[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql - table.py: classification.py: dbapi.py: interfaces.py: oidgen.py: properties.py: security.py: sqlbase.py: structure.py:

Shane Hathaway shane at zope.com
Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv3989

Modified Files:
      Tag: sql-types-branch
	classification.py dbapi.py interfaces.py oidgen.py 
	properties.py security.py sqlbase.py structure.py 
Added Files:
      Tag: sql-types-branch
Log Message:
Created a branch for better mapping Python types to SQL databases.

Some databases do not automatically convert types (such as strings to 
integers).  This branch seeks to restructure apelib.sql in such a way 
that type conversion can be done in Python.

=== Added File Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/table.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2004 Zope Corporation and Contributors.
# All Rights Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.0 (ZPL).  A copy of the ZPL should accompany this distribution.
"""SQL implementation of IRDBMSTable.

$Id: table.py,v 2004/07/20 06:12:43 shane Exp $

from apelib.sql.interfaces import IRDBMSTable, IRDBMSColumn

class SQLTable:
    """Talks to a table via SQL."""

    __implements__ = IRDBMSTable

    def __init__(self, connection, name, columns):
        self.name = name
        self.execute = connection.execute
        for key, value in columns:
            assert IRDMSColumn.isImplementedBy(value)
        self.columns = dict(columns)
        self.column_order = [key for (key, value) in columns]

    def generate_conditions(self, col_names):
        clauses = [
            "%s = :%s" % (self.columns[c].name, c) for c in col_names]
        return ' AND '.join(clauses)

    def generate_select(self, filter_col_names, result_col_names):
        result_names = [self.columns[col].name for col in col_names]
        sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s' % (', '.join(result_names), self.name)
        where = self.generate_conditions(filter_col_names)
        if where:
            sql += ' WHERE %s' % where
        return sql

    def generate_insert(self, col_names):
        names = [self.columns[c].name for c in col_names]
        colfmts = [':%s' % c for c in col_names]
        return 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (
            self.name, ', '.join(names), ', '.join(colfmts))

    def generate_update(self, key_col_names, other_col_names):
        where = self.generate_conditions(key_col_names)
        to_set = [
            ("%s = :%s" % (self.columns[c].name, c))
            for c in other_col_names]
        return 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' % (
            self.name, ', '.join(to_set), where)

    def generate_delete(self, col_names):
        where = self.generate_conditions(col_names)
        sql = 'DELETE FROM %s' % self.name
        if where:
            sql += ' WHERE %s' % where
        return sql

    def prepare_for_db(self, col_names, data, oid=None):
        """Prepares one row for writing to the database."""
        res = {}
        for n in range(len(col_names)):
            c = col_names[n]
            res[c] = self.columns[c].to_db(data[n])
        if oid is not None:
            res['oid'] = self.columns[c].to_db(oid)
        return res

    # IRDBMSTable implementation.

    def select(self, result_col_names, **filter):
        """Selects rows from a table and returns column values for those rows.
        sql = self.generate_select(filter.keys(), result_col_names)
        f = {}
        for col_name, value in filter.items():
            f[col_name] = self.columns[col_name].to_db(value)
        db_res = self.execute(sql, f, fetch=1)
        # Convert the result to standard types.
        res = []
        from_db = []
        for n in range(len(result_col_names)):
            from_db.append((n, self.columns[result_col_names[n]].from_db))
        for row in db_res:
            r = [from_db(row[n]) for (n, column) in dbcols]
        return res

    def insert(self, col_names, row):
        """Inserts one row in the table.
        kw = self.prepare_for_db(col_names, row)
        sql = self.generate_insert(col_names)
        self.execute(sql, kw)

    def set_one(self, oid, col_names, row, is_new):
        """Sets one row in a table.

        Requires the table to have only one value for each oid.
        Executes either an update or insert operation, depending on
        the is_new argument and configured policies.
        kw = self.prepare_for_db(col_names, row, oid)
        if is_new:
            sql = self.generate_insert(('oid',) + tuple(col_names))
            self.execute(sql, kw)
            sql = self.generate_update(('oid',), col_names)
            self.execute(sql, kw)

    def set_many(self, oid, key_col_names, other_col_names, rows):
        """Sets multiple rows in a table.

