[Zope-CVS] CVS: CVSROOT - adjustlinks.py:1.8

Ken Manheimer klm at zope.com
Thu Jun 17 17:45:25 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/CVSROOT
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv30665

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Convert to new, RepoUtils-based code packaging.

=== CVSROOT/adjustlinks.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- CVSROOT/adjustlinks.py:1.7	Wed Oct 22 11:50:08 2003
+++ CVSROOT/adjustlinks.py	Thu Jun 17 17:44:54 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
+#!/bin/env python
 """Adjust symlinks in the repository according to the repolinks recipe file.
@@ -10,308 +10,11 @@
 LinkManager.assert_map() for specifics.
 Errors - illegal or invalid paths, collisions, etc - are reported to
-# Name of the recipe file - to be found in same directory as the script:
-RECIPE_NAME = 'repolinks'
-RESULTS_TO = 'klm at digicool.com'
-QUIET = 0
+See RepoUtils.postcommit and .adjustlinks for more details (generally
+installed in the python site-packages directory)."""
-import sys, os, stat
-import string
-SCRIPT_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0])
-# Assume the repository root dir contains the CVSROOT script dir.
-REPO_ROOT = os.path.split(SCRIPT_DIR)[0]
+from RepoUtils.adjustlinks import cvs_adjustlinks
-def main(argv=None):
-    lm = LinkManager()
-    lm.assess_existing_links()
-    lm.assert_map()
-class LinkManager:
-    """Maintain and implement repository symlink maps."""
-    def __init__(self):
-        """Assemble data structures."""
-        # [(from, to, lineno), ...]
-        self._recipe_lines = self.get_recipe_lines()
-        # {actual_path: actual_target}
-        self._fslinks = {}
-    def assert_map(self,
-                   isdir=os.path.isdir, isfile=os.path.isfile,
-                   islink=os.path.islink, exists=os.path.exists,
-                   abspath=os.path.abspath, split=os.path.split,
-                   readlink=os.readlink, unlink=os.unlink, pjoin=os.path.join,
-                   symlink=os.symlink, lstat=os.lstat, ST_INO=stat.ST_INO):
-        """Impose the links specified by the recipe, removing preexisting
-        links that are not specified in the map.  Specifically:
-          - Add prescribed links that are absent, when there's no non-link
-            file in the way.
-          - Adjust already-existing links that don't point to the prescribed
-            place - so we can use the file to redirect existing links.
-          - Remove links that are not prescribed.
-          - Do nothing for links that already exist as prescribed.
-          - Warn about prescribed links that point nowhere.
-          - Warn about prescribed links that cannot be created because the
-            indicated containing dir does not exist.
-          - Reiterate attempts until all are done, or no more progress is
-            being made - so it's not a problem for links to be dependent on
-            others in order to be situated.
-          - Delete prescribed links that point outside the repository.
-          - Produce output about all the actions."""
-        link2inode = self._fslinks
-        inode2link = {}
-        for k, v in link2inode.items(): inode2link[v] = k
-        # Confirm or create the prescribed links:
-        pending = self._recipe_lines
-        # Collect accounted-for links inodes, to prevent deletion in cleanup:
-        done = []
-        retargeted = []
-        resolvedsome = 1
-        # Since links can depend on eachother, we repeatedly loop as long
-        # as stuff is pending and we're making progress:
-        while resolvedsome and pending:
-            resolvedsome = 0
-            doing = pending
-            pending = []
-            for i in doing:
-                link, target, lineno = i
-                # Is it already there, as a link?
-                if islink(link):
-                    resolvedsome = 1
-                    oldtarget = readlink(link)
-                    # Is the existing one pointing at the right place?
-                    if oldtarget != target:
-                        info("Retargeting existing link %s\n"
-                             "  => %s (was %s)",
-                             link, target, oldtarget)
-                        retargeted.append(lstat(link)[ST_INO])
-                        unlink(link)
-                        symlink(target, link)
-                    done.append((link, target, lstat(link)[ST_INO]))
-                # Is there a non-link in the way?
-                elif exists(link):
-                    resolvedsome = 1
-                    warn("%s line %d: link blocked by non-link %s",
-                         RECIPE_NAME, lineno, link)
-                # Is the directory containing it there, to allow creating it?
-                elif isdir(split(link)[0]):
-                    info("Creating link:\n %s => %s", link, target)
-                    symlink(target, link)
-                    resolvedsome = 1
-                    done.append((link, target, lstat(link)[ST_INO]))
-                # Try again next time, if we're making progress - the
-                # directory may eventually be established by another link:
-                else:
-                    pending.append(i)
-        # Warn about infeasible links:
-        for link, target, lineno in pending:
-            warn("%s line %d: failed to place link %s",
-                 RECIPE_NAME, lineno, link)
-        # Cleanup:
-        # - Remove any links that point outside the repository hierarchy
-        # - Warn about links that don't point anywhere valid
