[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3 - zodbtables.py:1.2 connection.py:1.7 consts.py:1.2 db.py:1.6 interfaces.py:1.2 scanner.py:1.3 serializers.py:1.4 storage.py:1.9 utils.py:1.3 gateways.py:NONE oidencoder.py:NONE

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Mon Feb 2 10:07:53 EST 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv26672/lib/apelib/zodb3

Modified Files:
	connection.py consts.py db.py interfaces.py scanner.py 
	serializers.py storage.py utils.py 
Added Files:
Removed Files:
	gateways.py oidencoder.py 
Log Message:
Moved ape-0_8-branch to the HEAD.

>From CHANGES.txt:

- Major restructuring to reduce the number of concepts in
  Ape. Keychains and keys have been replaced with simple string OIDs.
  There is now a flat namespace of mappers instead of a tree.  Only
  one classifier and one OID generator are used in any object

- The ZODB root object is now stored on the filesystem.

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/zodbtables.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- /dev/null	Mon Feb  2 10:07:53 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/zodbtables.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2003 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
+"""ZODB tables with support for basic relational operations.
+from ZODB import Persistent
+from BTrees.IIBTree import IITreeSet, intersection
+from BTrees.IOBTree import IOBTree
+from BTrees.OIBTree import OIBTree
+from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
+from Record import Record
+class DuplicateError(Exception):
+    """Duplicated data record"""
+class Column:
+    def __init__(self, name, primary, indexed):
+        self.name = name        # string
+        self.primary = primary  # boolean
+        self.indexed = indexed  # boolean
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, self.name)
+class TableSchema:
+    reserved_names = ('rid',)
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.columns = []
+        self.column_names = {}
+    def addColumn(self, name, primary=0, indexed=0):
+        if name in self.reserved_names:
+            raise ValueError, "Column name %s is reserved" % repr(name)
+        if self.column_names.has_key(name):
+            raise ValueError, "Column %s already exists" % repr(name)
+        self.column_names[name] = 1
+        self.columns.append(Column(name, primary, indexed))
+    def getColumns(self):
+        return tuple(self.columns)
+    def __repr__(self):
+        names = []
+        for c in self.columns:
+            names.append(c.name)
+        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(names))
+class TableRecordMixin:
+    def __repr__(self):
+        items = []
+        for name, position in self.__record_schema__.items():
+            value = repr(getattr(self, name))
+            items.append((position, "%s=%s" % (name, value)))
+        items.sort()
+        params = []
+        for position, p in items:
+            params.append(p)
+        return "<%s(%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(params))
+class Table(Persistent):
+    """Simple, generic relational table.
+    """
+    schema = None
+    _v_record_class = None
+    def __init__(self, schema=None):
+        if schema is not None:
+            self.schema = schema
+        columns = schema.getColumns()
+        self.col_info = []  # [(tuple position, column),]
+        self.positions = {}
+        for i in range(len(columns)):
+            # Leave space for the record ID at position 0.
+            position = i + 1
+            self.col_info.append((position, columns[i]))
+            self.positions[columns[i].name] = position
+        self.proto_record = [None] * (len(columns) + 1)
+        self.next_rid = 1
+        self.clear()
+    def clear(self):
+        self.data = IOBTree()  # {rid -> record as tuple}
+        self.indexes = {}      # {index_name -> OOBTree({value -> IITreeSet})}
+        self.primary_index = OIBTree()  # {primary key -> rid}
+        for position, column in self.col_info:
+            if column.indexed:
+                self.indexes[column.name] = OOBTree()
+    def tuplify(self, params):
+        """Accepts a mapping-like object and returns a tuple.
+        """
+        record = self.proto_record[:]
+        positions = self.positions
+        if hasattr(params, '__record_schema__'):
+            for name in params.__record_schema__.keys():
+                position = positions[name]
+                record[position] = params[name]
+        else:
+            for name, value in params.items():
+                position = positions[name]
+                record[position] = value
+        return tuple(record)
+    def insert(self, params):
+        record = self.tuplify(params)
+        # Determine the primary key.
+        primary_key = []
+        for position, column in self.col_info:
+            if column.primary:
+                if record[position] is None:
+                    raise ValueError, (
+                        "No value provided for primary key column %s"
+                        % repr(column.name))
+                primary_key.append(record[position])
+        if primary_key:
+            primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
+            if self.primary_index.has_key(primary_key):
+                raise DuplicateError(
+                    "Primary key %s in use" % repr(primary_key))
+        # Add a record.
+        rid = self.next_rid
+        self.next_rid += 1   # XXX Hotspot!
+        record = (rid,) + record[1:]
+        self.data[rid] = record
+        if primary_key:
+            self.primary_index[primary_key] = rid
+        # Add to indexes.
+        for position, column in self.col_info:
+            name = column.name
+            value = record[position]
+            if value is not None:
+                if self.indexes.has_key(name):
+                    set = self.indexes[name].get(value)
+                    if set is None:
+                        set = IITreeSet()
+                        self.indexes[name][value] = set
+                    set.insert(rid)
+        # Return the number of rows inserted.
+        return 1
+    def delete(self, filter):
+        rids = self._select_rids(self.tuplify(filter))
+        if rids is None:
+            # Zap everything
+            count = len(self.data)
+            self.clear()
+            return count
+        elif not rids:
+            # No rows selected
+            return 0
+        rids = tuple(rids)  # Make sure rids is a static sequence
+        for rid in rids:
+            old_r = self.data[rid]
+            assert old_r[0] == rid
+            primary_key = []
+            for position, column in self.col_info:
+                old_value = old_r[position]
+                if old_value is not None:
+                    if column.primary:
+                        primary_key.append(old_value)
+                    # Remove from indexes.
+                    index = self.indexes.get(column.name)
+                    if index is not None:
+                        if index.has_key(old_value):
+                            # Remove an index entry.
+                            set = index[old_value]
+                            set.remove(rid)
+                            if not set:
+                                del index[old_value]
+            if primary_key:
+                # Remove a primary key.
+                primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
+                assert self.primary_index[primary_key] == rid
+                del self.primary_index[primary_key]
+            # Remove the data.
+            del self.data[rid]
+        return len(rids)