        'rows' is a sequence of tuples containing values for the
        key_columns as well as the other_columns.

        Either deletes all rows for an oid and inserts new rows, or
        examines the current state of the database and modifies it in
        combo = tuple(key_col_names) + tuple(other_col_names)
        if not key_col_names:
            # Don't compare rows.  Just delete and insert.
            sql = self.generate_delete(('oid',))
            self.execute(sql, {'oid': oid})
            for row in rows:
                sql = self.generate_insert(('oid',) + combo)
                kw = self.prepare_for_db(combo, row, oid)
                self.execute(sql, kw)
        # Edit the table.
        exist_rows = self.select(combo, oid=oid)
        count = len(key_col_names)
        existing = {}
        for record in exist_rows:
            key = tuple(record[:count])
            value = tuple(record[count:])
            existing[key] = value
        now = {}
        for record in rows:
            key = tuple(record[:count])
            value = tuple(record[count:])
            now[key] = value
        # Delete and update rows.
        for key, value in existing.items():
            if not now.has_key(key):
                # Delete this row.
                sql = self.generate_delete(('oid',) + tuple(key_col_names))
                kw = self.prepare_for_db(key_col_names, key, oid)
                self.execute(sql, kw)
            elif now[key] != value:
                # Update this row.
                #print 'DIFFERENT:', now[key], value
                sql = self.generate_update(
                    ('oid',) + tuple(key_col_names), other_col_names)
                kw = self.prepare_for_db(combo, key + now[key], oid)
                self.execute(sql, kw)
        for key, value in now.items():
            if not existing.has_key(key):
                # Insert this row.
                sql = self.generate_insert(('oid',) + combo)
                kw = self.prepare_for_db(combo, key + value, oid)
                self.execute(sql, kw)

    def delete_rows(self, **filter):
        """Deletes rows from the table.
        sql = self.generate_delete(filter.keys())
        self.execute(sql, filter)

    def create(self):
        """Creates the table.
        pkeys = []
        for c in self.column_order:
            col = self.columns[c]
            constraints = ''
            if unique:
                constraints = ' NOT NULL'
                "%s %s%s" % (col.name, col.type, constraints))
        if pkeys:
            col_decls.append('PRIMARY KEY (%s)' % ', '.join(pkeys))
        sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (self.name, ', '.join(col_decls))

    def drop(self):
        """Drops the table.
        sql = "DROP TABLE %s" % self.name

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/classification.py 1.8 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/classification.py:1.8	Sat Mar 20 01:34:23 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/classification.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-from apelib.core.schemas import FieldSchema
+from apelib.core.schemas import FieldSchema, Column
 from apelib.core.interfaces import OIDConflictError
 from sqlbase import SQLGatewayBase
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
     __implements__ = SQLGatewayBase.__implements__
     schema = FieldSchema('classification', 'classification')
-    table = 'classification'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('class_name', 'string', 0),
-        ('mapper_name', 'string', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'classification'
+    columns = [
+        Column('class_name', 'string', 0),
+        Column('mapper_name', 'string', 0),
+        ]
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        rows = conn.select(self.table, self.columns, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        rows = table.select(self.column_names, oid=event.oid)
         classification = {}
         if rows:
             rec = rows[0]
@@ -47,11 +47,11 @@
         return classification, rec
     def store(self, event, classification):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
         row = (classification.get('class_name', ''),
                classification.get('mapper_name', ''))
-            conn.set_one(self.table, event.oid, self.columns, row, event.is_new)
+            table.set_one(event.oid, self.column_names, row, event.is_new)
         except conn.module.IntegrityError:
             raise OIDConflictError(event.oid)
         return row

