py ===

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