+    def update(self, filter, changes):
+        rids = self._select_rids(self.tuplify(filter))
+        if rids is None:
+            rids = self.data.keys()
+        elif not rids:
+            # Nothing needs to be updated.
+            return 0
+        count = len(rids)
+        # Identify changes.
+        old_data = {}    # rid -> old tuple
+        new_data = {}    # rid -> new tuple
+        old_to_new = {}  # old primary key -> new primary key
+        new_to_rid = {}  # new primary key -> rid
+        record = self.tuplify(changes)
+        for rid in rids:
+            old_r = self.data[rid]
+            old_data[rid] = old_r
+            new_r = list(old_r)
+            # new_r and old_r contain record tuples.
+            for position, column in self.col_info:
+                if record[position] is not None:
+                    new_r[position] = record[position]
+            new_data[rid] = tuple(new_r)
+            # Hmm.  The code below allows an update to change the primary
+            # key.  It might be better to prevent primary key columns from
+            # being changed by an update() call.
+            opk = []
+            npk = []
+            for position, column in self.col_info:
+                if column.primary:
+                    opk.append(old_r[position])
+                    npk.append(new_r[position])
+            if opk != npk:
+                opk = tuple(opk)
+                npk = tuple(npk)
+                old_to_new[opk] = npk
+                new_to_rid[npk] = rid
+        # Look for primary key conflicts.  A primary key conflict can
+        # occur when changing a record to a different primary key and
+        # the new primary key is already in use.
+        for pk in old_to_new.values():
+            if (self.primary_index.has_key(pk)
+                and not old_to_new.has_key(pk)):
+                raise DuplicateError("Primary key %s in use" % repr(pk))
+        # Update the data.
+        self.data.update(new_data)
+        # Remove old primary key indexes and insert new primary key indexes.
+        for pk in old_to_new.keys():
+            del self.primary_index[pk]
+        self.primary_index.update(new_to_rid)
+        # Update indexes.
+        for rid, old_r in old_data.items():
+            for position, column in self.col_info:
+                index = self.indexes.get(column.name)
+                if index is not None:
+                    new_value = record[position]
+                    old_value = old_r[position]
+                    if new_value != old_value:
+                        if old_value is not None and index.has_key(old_value):
+                            # Remove an index entry.
+                            set = index[old_value]
+                            set.remove(rid)
+                            if not set:
+                                del index[old_value]
+                        if new_value is not None:
+                            # Add an index entry.
+                            set = index.get(new_value)
+                            if set is None:
+                                set = IITreeSet()
+                                index[new_value] = set
+                            set.insert(rid)
+        # Return the number of rows affected.
+        return count
+    def getRecordClass(self):
+        klass = self._v_record_class
+        if klass is None:
+            schema = {'rid': 0}
+            for position, column in self.col_info:
+                schema[column.name] = position
+            class TableRecord(TableRecordMixin, Record):
+                __record_schema__ = schema
+            self._v_record_class = klass = TableRecord
+        return klass
+    def select(self, filter):
+        rids = self._select_rids(self.tuplify(filter))
+        if rids is None:
+            # All
+            klass = self.getRecordClass()
+            return [klass(rec) for rec in self.data.values()]
+        elif rids:
+            # Some
+            klass = self.getRecordClass()
+            data = self.data
+            return [klass(data[rid]) for rid in rids]
+        else:
+            # None
+            return []
+    def _select_rids(self, query):
+        """Searches the table for matches, returning record ids.
+        Returns a sequence of record ids, or None for all records.
+        """
+        primary_key = []
+        params = 0  # The number of parameters specified
+        primary_params = 0  # The number of primary params specified
+        for position, column in self.col_info:
+            value = query[position]
+            if value is not None:
+                params += 1
+                if column.primary:
+                    primary_params += 1
+                    if primary_key is not None:
+                        primary_key.append(value)
+            elif column.primary:
+                # Didn't fully specify the primary key.
+                # Can't search by primary key.
+                primary_key = None
+        if not params:
+            # No query.  Select all.
+            return None
+        # First strategy: try to satisfy the request by consulting
+        # the primary key index.
+        if primary_key:
+            # The primary key is complete.  The result set will have
+            # either zero rows or one row.
+            primary_key = tuple(primary_key)
+            rid = self.primary_index.get(primary_key)
+            if rid is None:
+                return ()
+            # Possibly filter out the single item.
+            if params > primary_params:
+                cand = self.data[rid]
+                for position, column in self.col_info:
+                    if query[position] is not None:
+                        if cand[position] != query[position]:
+                            # Not a match.
+                            return ()
+            return (rid,)
+        # Second strategy: try to satisfy the request by intersecting
+        # indexes.
+        rids = None
+        iteration_filters = []
+        for position, column in self.col_info:
+            value = query[position]
+            if value is not None:
+                index = self.indexes.get(column.name)
+                if index is None:
+                    iteration_filters.append((position, value))
+                else:
+                    set = index.get(value)
+                    if set is None:
+                        # No rows satisfy this criterion.
+                        return ()
+                    if rids is None:
+                        rids = set
+                    else:
+                        rids = intersection(rids, set)
+                    if not rids:
+                        # No rows satisfy all criteria.
+                        return ()
+        if rids is not None:
+            rids = rids.keys()
+        if not iteration_filters:
+            # Indexes did all the work.  No need to search each record.
+            return rids
+        # Fallback strategy: Eliminate items one by one.
+        if rids is None:
+            # Use the whole data set.
+            candidates = self.data.values()
+        else:
+            # Use the specified records.
+            candidates = [self.data[rid] for rid in rids]
+        rids = []
+        append = rids.append
+        for cand in candidates:
+            for position, value in iteration_filters:
+                if cand[position] != value:
+                    # Not a match.
+                    break
+            else:
+                # A match.
+                append(cand[0])
+        return rids
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<%s(schema=%s)>" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.schema))