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/dbapi.py 1.11 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/dbapi.py:1.11	Thu Apr 15 19:15:42 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/dbapi.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -34,10 +34,11 @@
     __implements__ = IRDBMSConnection, ITPCConnection
-    column_type_translations = {}  # { local type name -> db type name }
-    column_name_translations = {}  # { local col name -> db col name }
+    #column_type_translations = {}  # { local type name -> db type name }
+    #column_name_translations = {}  # { local col name -> db col name }
     module = None
     connector = None
+    tables = None
     def __init__(self, module_name, connect_expression, prefix=''):
         # connect_expression is a Python expression.
@@ -46,165 +47,17 @@
         self.connect_expression = connect_expression
         self.prefix = prefix
         self.connector = None
+        self.tables = {}
         self._final = 0
     def __repr__(self):
         return '<%s(module_name=%s)>' % (
             self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.module_name))
-    def translate_name(self, column_name):
-        """Returns a column name for a variable name.
-        Defaults to no translation.
-        """
-        return self.column_name_translations.get(column_name, column_name)
-    def translate_type(self, column_type):
-        """Returns a database type for a variable type.
-        If the type is unknown, raises KeyError.
-        """
-        return self.column_type_translations.get(column_type, column_type)
-    def generate_conditions(self, keys):
-        conditions = []
-        for key in keys:
-            clause = "%s = :%s" % (self.translate_name(key), key)
-            conditions.append(clause)
-        return ' AND '.join(conditions)
-    def generate_insert(self, table_name, columns):
-        dbcols = [self.translate_name(col) for col in columns]
-        colfmts = [':%s' % col for col in columns]
-        return 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (
-            table_name, ', '.join(dbcols), ', '.join(colfmts))
-    def generate_update(self, table_name, key_columns, other_columns):
-        where = self.generate_conditions(key_columns)
-        to_set = [
-            ("%s = :%s" % (self.translate_name(col), col))
-            for col in other_columns]
-        return 'UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s' % (
-            table_name, ', '.join(to_set), where)
-    def generate_delete(self, table_name, keys):
-        where = self.generate_conditions(keys)
-        sql = 'DELETE FROM %s' % table_name
-        if where:
-            sql += ' WHERE %s' % where
-        return sql
-    def make_dict(self, columns, data, oid=None):
-        res = {}
-        for n in range(len(columns)):
-            res[columns[n]] = data[n]
-        if oid is not None:
-            res['oid'] = oid
-        return res
     # IRDBMSConnection implementation.
-    def select(self, table, result_columns, **filter):
-        """Selects rows from a table and returns column values for those rows.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        dbcols = [self.translate_name(col) for col in result_columns]
-        where = self.generate_conditions(filter.keys())
-        sql = 'SELECT %s FROM %s' % (', '.join(dbcols), table_name)
-        if where:
-            sql += ' WHERE %s' % where
-        return self.execute(sql, filter, fetch=1)
-    def insert(self, table, columns, row):
-        """Inserts one row in the table.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        kw = self.make_dict(columns, row)
-        sql = self.generate_insert(table_name, columns)
-        self.execute(sql, kw)
-    def set_one(self, table, oid, columns, row, is_new):
-        """Sets one row in a table.
-        Requires the table to have only one value for each oid.
-        Executes either an update or insert operation, depending on
-        the is_new argument and configured policies.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        kw = self.make_dict(columns, row, oid)