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/connection.py 1.6 => 1.7 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/connection.py:1.6	Wed Jul 30 17:33:12 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/connection.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -23,7 +23,8 @@
 from cPickle import Unpickler, Pickler
 from Acquisition import aq_base
-from ZODB import Persistent
+from Persistence import Persistent
+from ZODB.Transaction import Transaction
 from ZODB.POSException \
      import ConflictError, ReadConflictError, InvalidObjectReference, \
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
 from consts import HASH0, DEBUG
 from apelib.core.io import ObjectSystemIO, ClassifiedState
-from apelib.core.interfaces import IKeyedObjectSystem
+from apelib.core.interfaces import IObjectDatabase, LoadError
 class ApeConnection (Connection):
@@ -49,28 +50,57 @@
     _osio = None
     _scan_ctl = None
-    __implements__ = (IKeyedObjectSystem,
+    __implements__ = (IObjectDatabase,
                       getattr(Connection, '__implements__', ()))
     def _setDB(self, odb):
         Connection._setDB(self, odb)
-        if odb._scan_ctl is not None:
+        pool_ctl = odb.pool_scan_ctl
+        if pool_ctl is not None:
             ctl = self._scan_ctl
             if ctl is None:
-                self._scan_ctl = ctl = odb._scan_ctl.newConnection()
-            if ctl.ready():
+                self._scan_ctl = ctl = pool_ctl.newConnection()
+            if ctl.elapsed():
+                # Let the scanner know which OIDs matter.
+                # If it's time, scan on behalf of the whole pool.
+                if pool_ctl.elapsed():
+                    pool_ctl.scan()
                 # If there were any invalidations, process them now.
                 if self._invalidated:
+    def _prepareRoot(self):
+        osio = self.getObjectSystemIO()
+        oid = osio.conf.oid_gen.root_oid
+        try:
+            self[oid]
+        except (KeyError, LoadError):
+            # Create the root object.
+            from Persistence import PersistentMapping
+            root = PersistentMapping()
+            root._p_jar = self
+            root._p_changed = 1
+            root._p_oid = oid
+            t = Transaction()
+            t.note('Initial database creation')
+            self.tpc_begin(t)
+            self.commit(root, t)
+            self.tpc_vote(t)
+            self.tpc_finish(t)
+    def root(self):
+        osio = self.getObjectSystemIO()
+        oid = osio.conf.oid_gen.root_oid
+        return self[oid]
     def getObjectSystemIO(self):
         osio = self._osio
         if osio is None:
-            root_mapper = self._db._mapper_resource.access(self)
-            osio = ObjectSystemIO(root_mapper, self)
+            conf = self._db._conf_resource.access(self)
+            osio = ObjectSystemIO(conf, self)
             self._osio = osio
         return osio
@@ -82,7 +112,7 @@
             if db is not None and self._osio is not None:
                 self._osio = None
-                db._mapper_resource.release(self)
+                db._conf_resource.release(self)
     def __getitem__(self, oid, tt=type(())):
@@ -103,17 +133,18 @@
             raise "Could not load oid %s, pickled data in traceback info may\
             contain clues" % (oid)
         osio = self.getObjectSystemIO()
-        object = osio.newObject(classified_state)
-        assert object is not None
+        obj = osio.newObject(classified_state)
+        assert obj is not None
-        object._p_oid=oid
-        object._p_jar=self
-        object._p_changed=None
-        self._cache[oid] = object
-        if oid=='\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0':
-            self._root_=object # keep a ref
-        return object
+        obj._p_oid=oid
+        obj._p_jar=self
+        obj._p_changed=None
+        self._cache[oid] = obj
+        if oid == osio.conf.oid_gen.root_oid:
+            self._root_=obj # keep a ref
+        return obj
     def _persistent_load(self, oid, hints=None):
@@ -125,17 +156,17 @@
             return obj
         if hints:
-            mapper_names = hints.get('mapper_names')
-            if mapper_names is not None:
-                classified_state = ClassifiedState(None, None, mapper_names)
+            mapper_name = hints.get('mapper_name')
+            if mapper_name is not None:
+                classified_state = ClassifiedState(None, None, mapper_name)
                 osio = self.getObjectSystemIO()
-                object = osio.newObject(classified_state)
-                if object is not None:
-                    object._p_oid=oid
-                    object._p_jar=self
-                    object._p_changed=None
-                    self._cache[oid] = object
-                    return object
+                obj = osio.newObject(classified_state)
+                if obj is not None:
+                    obj._p_oid=oid
+                    obj._p_jar=self
+                    obj._p_changed=None
+                    self._cache[oid] = obj
+                    return obj
         # We don't have enough info for fast loading.  Load the whole object.
         return self[oid]
@@ -147,8 +178,8 @@
             self._begun = 1
-    def commit(self, object, transaction):
-        if object is self:
+    def commit(self, obj, transaction):
+        if obj is self:
             # We registered ourself.  Execute a commit action, if any.
             if self._Connection__onCommitActions is not None:
@@ -156,8 +187,8 @@
                 apply(getattr(self, method_name), (transaction,) + args, kw)
-        oid=object._p_oid
-        assert oid != 'unmanaged', repr(object)
+        oid=obj._p_oid
+        assert oid != 'unmanaged', repr(obj)
         invalid = self._invalid
@@ -165,20 +196,20 @@
         if modified is None:
             modified = self._invalidating
-        if oid is None or object._p_jar is not self:
+        if oid is None or obj._p_jar is not self:
             # new object
             oid = self.new_oid()
-            object._p_jar=self
-            object._p_oid=oid
+            obj._p_jar=self
+            obj._p_oid=oid
-        elif object._p_changed:
+        elif obj._p_changed:
             if (
-                (invalid(oid) and not hasattr(object, '_p_resolveConflict'))
+                (invalid(oid) and not hasattr(obj, '_p_resolveConflict'))
-                raise ConflictError(object=object)
+                raise ConflictError(object=obj)
@@ -187,7 +218,7 @@
-        stack=[object]
+        stack=[obj]
@@ -205,11 +236,11 @@
         while stack:
-            object=stack[-1]
+            obj=stack[-1]
             del stack[-1]
-            oid=object._p_oid
-            assert oid != 'unmanaged', repr(object)
-            serial = self.getSerial(object)
+            oid=obj._p_oid
+            assert oid != 'unmanaged', repr(obj)
+            serial = self.getSerial(obj)
             if serial == HASH0:
                 # new object
@@ -219,29 +250,27 @@
                 # for the first object on the stack.
                 if (
                     (invalid(oid) and
-                     not hasattr(object, '_p_resolveConflict'))
+                     not hasattr(obj, '_p_resolveConflict'))
-                    raise ConflictError(object=object)
+                    raise ConflictError(object=obj)
             # SDH: hook in the serializer.
-            # state=object.__getstate__()
-            oid_encoder = self._db._oid_encoder
-            keychain = oid_encoder.decode(oid)
+            # state=obj.__getstate__()
             osio = self.getObjectSystemIO()
-            event, classified_state = osio.serialize(keychain, object)
-            ext_refs = event.getExternalRefs()
+            event, classified_state = osio.serialize(oid, obj)
+            ext_refs = event.external
             if ext_refs:
-                for (ext_keychain, ext_ref) in ext_refs:
+                for (ext_oid, ext_ref) in ext_refs:
                     if self.getSerial(ext_ref) == HASH0:
-                        ext_oid = oid_encoder.encode(ext_keychain)
+                        # New object
                         if ext_ref._p_jar is not None:
                             if ext_ref._p_jar is not self:
                                 raise InvalidObjectReference, (
                                     "Can't refer from %s in %s to %s in %s"
-                                    % (repr(object), repr(self), repr(ext_ref),
+                                    % (repr(obj), repr(self), repr(ext_ref),
                             ext_ref._p_jar = self
@@ -252,9 +281,8 @@
                             ext_ref._p_oid = ext_oid
-            unmanaged = event.getUnmanagedPersistentObjects()
-            if unmanaged:
-                self.handleUnmanaged(object, unmanaged)
+            if event.upos:
+                self.handleUnmanaged(obj, event.upos)
@@ -266,7 +294,7 @@
             # Put the object in the cache before handling the
             # response, just in case the response contains the
             # serial number for a newly created object
-            try: cache[oid] = object
+            try: cache[oid] = obj
             except ValueError:
                 # "Cannot re-register an object under a different
                 # oid".  This can happen when the user is working on
@@ -274,20 +302,20 @@
                 # was used recently.  Try to fix it by minimizing
                 # the cache and trying again.
-                cache[oid] = object
+                cache[oid] = obj
-                if aq_base(object) is not object:
+                if aq_base(obj) is not obj:
                     # Yuck, someone tried to store a wrapper.  Try to
                     # cache it unwrapped.
-                    cache[oid] = aq_base(object)
+                    cache[oid] = aq_base(obj)
             self._handle_serial(s, oid)
-    def setstate(self, object):
-        oid=object._p_oid
+    def setstate(self, obj):
+        oid=obj._p_oid
         if self._storage is None:
             msg = ("Shouldn't load state for %s "
@@ -312,9 +340,9 @@
             #invalid = self._invalidated.get
             invalid = self._invalid
             if invalid(oid) or invalid(None):
-                if not hasattr(object.__class__, '_p_independent'):
+                if not hasattr(obj.__class__, '_p_independent'):
-                    raise ReadConflictError(object=object)
+                    raise ReadConflictError(object=obj)
@@ -331,23 +359,21 @@
             # else:
             #     d=object.__dict__
             #     for k,v in state.items(): d[k]=v
-            keychain = self._db._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
             osio = self.getObjectSystemIO()
-            event = osio.deserialize(keychain, object, classified_state)
+            event = osio.deserialize(oid, obj, classified_state)
-            unmanaged = event.getUnmanagedPersistentObjects()
-            if unmanaged:
-                self.handleUnmanaged(object, unmanaged)
+            if event.upos:
+                self.handleUnmanaged(obj, event.upos)
-            self.setSerial(object, serial)
+            self.setSerial(obj, serial)
             if invalid:
-                if object._p_independent():
+                if obj._p_independent():
                     try: del self._invalidated[oid]
                     except KeyError: pass
-                    raise ConflictError(object=object)
+                    raise ConflictError(object=obj)
         except ConflictError:
@@ -357,12 +383,12 @@
-    def register(self, object):
+    def register(self, obj):
         """Register an object with the appropriate transaction manager.
-        assert object._p_jar is self
-        if object._p_oid is not None:
-            get_transaction().register(object)
+        assert obj._p_jar is self
+        if obj._p_oid is not None:
+            get_transaction().register(obj)
         # else someone is trying to trick ZODB into registering an
         # object with no OID.  OFS.Image.File._read_data() does this.
         # Since ApeConnection really needs meaningful OIDs, just ignore
@@ -377,39 +403,37 @@
         return '<%s at %08x%s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), ver)
-    def handleUnmanaged(self, object, unmanaged):
+    def handleUnmanaged(self, obj, unmanaged):
+        # Add an event handler to unmanaged subobjects.
+        # The event handler calls self.register() when it changes.
         for o in unmanaged:
             if isinstance(o, Persistent):
                 if o._p_jar is None:
                     o._p_oid = 'unmanaged'
-                    o._p_jar = UnmanagedJar(self, object._p_oid)
+                    o._p_jar = UnmanagedJar(self, obj._p_oid)
-                    # Turn off the "changed" flag
                     o._p_changed = 0
-    # IKeyedObjectSystem implementation
+    # IObjectDatabase implementation
-    def getObject(self, keychain, hints=None):
-        oid = self._db._oid_encoder.encode(keychain)
-        return self._persistent_load(oid, hints)
+    getObject = _persistent_load
-    def identifyObject(self, obj):
-        oid = obj._p_oid
+    def identify(self, obj):
+        try:
+            oid = obj._p_oid
+        except AttributeError:
+            raise TypeError("%s does not subclass Persistent" % repr(obj))
         if oid is None:
             return None
         if obj._p_jar is not self:
             raise InvalidObjectReference, (
                 "Can't refer to %s, located in %s, from %s"
                 % (repr(obj), repr(obj._p_jar), repr(self)))
-        return self._db._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
+        return oid
-    def newKey(self):
-        oid = self.new_oid()
-        keychain = self._db._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
-        return keychain[-1]
-    loadStub = getObject  # Deprecated
+    def new_oid(self):
+        return self._storage.new_oid()
     def getClass(self, module, name):
@@ -426,11 +450,9 @@
             if ob._p_changed is not None:
                 p, serial = self._storage.load(oid, self._version)
                 if serial != self.getSerial(ob):
-                    keychain = self._db._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
                     raise StorageError(
-                        "Inconsistent serial for keychain %s" % repr(keychain))
+                        "Inconsistent serial for oid %s" % repr(oid))
     def exportFile(self, oid, file=None):
         raise NotImplementedError, 'ZEXP Export not implemented'
@@ -446,7 +468,7 @@
     # a _serials dictionary.
     _serials = None
+    serial_cleanup_threshold = 1000
     def getSerial(self, ob):
         oid = ob._p_oid
@@ -468,10 +490,10 @@
             self._serials = serials
         if not serials.has_key(oid):
             # When the number of recorded serials exceeds the number of
-            # cache entries by SERIAL_CLEANUP_THRESHOLD, prune the serials
+            # cache entries by serial_cleanup_threshold, prune the serials
             # dictionary.
             if (len(serials) >= len(self._cache) +
-                self.SERIAL_CLEANUP_THRESHOLD):
+                self.serial_cleanup_threshold):
                 # clean up
                 cache_get = self._cache.get
                 for oid in serials.keys():