-        if is_new:
-            sql = self.generate_insert(table_name, ('oid',) + tuple(columns))
-            self.execute(sql, kw)
-        else:
-            sql = self.generate_update(table_name, ('oid',), columns)
-            self.execute(sql, kw)
-    def set_many(self, table, oid, key_columns, other_columns, rows):
-        """Sets multiple rows in a table.
-        'rows' is a sequence of tuples containing values for the
-        key_columns as well as the other_columns.
-        Either deletes all rows for an oid and inserts new rows, or
-        examines the current state of the database and modifies it in
-        pieces.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        combo = tuple(key_columns) + tuple(other_columns)
-        if not key_columns:
-            # Don't compare rows.  Just delete and insert.
-            sql = self.generate_delete(table_name, ('oid',))
-            self.execute(sql, {'oid': oid})
-            for row in rows:
-                sql = self.generate_insert(table_name, ('oid',) + combo)
-                kw = self.make_dict(combo, row, oid)
-                self.execute(sql, kw)
-            return
-        # Edit the table.
-        exist_rows = self.select(table, combo, oid=oid)
-        count = len(key_columns)
-        existing = {}
-        for record in exist_rows:
-            key = tuple(record[:count])
-            value = tuple(record[count:])
-            existing[key] = value
-        now = {}
-        for record in rows:
-            key = tuple(record[:count])
-            value = tuple(record[count:])
-            now[key] = value
-        # Delete and update rows.
-        for key, value in existing.items():
-            if not now.has_key(key):
-                # Delete this row.
-                sql = self.generate_delete(
-                    table_name, ('oid',) + tuple(key_columns))
-                kw = self.make_dict(key_columns, key, oid)
-                self.execute(sql, kw)
-            elif now[key] != value:
-                # Update this row.
-                #print 'DIFFERENT:', now[key], value
-                sql = self.generate_update(
-                    table_name, ('oid',) + tuple(key_columns), other_columns)
-                kw = self.make_dict(combo, key + now[key], oid)
-                self.execute(sql, kw)
-        for key, value in now.items():
-            if not existing.has_key(key):
-                # Insert this row.
-                sql = self.generate_insert(table_name, ('oid',) + combo)
-                kw = self.make_dict(combo, key + value, oid)
-                self.execute(sql, kw)
-        return
-    def delete_from(self, table, **filter):
-        """Deletes rows from a table.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        sql = self.generate_delete(table_name, filter.keys())
-        self.execute(sql, filter)
     def exists(self, name, type_name):
         """Returns true if the specified database object exists.
@@ -216,32 +69,6 @@
         """Returns a list of existing table names.
         raise NotImplementedError("Abstract Method")
-    def create_table(self, table, column_defs):
-        """Creates a table.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        cols = []
-        pkeys = []
-        for name, typ, unique in column_defs:
-            col = self.translate_name(name)
-            db_type = self.translate_type(typ)
-            constraints = ''
-            if unique:
-                constraints = ' NOT NULL'
-                pkeys.append(col)
-            cols.append("%s %s%s" % (col, db_type, constraints))
-        if pkeys:
-            cols.append('PRIMARY KEY (%s)' % ', '.join(pkeys))
-        sql = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (table_name, ', '.join(cols))
-        self.execute(sql)
-    def drop_table(self, table):
-        """Drops a table.
-        """
-        table_name = self.prefix + table
-        sql = "DROP TABLE %s" % table_name
-        self.execute(sql)
     def create_sequence(self, name, start=1):
         """Creates a sequence.