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/consts.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/consts.py:1.1	Wed Apr  9 23:09:58 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/consts.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -23,6 +23,5 @@
     DEBUG = 0
-ROOT_OID = '\0' * 8
 HASH0 = '\0' * 8
 HASH1 = '\0' * 7 + '\001'

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/db.py 1.5 => 1.6 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/db.py:1.5	Thu Aug 14 16:22:36 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/db.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -16,20 +16,20 @@
-from ZODB.DB import DB, Transaction, cPickle, cStringIO, allocate_lock
+import cPickle
+import cStringIO
-from apelib.core.interfaces import IMapper
-from apelib.core.exceptions import ConfigurationError
+from ZODB.DB import DB, Transaction, allocate_lock
+from apelib.core.interfaces import ConfigurationError
 from connection import ApeConnection
 from storage import ApeStorage
-from oidencoder import OIDEncoder
 from resource import StaticResource
-from interfaces import IResourceAccess, IOIDEncoder
+from interfaces import IResourceAccess
-def callMapperFactory(factory, kw):
-    """Returns (mapper, tpc_conns) given the name of a factory and arguments.
+def callConfFactory(factory, kw):
+    """Returns (conf, conns) given the name of a factory and arguments.
     pos = factory.rfind('.')
     if pos < 0:
@@ -50,9 +50,8 @@
     # SDH: some extra args.
     def __init__(self, storage,
-                 mapper_resource=None,
+                 conf_resource=None,
-                 oid_encoder=None,
@@ -64,25 +63,25 @@
         """Create an object database.
-        if mapper_resource is None:
+        if conf_resource is None:
             if factory is not None:
-                # Use a mapper factory
-                mapper, connections = callMapperFactory(factory, kw)
-                assert IMapper.isImplementedBy(mapper)
-                mapper_resource = StaticResource(mapper)
+                # Use a configuration factory
+                conf, connections = callConfFactory(factory, kw)
+                conf_resource = StaticResource(conf)
                 if kw:
                     raise ConfigurationError('Extra keyword args: %s' % kw)
                 if isinstance(storage, ApeStorage):
-                    # Use the mapper from the storage
-                    mapper_resource = storage.getMapperResource()
+                    # Use the configuration from the storage
+                    conf_resource = storage.getConfResource()
-                    raise ConfigurationError('No mapper or factory specified')
+                    raise ConfigurationError(
+                        'No configuration or factory specified')
-            # mapper_resource was specified
+            # conf_resource was specified
             if kw:
                 raise ConfigurationError('Extra keyword args: %s' % kw)
-            assert IResourceAccess.isImplementedBy(mapper_resource)
+            assert IResourceAccess.isImplementedBy(conf_resource)
             assert factory is None
         # Allocate locks:
@@ -107,19 +106,15 @@
         storage.registerDB(self, None)
         if not hasattr(storage,'tpc_vote'): storage.tpc_vote=lambda *args: None
-        if oid_encoder is None:
-            oid_encoder = OIDEncoder()
-        else:
-            assert IOIDEncoder.isImplementedBy(oid_encoder)
-        self._oid_encoder = oid_encoder
-        self._mapper_resource = mapper_resource
+        self._conf_resource = conf_resource
         scan_interval = int(scan_interval)
         if scan_interval > 0:
-            from scanner import ScanControl
-            ctl = ScanControl(db=self, scan_interval=scan_interval)
-            self._scan_ctl = ctl
-            ctl.scanner.setStorage(storage)
-            storage.setScanner(ctl.scanner)
+            from scanner import PoolScanControl, Scanner
+            pool_ctl = PoolScanControl(storage, db=self, scan_interval=scan_interval)
+            self.pool_scan_ctl = pool_ctl
+            scanner = Scanner()
+            storage.scanner = scanner
+            scanner.storage = storage
             self._scan_ctl = None
@@ -131,4 +126,11 @@
         if hasattr(storage, 'undoInfo'):
+        # Create the root object if it doesn't exist
+        c = self.open()
+        try:
+            c._prepareRoot()
+        finally:
+            c.close()