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/interfaces.py 1.4 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/interfaces.py:1.4	Wed Mar 24 22:17:08 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/interfaces.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 from Interface import Interface
 from Interface.Attribute import Attribute
+from apelib.core.interfaces import IColumn
 class IRDBMSConnection (Interface):
     """Interface of basic RDBMS connections.
@@ -30,23 +32,57 @@
     connector = Attribute("connector", "The shared DB-API connection")
-    def select(table, result_columns, **filter):
-        """Selects rows from a table and returns column values for those rows.
+    def exists(name, type_name):
+        """Returns true if the specified database object exists.
+        'name' is the name of the object.  'type_name' is 'table' or
+        'sequence'.
-    def insert(table, columns, row):
-        """Inserts one row in a table.
+    def define_table(name, columns):
+        """Creates and returns an IRDBMSTable."""
+    def get_table(name):
+        """Returns a previously defined IRDBMSTable."""
+    def list_table_names():
+        """Returns a list of existing table names."""
+    def create_sequence(name, start=1):
+        """Creates a sequence."""
+    def reset_sequence(name, start=1):
+        """Resets a sequence to a starting value."""
+    def increment(name):
+        """Increments a sequence and returns the value.
+        Whether the value is before or after the increment is not specified.
-    def set_one(table, oid, columns, row, is_new):
-        """Sets one row in a table.
+class IRDBMSTable (Interface):
+    """A table in a database."""
+    def exists():
+        """Returns true if this table exists in the database."""
+    def select(result_columns, **filter):
+        """Selects rows from a table and returns column values for those rows.
+        """
+    def insert(columns, row):
+        """Inserts one row in the table."""
+    def set_one(oid, columns, row, is_new):
+        """Sets one row in the table.
         Executes either an update or insert operation, depending
         on the is_new argument and configured policies.
-    def set_many(table, oid, key_columns, other_columns, rows):
-        """Sets multiple rows in a table.
+    def set_many(oid, key_columns, other_columns, rows):
+        """Sets multiple rows in the table.
         'rows' is a sequence of tuples containing values for the
         key_columns as well as the other_columns.
@@ -56,41 +92,22 @@
-    def delete_from(table, **filter):
-        """Deletes rows from a table.
-        """
+    def delete_rows(**filter):
+        """Deletes rows from the table."""
-    def exists(name, type_name):
-        """Returns true if the specified database object exists.
+    def create():
+        """Creates the table."""
-        'name' is the name of the object.  'type_name' is 'table' or
-        'sequence'.
-        """
+    def drop():
+        """Drops the table."""
-    def list_table_names():
-        """Returns a list of existing table names.
-        """
-    def create_table(name, column_defs):
-        """Creates a table.
+class IRDBMSColumn (IColumn):
+    """A column associated with a specific database."""
-        column_defs is [(name, type, is_unique)].
-        """
+    def to_db(value):
+        """Converts a generic value to a database-specific value."""
-    def drop_table(table):
-        """Drops a table.
-        """
+    def from_db(value):
+        """Converts a database-specific value to a generic value."""
-    def create_sequence(name, start=1):
-        """Creates a sequence.
-        """
-    def reset_sequence(name, start=1):
-        """Resets a sequence to a starting value.
-        """
-    def increment(name):
-        """Increments a sequence and returns the value.
-        Whether the value is before or after the increment is not specified.
-        """

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/oidgen.py 1.5 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/oidgen.py:1.5	Fri Mar 26 10:52:49 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/oidgen.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -26,13 +26,13 @@
     __implements__ = (interfaces.IOIDGenerator,
-    table = 'oid_seq'
-    column_defs = ()
+    table_name = 'oid_seq'
+    columns = []
     root_oid = "0"
     def init(self, event):
         conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        if not conn.exists(self.table, 'sequence'):
+        if not conn.exists(self.table_name, 'sequence'):
             conn.create_sequence(self.table, start=1)
         elif event.clear_all:
             conn.reset_sequence(self.table, start=1)
@@ -40,5 +40,5 @@
     def new_oid(self, event):
         assert interfaces.IGatewayEvent.isImplementedBy(event)
         conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        n = conn.increment(self.table)
+        n = conn.increment(self.table_name)
         return str(n)

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/properties.py 1.11 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/properties.py:1.11	Thu Mar 25 22:31:52 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/properties.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -48,24 +48,23 @@
     schema.add('id', 'string', 1)
     schema.add('type', 'string')
     schema.add('data', 'string')
-    table = 'properties'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('id', 'string', 1),
-        ('type', 'string', 0),
-        ('data', 'blob', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'properties'
+    columns = [
+        Column('id', 'string', 1),
+        Column('type', 'string', 0),
+        Column('data', 'blob', 0),
+        ]
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        rows = conn.select(self.table, self.columns, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        rows = table.select(self.column_names, oid=event.oid)
         return rows, tuple(rows)
     def store(self, event, state):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
         rows = [(id, t, data) for id, t, data in state]
-        conn.set_many(self.table, event.oid, ('id',), ('type', 'data'), rows)
+        table.set_many(event.oid, ('id',), ('type', 'data'), rows)
         state = list(state)
         return tuple(state)
@@ -76,41 +75,38 @@
     def __init__(self, conn_name, table_name, cols):
-        self.table = table_name
-        self.column_defs = cols
-        self.columns =  [name for (name, t, u) in cols]
+        self.table_name = table_name
+        self.columns = cols
         self.schema = None
         SQLGatewayBase.__init__(self, conn_name)
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        recs = conn.select(self.table, self.columns, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        recs = table.select(self.column_names, oid=event.oid)
         if not recs:
             return (), ()
         if len(recs) > 1:
             raise ValueError("Multiple records where only one expected")
         record = [str(value) for value in recs[0]]
         items = []
-        cols = self.column_defs
+        cols = self.columns
         for n in range(len(cols)):
-            name, typ, unique = cols[n]
+            name = cols[n].name
             if name.startswith('_'):
                 prop_name = name[1:]
                 prop_name = name
-            items.append((prop_name, typ, record[n]))
+            items.append((prop_name, cols[n].type, record[n]))
         return items, tuple(record)
     def store(self, event, state, leftover=None):
-        cols = self.column_defs
+        cols = self.columns
         statedict = {}  # prop name -> (type, value)
         for name, typ, value in state:
             statedict[name] = (typ, value)
         record = []
         for col in cols:
-            name = col[0]
+            name = col.name
             if name.startswith('_'):
                 prop_name = name[1:]
@@ -129,8 +125,8 @@
                 raise ValueError(
                     "Extra properties provided for fixed schema: %s"
                     % statedict.keys())
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        conn.set_one(self.table, event.oid, self.columns, record, event.is_new)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        table.set_one(event.oid, self.column_names, record, event.is_new)
         return tuple(record)
@@ -143,12 +139,12 @@
     schema = SQLProperties.schema
-    table = 'property_tables'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('class_name', 'string', 1),
-        ('table_name', 'string', 0),
-        )
-    oid_column_def = ()  # No OID column
+    table_name = 'property_tables'
+    columns = [
+        Column('class_name', 'string', 1),
+        Column('table_name', 'string', 0),
+        ]
+    oid_columns = []  # No OID column
     def __init__(self, conn_name='db'):
         self.var_props = SQLProperties(conn_name=conn_name)
@@ -159,15 +155,15 @@
         return None
     def init(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        if not conn.exists(self.table, 'table'):
-            self.create(event)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        if not conn.exists(table.name, 'table'):
+            table.create()
         if event.clear_all:
             # Clear the fixed property tables.
-            recs = conn.select(self.table, ('table_name',))
+            recs = table.select(('table_name',))
             for (name,) in recs:
-                conn.delete_from(name)
+                conn.clear_table(name)
             self.fixed_props = {}
@@ -222,8 +218,9 @@
             return None
         # Allocate a table name
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        rows = conn.select(self.table, ('table_name',), class_name=cn)
+        conn = self.get_connection()
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        rows = table.select(('table_name',), class_name=cn)
         if rows:
             table_name = rows[0][0]
@@ -237,13 +234,11 @@
                 if not conn.exists(table_name, 'table'):
                 attempt += 1
-            conn.insert(
-                self.table, ('class_name', 'table_name'), (cn, table_name))
+            table.insert(('class_name', 'table_name'), (cn, table_name))
         # Create the fixed properties and table
         fp = SQLFixedProperties(self.conn_name, table_name, cols)
-        if not conn.exists(table_name, 'table'):
-            fp.create(event)
+        fp.init(event)
         # XXX If the transaction gets aborted, the table creation will
         # be undone, but self.fixed_props won't see the change.
         # Perhaps we need to reset self.fixed_props on abort.
@@ -252,6 +247,7 @@
     def load(self, event):
+        """Returns a combination of states from two tables."""
         var_state, var_hash = self.var_props.load(event)
         fp = self.get_fixed_props(event)
         if fp is None:
@@ -276,6 +272,7 @@
     def store(self, event, state):
+        """Stores state in two tables."""
         fp = self.get_fixed_props(event)
         if fp is None:
             return self.var_props.store(event, state)