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/interfaces.py 1.1 => 1.2 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/interfaces.py:1.1	Wed Apr  9 23:09:58 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/interfaces.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -19,15 +19,6 @@
 from Interface import Interface
-class IOIDEncoder (Interface):
-    def decode(oid):
-        "Returns a keychain (a tuple) given an OID"
-    def encode(keychain):
-        "Returns an OID (a string) given a keychain"
 class IResourceAccess (Interface):
     """Provides access to a resource that may need periodic updates.

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/scanner.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/scanner.py:1.2	Wed Jul 30 17:33:12 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/scanner.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -27,23 +27,36 @@
 # FUTURE_TIMEOUT defines how long to keep source information regarding
 # OIDs that might be used soon.
+future_timeout = 10 * 60
-class ScanControl:
+class PoolScanControl:
+    """Scanning for a pool of connections.
-    def __init__(self, db=None, scan_interval=10):
+    A ScanControl instance is an attribute of an ApeDB instance.  The
+    actual scanning is delegated to a Scanner instance attached to an
+    ApeStorage.  The delegation theoretically permits scanning to
+    occur on a ZEO server while the ScanControl instances run on
+    separate ZEO clients.
+    Assigns scanner-specific identities to database connections for
+    the purpose of tracking which OIDs are still in use.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, storage, db=None, scan_interval=10):
+        self.storage = storage
         self.db = db
         self.next_conn_id = 1
         self.conn_oids = IOBTree()   # IOBTree({ conn_id -> OOSet([oid]) } })
         self.oids = OOSet()          # OOSet([oid])
-        self.scanner = Scanner()
         self.lock = allocate_lock()
         self.scan_interval = scan_interval
         self.next_scan = time() + scan_interval
     def newConnection(self):
+        """Returns a ConnectionScanControl to attach to a new connection.
+        """
             conn_id = self.next_conn_id
@@ -54,6 +67,8 @@
     def setConnectionOIDs(self, conn_id, oids):
+        """Records the OIDs a connection is using and periodically scans.
+        """
         changed = 0
         new_oids = OOSet()
@@ -71,48 +86,73 @@
         if changed:
-            self.scanner.setOIDs(new_oids)
-        self.mayScan()
+            self.storage.scanner.setOIDs(new_oids)
-    def mayScan(self):
+    def elapsed(self):
+        """Returns true if the scan interval has elapsed.
+        """
         now = time()
         if now >= self.next_scan:
             self.next_scan = now + self.scan_interval
-            LOG('Ape', DEBUG, 'Scanning %d objects.' % len(self.oids))
-            inv = self.scanner.scan()
-            self.scanner.pruneFuture()
-            LOG('Ape', DEBUG,
-                'Finished scanning. %d objects changed.' % len(inv))
-            if inv:
-                d = {}
-                for oid in inv:
-                    d[oid] = 1
-                if self.db is not None:
-                    self.db.invalidate(d)
-                else:
-                    LOG('Ape', DEBUG, "No database set, so can't invalidate!")
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def scan(self):
+        """Runs a scan and sends invalidation messages to the database.
+        """
+        LOG('Ape', DEBUG, 'Scanning %d objects.' % len(self.oids))
+        scanner = self.storage.scanner
+        inv = scanner.scan(prune)
+        scanner.pruneFuture()
+        LOG('Ape', DEBUG,
+            'Finished scanning. %d objects changed.' % len(inv))
+        if inv:
+            # Some objects changed and the caches need to be invalidated.
+            d = {}
+            for oid in inv:
+                d[oid] = 1
+            if self.db is not None:
+                self.db.invalidate(d)
+            else:
+                LOG('Ape', DEBUG, "No database set, so can't invalidate!")
 class ConnectionScanControl:
+    """Scanning for a database connection (an ApeConnection.)
-    def __init__(self, ctl, conn_id):
-        self.ctl = ctl
+    Delegates to a ScanControl, which in turn delegates to a Scanner.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, pool_ctl, conn_id):
+        self.pool_ctl = pool_ctl
         self.conn_id = conn_id
         self.next_update = 0
-    def ready(self):
+    def elapsed(self):
+        """Returns true if the connection-specific scan interval has elapsed.
+        The interval prevents connections from calling setOIDs() with
+        excessive frequency.
+        """
         now = time()
         if now >= self.next_update:
-            self.next_update = now + self.ctl.scan_interval
+            self.next_update = now + self.pool_ctl.scan_interval
             return 1
         return 0
     def setOIDs(self, oids):
-        self.ctl.setConnectionOIDs(self.conn_id, oids)
+        """Records the OIDs this connection is using.
+        """
+        self.pool_ctl.setConnectionOIDs(self.conn_id, oids)
 class Scanner:
+    """Scanning for an ApeStorage.
+    Uses gateways to scan for changes.
+    """
     def __init__(self):
         self.current = OOBTree()  # OOBTree({ oid -> {source->state} })
@@ -121,11 +161,12 @@
         self.lock = allocate_lock()
         self.storage = None
-    def setStorage(self, s):
-        # This is needed for calling storage.getSources().
-        self.storage = s
     def setOIDs(self, oids):
+        """Sets the list of OIDs to scan.
+        Gathers source information about new OIDs and discards
+        source information for OIDs no longer in use.
+        """
         new_sources = {}  # { oid -> sourcedict }
@@ -149,7 +190,7 @@
                 LOG('Ape', DEBUG, 'Getting sources for %d oids.'
                     % len(new_sources))
                 for oid in new_sources.keys():
-                    new_sources[oid] = self.storage.getSources(oid)
+                    new_sources[oid] = self.storage.getPollSources(oid)
                 LOG('Ape', DEBUG, "Can't get sources for %d oids. "
                     "Assuming no sources!" % len(new_sources))
@@ -169,22 +210,29 @@
-    def setSources(self, oid, sources):
+    def afterLoad(self, oid, sources):
+        """Called by the storage after an object is loaded.
+        """
         if sources is None:
             sources = {}
-            if self.current.has_key(oid):
-                # This OID is known to be in use.
-                self.current[oid] = sources
-            else:
-                # This OID might be useful soon.
+            if not self.current.has_key(oid):
+                # This object is being loaded for the first time.
+                # Make a record of its current state immediately
+                # so that the next scan can pick up changes.
                 self.future[oid] = (sources, time())
+            # else we already have info about this object, and now
+            # isn't a good time to update self.current since that
+            # would prevent changes from being detected at a time when
+            # it's possible to send invalidation messages.
-    def setUncommittedSources(self, tid, oid, sources):
+    def afterStore(self, oid, tid, sources):
+        """Called by the storage after an object is stored (but not committed.)
+        """
             t = self.uncommitted.setdefault(tid, {})
@@ -194,6 +242,8 @@
     def scan(self):
+        """Scan sources, returning the OIDs of changed objects.
+        """
         to_scan = {}        # { repo -> { source -> state } }
         to_invalidate = {}  # { oid -> 1 }
         self.lock.acquire()  # lock because oid_states might be self.current.
@@ -206,7 +256,7 @@
         changes = {}
         for repo, d in to_scan.items():
-            c = repo.freshen(d)
+            c = repo.poll(d)
             if c:
         if changes:
@@ -225,11 +275,13 @@
     def pruneFuture(self):
+        """Prunes the cache of future source information.
+        """
         if self.future:
                 # OIDs older than some timeout will probably never be loaded.
-                cutoff = time() - FUTURE_TIMEOUT
+                cutoff = time() - future_timeout
                 for oid, (sources, atime) in self.future.items():
                     if atime < cutoff:
                         del self.future[oid]
@@ -240,6 +292,8 @@
     def afterCommit(self, tid):
+        """Commits information recorded by setUncommittedSources().
+        """
             if not self.uncommitted.has_key(tid):
@@ -251,23 +305,35 @@
         # Update the sources with new states for the committed OIDs.
         to_scan = {}        # { repo -> { source -> state } }
         for oid, sources in t.items():
-            for source, state in sources.items():
-                repo, location = source
-                to_scan.setdefault(repo, {})[source] = state
+            if sources:
+                for source, state in sources.items():
+                    repo, location = source
+                    to_scan.setdefault(repo, {})[source] = state
         changes = {}
         for repo, d in to_scan.items():
-            c = repo.freshen(d)
+            c = repo.poll(d)
             if c:
-        for oid, sources in t.items():
-            new_sources = {}
-            for source, state in sources.items():
-                state = changes.get(source, state)
-                new_sources[source] = state
-            self.setSources(oid, new_sources)
+        self.lock.acquire()
+        try:
+            now = time()
+            for oid, sources in t.items():
+                new_sources = {}
+                if sources:
+                    for source, state in sources.items():
+                        state = changes.get(source, state)
+                        new_sources[source] = state
+                if self.current.has_key(oid):
+                    self.current[oid] = new_sources
+                else:
+                    self.future[oid] = (new_sources, now)
+        finally:
+            self.lock.release()
     def afterAbort(self, tid):
+        """Aborts information recorded by setUncommittedSources().
+        """
             if self.uncommitted.has_key(tid):