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/security.py 1.8 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/security.py:1.8	Wed Mar 24 22:17:08 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/security.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -31,18 +31,18 @@
     schema.add('permission', 'string')
     schema.add('username', 'string')
-    table = 'security'
-    oid_column_def = (('oid', 'int', 0),)  # Don't create a primary key
+    table_name = 'security'
+    oid_columns = [Column('oid', 'int', 0)]  # Don't create a primary key
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        items = conn.select(self.table, self.columns, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        items = table.select(self.column_names, oid=event.oid)
         return items, tuple(items)
     def store(self, event, state):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        conn.set_many(self.table, event.oid, (), self.columns, state)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        table.set_many(event.oid, (), self.column_names, state)
         state = list(state)
         return tuple(state)
@@ -61,39 +61,43 @@
     schema.add('domains', 'string:list')
     table_defs = {
-        'users':        (('oid', 'int', 1),
-                         ('id', 'string', 1),
-                         ('password', 'string', 0),),
-        'user_roles':   (('oid', 'int', 0),
-                         ('id', 'string', 0),
-                         ('role', 'string', 0),),
-        'user_domains': (('oid', 'int', 0),
+        'users':        [Column('oid', 'int', 1),
+                         Column('id', 'string', 1),
+                         Column('password', 'string', 0)],
+        'user_roles':   [Column('oid', 'int', 0),
+                         Column('id', 'string', 0),
+                         Column('role', 'string', 0)],
+        'user_domains': [Column('oid', 'int', 0),
                          ('id', 'string', 0),
-                         ('domain', 'string', 0),),
+                         ('domain', 'string', 0)],
     def init(self, event):
         conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        for table, col_defs in self.table_defs.items():
-            if not conn.exists(table, 'table'):
-                conn.create_table(table, col_defs)
+        for table_name, columns in self.table_defs.items():
+            table = conn.define_table(table_name, columns)
+            if not table.exists():
+                table.create()
             elif event.clear_all:
-                conn.delete_from(table)
+                table.delete_rows()
     def load(self, event):
         conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        rows = conn.select('users', ('id', 'password'), oid=event.oid)
+        rows = conn.get_table('users').select(
+            ('id', 'password'), oid=event.oid)
         data = {}
         for id, password in rows:
             data[id] = (password, [], [])
-        rows = conn.select('user_roles', ('id', 'role'), oid=event.oid)
+        rows = conn.get_table('user_roles').select(
+            ('id', 'role'), oid=event.oid)
         for id, role in rows:
             row = data.get(id)
             if row is not None:
-        rows = conn.select('user_domains', ('id', 'domain'), oid=event.oid)
+        rows = conn.get_table('user_domains').select(
+            ('id', 'domain'), oid=event.oid)
         for id, domain in rows:
             row = data.get(id)
             if row is not None:
@@ -109,7 +113,8 @@
         oid = event.oid
         conn = self.get_connection(event)
         rows = [(id, pw) for id, pw, roles, domains in state]
-        conn.set_many('users', event.oid, (), ('id', 'password',), rows)
+        conn.get_table('users').set_many(
+            event.oid, (), ('id', 'password',), rows)
         roles_d = {}
         domains_d = {}
         for id, pw, roles, domains in state:
@@ -117,10 +122,10 @@
                 roles_d[(id, role)] = 1
             for domain in domains:
                 domains_d[(id, domain)] = 1
-        conn.set_many(
-            'user_roles', event.oid, (), ('id', 'role',), roles_d.keys())
-        conn.set_many(
-            'user_domains', event.oid, (), ('id', 'domain',), domains_d.keys())
+        conn.get_table('user_roles').set_many(
+            event.oid, (), ('id', 'role',), roles_d.keys())
+        conn.get_table('user_domains').set_many(
+            event.oid, (), ('id', 'domain',), domains_d.keys())
         state = list(state)
         return tuple(state)

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/sqlbase.py 1.13 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/sqlbase.py:1.13	Wed Mar 24 22:17:08 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/sqlbase.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
 from apelib.core.interfaces import IGateway, IDatabaseInitializer
+from apelib.core.schemas import Column
 from interfaces import IRDBMSConnection
@@ -25,33 +26,40 @@
     __implements__ = IGateway, IDatabaseInitializer
-    table = '(override this)'
-    schema = None       # override
-    column_defs = None  # optional override
-    oid_column_def = (('oid', 'int', 1),)
+    # override these in subclasses
+    table_name = None
+    schema = None
+    columns = None
+    oid_columns = [Column('oid', 'int', 1)]
     def __init__(self, conn_name='db'):
         self.conn_name = conn_name
-        if self.column_defs is None and self.schema is not None:
-            self.column_defs = tuple(self.schema.get_column_defs())
-        self.columns = tuple([name for name, t, u in self.column_defs])
+        if self.columns is None:
+            if self.schema is not None:
+                self.columns = self.schema.get_columns()
+            else:
+                self.columns = []
+        self.column_names = [c.name for c in self.columns]
     def get_connection(self, event):
         return event.connections[self.conn_name]
+    def get_table(self, event):
+        c = event.connections[self.conn_name]
+        return c.get_table(self.table_name)
     def create(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        defs = self.oid_column_def + self.column_defs
-        conn.create_table(self.table, defs)
+        self.get_table(event).create()
     def init(self, event):
         conn = self.get_connection(event)
         assert IRDBMSConnection.isImplementedBy(conn)
-        if conn.exists(self.table, 'table'):
+        table = conn.define_table(self.table_name, self.columns)
+        if table.exists():
             if event.clear_all:
-                conn.delete_from(self.table)
+                table.delete_rows()
-            self.create(event)
+            table.create()
     def load(self, event):
         raise NotImplementedError, "abstract method"

=== Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/structure.py 1.11 => ===
--- Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/structure.py:1.11	Sat Mar 20 01:34:23 2004
+++ Products/Ape/lib/apelib/sql/structure.py	Tue Jul 20 02:12:43 2004
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
-from apelib.core.schemas import FieldSchema, RowSequenceSchema
+from apelib.core.schemas import FieldSchema, RowSequenceSchema, Column
 from sqlbase import SQLGatewayBase
@@ -26,15 +26,15 @@
     __implements__ = SQLGatewayBase.__implements__
     schema = FieldSchema('data', 'string')
-    table = 'object_data'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('data', 'blob', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'object_data'
+    columns = [
+        Column('data', 'blob', 0),
+        ]
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        firstcol = self.columns[:1]
-        items = conn.select(self.table, firstcol, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        firstcol = self.column_names[:1]
+        items = table.select(firstcol, oid=event.oid)
         if items:
             state = items[0][0]
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
         return state, state
     def store(self, event, state):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        firstcol = (self.column_defs[0][0],)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        firstcol = self.column_names[:1]
         data = (conn.module.Binary(state),)
-        conn.set_one(self.table, event.oid, firstcol, data, event.is_new)
+        table.set_one(event.oid, firstcol, data, event.is_new)
         return state
@@ -58,16 +58,15 @@
     schema.add('key', 'string', 1)
     schema.add('oid', 'string')
     schema.add('classification', 'classification')
-    table = 'folder_items'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('name', 'string', 1),
-        ('child_oid', 'int', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'folder_items'
+    columns = [
+        Column('name', 'string', 1),
+        Column('child_oid', 'int', 0),
+        ]
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        rows = conn.select(self.table, self.columns, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        rows = table.select(self.columns, oid=event.oid)
         res = []
         h = []
         for name, child_oid in rows:
@@ -79,12 +78,12 @@
         return res, tuple(h)
     def store(self, event, state):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
         rows = [(name, long(child_oid)) for (name, child_oid, cls) in state]
         # Note that set_many() requires the child_oid column to match
         # its database type.
-        conn.set_many(self.table, event.oid, ('name',), ('child_oid',), rows)
+        table.set_many(event.oid, ('name',), ('child_oid',), rows)
         return tuple(rows)
@@ -98,19 +97,18 @@
     __implements__ = SQLGatewayBase.__implements__
     schema = FieldSchema('id', 'string')
-    table = 'folder_items'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('child_oid', 'int', 1),
-        ('name', 'string', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'folder_items'
+    columns = [
+        Column('child_oid', 'int', 1),
+        Column('name', 'string', 0),
+        ]
     def init(self, event):
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        rows = conn.select(self.table, ('name',), child_oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        rows = table.select(('name',), child_oid=event.oid)
         if len(rows) >= 1:
             name = rows[0][0]  # Accept only the first result
@@ -127,10 +125,10 @@
     __implements__ = SQLGatewayBase.__implements__
-    table = 'remainder'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('pickle', 'blob', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'remainder'
+    columns = [
+        Column('pickle', 'blob', 0),
+        ]
 class SQLModTime (SQLGatewayBase):
@@ -139,14 +137,14 @@
     __implements__ = SQLGatewayBase.__implements__
     schema = FieldSchema('mtime', 'int')  # second
-    table = 'mtime'
-    column_defs = (
-        ('mtime', 'long', 0),
-        )
+    table_name = 'mtime'
+    columns = [
+        Column('mtime', 'long', 0),
+        ]
     def load(self, event):
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
-        items = conn.select(self.table, self.columns, oid=event.oid)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
+        items = table.select(self.columns, oid=event.oid)
         if items:
             state = long(items[0][0])
@@ -155,9 +153,9 @@
     def store(self, event, state):
         state = long(state)
-        conn = self.get_connection(event)
+        table = self.get_table(event)
         data = (state,)
-        conn.set_one(self.table, event.oid, self.columns, data, event.is_new)
+        table.set_one(event.oid, self.columns, data, event.is_new)
         return state

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