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/serializers.py 1.3 => 1.4 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/serializers.py:1.3	Tue Sep 16 17:00:07 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/serializers.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
 import os
 from cStringIO import StringIO
-from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler, UnpickleableError
+from cPickle import Pickler, Unpickler, UnpickleableError, loads, dumps
 import time
 from types import DictType
@@ -28,99 +28,78 @@
 from apelib.core.interfaces \
      import ISerializer, IFullSerializationEvent, IFullDeserializationEvent
 from apelib.core.events import SerializationEvent, DeserializationEvent
-from apelib.core.exceptions import SerializationError
+from apelib.core.interfaces import SerializationError
 from apelib.core.schemas import RowSequenceSchema, FieldSchema
-class BasicPersistentMapping:
-    """Basic PersistentMapping (de)serializer
+class StringToPersistentPM:
+    """String-to-Persistent PersistentMapping (de)serializer
-    This version assumes the PM maps string keys to object references.
+    Requires that the PM maps string keys to first-class persistent
+    objects.
     __implements__ = ISerializer
     schema = RowSequenceSchema()
     schema.addField('key', 'string', 1)
-    schema.addField('keychain', 'keychain')
+    schema.addField('oid', 'string')
-    def getSchema(self):
-        return self.schema
-    def canSerialize(self, object):
-        return isinstance(object, PersistentMapping)
+    def canSerialize(self, obj):
+        return isinstance(obj, PersistentMapping)
-    def serialize(self, obj, event):
-        assert self.canSerialize(obj)
+    def serialize(self, event):
+        assert self.canSerialize(event.obj)
         res = []
-        for key, value in obj.items():
-            keychain = event.identifyObject(value)
-            if keychain is None:
-                keychain = event.makeKeychain(key, 1)
-            event.notifySerializedRef(key, value, 0, keychain)
-            res.append((key, keychain))
-        event.ignoreAttribute('data')
-        event.ignoreAttribute('_container')
+        for key, value in event.obj.items():
+            oid = event.obj_db.identify(value)
+            if oid is None:
+                oid = event.conf.oid_gen.new_oid(event, key, True)
+            event.referenced(key, value, False, oid)
+            res.append((key, oid))
+        event.ignore(('data', '_container'))
         return res
-    def deserialize(self, obj, event, state):
-        assert self.canSerialize(obj)
+    def deserialize(self, event, state):
+        assert self.canSerialize(event.obj)
         data = {}
-        for (key, keychain) in state:
-            value = event.dereference(key, keychain)
+        for (key, oid) in state:
+            value = event.resolve(key, oid)
             data[key] = value
-        obj.__init__(data)
+        event.obj.__init__(data)
-class FixedPersistentMapping:
-    """Unchanging persistent mapping.
+class StringToPicklePM:
+    """String-to-Pickle PersistentMapping (de)serializer
-    Generally used for a ZODB root object.
+    Requires that the PM maps string keys to second-class persistent
+    objects.
     __implements__ = ISerializer
-    def __init__(self):
-        # map: { name -> (keychain, mapper) }
-        self.map = {}
-    def add(self, name, keychain, mapper_names=None):
-        self.map[name] = (keychain, mapper_names)
-    def getSchema(self):
-        return None  # No storage
-    def canSerialize(self, object):
-        return isinstance(object, PersistentMapping)
-    def serialize(self, object, event):
-        names = object.keys()
-        names.sort()
-        expected = self.map.keys()
-        expected.sort()
-        assert names == expected, '%s != %s' % (names, expected)
-        for name in names:
-            keychain, mapper_names = self.map[name]
-            subob = object[name]
-            event.notifySerializedRef(name, subob, 0, keychain)
+    schema = RowSequenceSchema()
+    schema.addField('key', 'string', 1)
+    schema.addField('value', 'string')
-        # One of the two will work. ;-)
-        event.ignoreAttribute('data')
-        event.ignoreAttribute('_container')
+    def canSerialize(self, obj):
+        return isinstance(obj, PersistentMapping)
+    def serialize(self, event):
+        assert self.canSerialize(event.obj)
+        res = []
+        for key, value in event.obj.items():
+            res.append((key, dumps(value)))
+            event.serialized(key, value, False)
+        event.ignore(('data', '_container'))
+        return res
-    def deserialize(self, object, event, state):
-        assert state is None
+    def deserialize(self, event, state):
+        assert self.canSerialize(event.obj)
         data = {}
-        for name, (keychain, mapper_names) in self.map.items():
-            subob = event.dereference(name, keychain,
-                                      {'mapper_names': mapper_names})
-            data[name] = subob
-        # The PersistentMapping doesn't have its data or _container
-        # attribute yet, and we don't know what its name should be
-        # since PersistentMapping's internal structure is not fixed.
-        # So call the PersistentMapping's constructor.
-        object.__init__(data)
+        for (key, p) in state:
+            value = loads(p)
+            data[key] = value
+            event.deserialized(key, value)
+        event.obj.__init__(data)
 class RollCall:
@@ -129,30 +108,28 @@
     Designed for debugging purposes.
     __implements__ = ISerializer
+    schema = None  # No storage
-    def getSchema(self):
-        return None  # No storage
-    def canSerialize(self, object):
+    def canSerialize(self, obj):
         return 1
-    def serialize(self, object, event):
+    def serialize(self, event):
         assert IFullSerializationEvent.isImplementedBy(event)
         attrs = event.getSerializedAttributeNames()
         attrs_map = {}
         for attr in attrs:
             attrs_map[attr] = 1
         missed = []
-        for k in object.__dict__.keys():
+        for k in event.obj.__dict__.keys():
             if not k.startswith('_v_') and not attrs_map.has_key(k):
         if missed:
             raise SerializationError(
-                'Attribute(s) %s of object at %s not serialized' %
-                (', '.join(missed), repr(event.getKeychain())))
+                'Attribute(s) %s of object %s, oid=%s, not serialized' %
+                (', '.join(missed), repr(event.obj), repr(event.oid)))
         return None
-    def deserialize(self, object, event, state):
+    def deserialize(self, event, state):
         assert state is None
@@ -163,26 +140,23 @@
     schema = FieldSchema('data', 'string')
-    def getSchema(self):
-        return self.schema
-    def canSerialize(self, object):
+    def canSerialize(self, obj):
-            return isinstance(object, Persistent)
+            return isinstance(obj, Persistent)
         except TypeError:
             # XXX Python 2.1 thinks Persistent is not a class
             return 0
-    def serialize(self, object, event):
+    def serialize(self, event):
         assert IFullSerializationEvent.isImplementedBy(event)
-        assert isinstance(object, Persistent)
+        assert isinstance(event.obj, Persistent)
         # Allow pickling of cyclic references to the object.
-        event.notifySerialized('self', object, 0)
+        event.serialized('self', event.obj, False)
         # Ignore previously serialized attributes
-        state = object.__dict__.copy()
+        state = event.obj.__dict__.copy()
         for key in state.keys():
             if key.startswith('_v_'):
                 del state[key]
@@ -197,9 +171,9 @@
         p = Pickler(outfile)
         unmanaged = []
-        def persistent_id(ob, getInternalRef=event.getInternalRef,
+        def persistent_id(ob, identifyInternal=event.identifyInternal,
-            ref = getInternalRef(ob)
+            ref = identifyInternal(ob)
             if ref is None:
                 if hasattr(ob, '_p_oid'):
                     # Persistent objects that end up in the remainder
@@ -237,8 +211,8 @@
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     'Unable to pickle the %s attribute, %s, '
                     'of %s at %s.  %s.' % (
-                    repr(attrname), repr(attrvalue), repr(object),
-                    repr(event.getKeychain()), str(exc)))
+                    repr(attrname), repr(attrvalue), repr(event.obj),
+                    repr(event.oid), str(exc)))
                 # Couldn't help.
@@ -246,42 +220,43 @@
         p.persistent_id = lambda ob: None  # Stop recording references
         s = outfile.getvalue()
-        event.addUnmanagedPersistentObjects(unmanaged)
+        event.upos.extend(unmanaged)
         return s
-    def deserialize(self, object, event, state):
+    def deserialize(self, event, state):
         assert IFullDeserializationEvent.isImplementedBy(event)
-        assert isinstance(object, Persistent)
+        assert isinstance(event.obj, Persistent)
-        # Set up to recover cyclic references to the object.
-        event.notifyDeserialized('self', object)
+        # Set up to resolve cyclic references to the object.
+        event.deserialized('self', event.obj)
         if state:
             infile = StringIO(state)
             u = Unpickler(infile)
-            u.persistent_load = event.loadInternalRef
+            u.persistent_load = event.resolveInternal
             s = u.load()
-            object.__dict__.update(s)
+            event.obj.__dict__.update(s)
                 unmanaged = u.load()
             except EOFError:
                 # old pickle with no list of unmanaged objects
-                event.addUnmanagedPersistentObjects(unmanaged)
+                event.upos.extend(unmanaged)
 class ModTimeAttribute:
-    """Sets the _p_mtime attribute."""
+    """Sets the _p_mtime attribute.
+    XXX Due to a ZODB limitation, this class has to set the _p_mtime
+    by setting _p_serial.
+    """
     __implements__ = ISerializer
     schema = FieldSchema('mtime', 'int')
-    def getSchema(self):
-        return self.schema
     def canSerialize(self, obj):
             return isinstance(obj, Persistent)
@@ -295,14 +270,14 @@
         args = time.gmtime(t)[:5] + (t%60,)
         obj._p_serial = repr(TimeStamp(*args))
-    def serialize(self, obj, event):
+    def serialize(self, event):
         now = long(time.time())
-        if obj._p_changed:
+        if event.obj._p_changed:
             # Indicate that this object just changed.  Note that the time
             # is a guess.
-            self.setTime(obj, now)
+            self.setTime(event.obj, now)
         return now
-    def deserialize(self, obj, event, state):
-        self.setTime(obj, state)
+    def deserialize(self, event, state):
+        self.setTime(event.obj, state)

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/storage.py 1.8 => 1.9 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/storage.py:1.8	Tue Sep 16 17:00:07 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/storage.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-"""Storage implementation that loads/stores using a mapper.
+"""Storage implementation that loads/stores using Ape mappers.
@@ -23,30 +23,21 @@
 from ZODB import POSException, BaseStorage
 from apelib.core.io import GatewayIO
-from apelib.core.exceptions import NoStateFoundError, ConfigurationError
 from consts import HASH0, HASH1, DEBUG
-from oidencoder import OIDEncoder
-from interfaces import IResourceAccess, IOIDEncoder
+from interfaces import IResourceAccess
 class ApeStorage(BaseStorage.BaseStorage):
-    def __init__(self, mapper_resource, connections,
-                 oid_encoder=None, name='', clear_all=0):
+    def __init__(self, conf_resource, connections, name='', clear_all=0):
         """Initializes an ApeStorage.
-        mapper_resource is a resource for loading the mapper.
+        conf_resource is a resource for loading the IMapperConfiguration.
         connections is a mapping that maps names to ITPCConnections.
-        oid_encoder is an IOIDEncoder.
-        assert IResourceAccess.isImplementedBy(mapper_resource)
-        self._mapper_resource = mapper_resource
-        if oid_encoder is None:
-            oid_encoder = OIDEncoder()
-        else:
-            assert IOIDEncoder.isImplementedBy(oid_encoder)
-        self._oid_encoder = oid_encoder
-        gwio = GatewayIO(mapper_resource.access(self), connections)
+        assert IResourceAccess.isImplementedBy(conf_resource)
+        self._conf_resource = conf_resource
+        gwio = GatewayIO(conf_resource.access(self), connections)
         self._gwio = gwio
         self._conn_list = gwio.getConnectionList()
@@ -60,12 +51,9 @@
         if not name:
             name = 'ApeStorage: ' + ', '.join(names)
         self._ltid = None
-        self._scanner = None
+        self.scanner = None
         BaseStorage.BaseStorage.__init__(self, name)
-    def setScanner(self, s):
-        self._scanner = s
     def __len__(self):
         return 1
@@ -76,9 +64,6 @@
     def sortKey(self):
         return self._sort_key
-    def getMapperResource(self):
-        return self._mapper_resource
     def initDatabases(self, clear_all=0):
@@ -102,9 +87,8 @@
             raise POSException.Unsupported, "Versions aren't supported"
-            self._mapper_resource.access(self)  # Update mapper
-            keychain = self._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
-            event, classified_state, hash_value = self._gwio.load(keychain)
+            self._conf_resource.access(self)  # Update configuration
+            event, classified_state, hash_value = self._gwio.load(oid)
             file = StringIO()
             p = Pickler(file)
@@ -112,10 +96,9 @@
             h = self.hash64(hash_value)
             if DEBUG:
                 print 'loaded', `oid`, `h`
-            if self._scanner is not None:
-                gw = event.getMapper().getGateway()
-                sources = gw.getSources(event)
-                self._scanner.setSources(oid, sources)
+            if self.scanner is not None:
+                sources = event.mapper.gateway.getPollSources(event)
+                self.scanner.afterLoad(oid, sources)
             return data, h
@@ -129,47 +112,37 @@
-            self._mapper_resource.access(self)  # Update mapper
-            keychain = self._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
+            self._conf_resource.access(self)  # Update configuration
             # First detect conflicts.
             # The "h64" argument, if its value is not 0,
             # was previously generated by hash64().
             if DEBUG:
                 print 'storing', `oid`, `h64`
-            if h64 != HASH0:
+            if h64 == HASH0:
+                # Writing a new object.
+                is_new = True
+            else:
                 # Overwriting an old object.  Use the hash to verify
                 # that the new data was derived from the old data.
-                event, old_cs, old_hash = self._gwio.load(keychain)
+                is_new = False
+                event, old_cs, old_hash = self._gwio.load(oid)
                 old_h64 = self.hash64(old_hash)
                 if h64 != old_h64:
                     raise POSException.ConflictError(
                         "Storing %s based on old data. %s != %s" % (
-                        repr(keychain),
+                        repr(oid),
                         repr(h64), repr(old_h64)))
-            else:
-                # A new object.  Attempts to load should lead to
-                # NoStateFoundError or a hash of None, otherwise
-                # there's a conflict.
-                try:
-                    event, cs, old_hash = self._gwio.load(keychain)
-                except NoStateFoundError:
-                    pass
-                else:
-                    if old_hash is not None:
-                        raise POSException.ConflictError(
-                            "%s already exists" % repr(keychain))
             # Now unpickle and store the data.
             file = StringIO(data)
             u = Unpickler(file)
             classified_state = u.load()
-            event, new_hash = self._gwio.store(keychain, classified_state)
+            event, new_hash = self._gwio.store(oid, classified_state, is_new)
             new_h64 = self.hash64(new_hash)
-            if self._scanner is not None:
-                gw = event.getMapper().getGateway()
-                sources = gw.getSources(event)
-                self._scanner.setUncommittedSources(self._serial, oid, sources)
+            if self.scanner is not None:
+                sources = event.mapper.gateway.getPollSources(event)
+                self.scanner.afterStore(oid, self._serial, sources)
@@ -177,17 +150,15 @@
             print 'stored', `oid`, `h64`, `new_h64`
         return new_h64
-    def getSources(self, oid):
-        keychain = self._oid_encoder.decode(oid)
+    def getPollSources(self, oid):
-            return self._gwio.getSources(keychain)
+            return self._gwio.getPollSources(oid)
     def new_oid(self):
-        keychain = self._gwio.newKeychain()
-        return self._oid_encoder.encode(keychain)
+        return self._gwio.new_oid()
     def lastTransaction(self):
         return self._ltid
@@ -198,8 +169,8 @@
     def _abort(self):
         for c in self._conn_list:
-        if self._scanner is not None:
-            self._scanner.afterAbort(self._serial)
+        if self.scanner is not None:
+            self.scanner.afterAbort(self._serial)
     def _begin(self, tid, u, d, e):
         for c in self._conn_list:
@@ -209,8 +180,8 @@
         for c in self._conn_list:
         self._ltid = self._serial
-        if self._scanner is not None:
-            self._scanner.afterCommit(self._serial)
+        if self.scanner is not None:
+            self.scanner.afterCommit(self._serial)
     def _vote(self):
         for c in self._conn_list:
@@ -227,5 +198,5 @@
     def close(self):
         for c in self._conn_list:
-        self._mapper_resource.release(self)
+        self._conf_resource.release(self)

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/utils.py 1.2 => 1.3 ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/utils.py:1.2	Tue Sep 16 16:56:42 2003
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/utils.py	Mon Feb  2 10:07:22 2004
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 from types import StringType
-def copyOf(object):
+def copyOf(source):
     """Copies a ZODB object, loading subobjects as needed.
     Re-ghostifies objects along the way to save memory.
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@
     stream = StringIO()
     p = Pickler(stream, 1)
     p.persistent_id = persistent_id
-    p.dump(object)
+    p.dump(source)
     if former_ghosts:
         for g in former_ghosts:
             del g._p_changed

=== Removed File Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/gateways.py ===

=== Removed File Products/Ape/lib/apelib/zodb3/oidencoder.py ===

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