-        # - Remove obsolete links
-        rootlen = len(REPO_ROOT)
-        for link, target, inode in done:
-            # Remove links that point outside the repository hierarchy:
-            if abspath(pjoin(link, target))[:rootlen] != REPO_ROOT:
-                warn("Removing illegal link to outside repository:\n"
-                     "  %s => %s",
-                     link, target)
-                unlink(link)
-            elif not exists(link):
-                warn("Orphaned link - points at nothing:\n %s => %s",
-                     link, readlink(link))
-            # Cull accounted-for inode2link links, preparing for next step.
-            if inode2link.has_key(inode):
-               del inode2link[inode]
-        # Most links still registered in inode2link are obsolete - remove them:
-        for inode, link in inode2link.items():
-            if inode not in retargeted:
-                info("Removing obsolete link %s", link)
-                unlink(link)
-    def get_recipe_lines(self,
-                         strip=string.strip, split=string.split,
-                         pjoin=os.path.join, abspath=os.path.abspath,
-                         isabs=os.path.isabs):
-        """Return massaged list of recipe lines, as tuples:
-        (from, to, lineno).  We omit non-recipe lines, and warn about
-        malformed ones.
-        See comments at repolinks file top for format."""
-        lines = open(RECIPE_PATH).readlines()
-        lineno = 0
-        got = []
-        for i in lines:
-            lineno = lineno + 1
-            i = strip(i)
-            if not i or i[0] == '#':
-                continue
-            fields = split(i)
-            if len(fields) > 2:
-                warn("Skipping bad line %d - %d fields, should not exceed 2",
-                     lineno, len(fields))
-                continue
-            elif len(fields) == 1:
-                # Empty target means point to EMPTY_DIR - place holder for
-                # removed dirs.
-                link, target = fields[0], EMPTY_DIR
-            else:
-                link, target = fields
-                if isabs(target):
-                    target = REPO_ROOT + target
-            delim = (not isabs(link) and os.sep) or ''
-            link =  REPO_ROOT + delim + link
-            got.append((link, target, lineno))
-        # Warn about dups:
-        links = {}
-        for link, target, lineno in got:
-            if links.has_key(link):
-                warn("Duplicate link encountered on line %d (last on %d):\n"
-                     "  %s", lineno, links[link], link)
-            links[link] = lineno
-        return got
-    def assess_existing_links(self, readlink=os.readlink, lstat=os.lstat,
-                              ST_INO=stat.ST_INO):
-        """Walk the repository from the root, collecting existing links."""
-        m = {}
-        for i in find_fs_links(REPO_ROOT):
-            m[i] = lstat(i)[ST_INO]
-        self._fslinks = m
-        return m
-    def all_containers(self, path,
-                       exists=os.path.exists, ST_INO=stat.ST_INO):
-        """Given a repo-relative path, return *all* the repository paths that
-        contain it - direct containers *and* directories that container it by
-        virtue of symlinks in the repolinks map.
-        This is used in postcommit_actions to identify all the
-        checkin-notification subscriber entries that qualify for a particular
-        file, not just the containers obvious from the checkin path.
-        We expect a path relative to the repository root, and return paths
-        relative to the repository root."""
-        # We get the inodes of all the directories on the actual (physical)
-        # path, and identify all those links whose targets are one of those
-        # directories.
-        got = {path: 1}
-        if path[:len(os.sep)] == os.sep:
-            # Strip the leading '/'
-            path = path[len(os.sep):]
-        path = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, path)
-        actual_path, element_inodes = path_element_inodes(path)
-        if element_inodes:
-            # Include actual path (relative to actual repo root).
-            got[actual_path[len(ACTUAL_REPO_ROOT())+len(os.sep):]] = 1
-            for link, target, lineno in self._recipe_lines:
-                if (exists(target)
-                    and (os.stat(target)[ST_INO] in element_inodes)):
-                    # (Strip the REPO_ROOT prefix.)
-                    got[link[len(REPO_ROOT)+len(os.sep):]] = 1
-        return got.keys()
-def path_element_inodes(path, split=os.path.split,
-                        stat=os.stat, ST_INO=stat.ST_INO):
-    """Return actual path relative to repository, and root inodes of directory
-    elements leading to path's physical location.
-    We return the empty list if path doesn't actually exist."""
-    actual_path = None
-    got = []
-    if (os.path.exists(path) or os.path.exists(split(path)[0])):
-        here = actual_path = actual_dir(path)
-        while here and (here != '/'):
-            got.insert(0, stat(here)[ST_INO])
-            here = split(here)[0]
-    return (actual_path, got)
-def find_fs_links(dir,
-                  join=os.path.join,
-                  isdir=os.path.isdir, islink=os.path.islink):
-    """Return a breadth-first list of paths of symlinks within dir."""
-    got = []
-    dirs = []
-    for f in os.listdir(dir):
-        p = join(dir, f)
-        if islink(p): got.append(p)
-        elif isdir(p): dirs.append(p)
-    for d in dirs:
-        got.extend(find_fs_links(d))
-    return got
-def actual_dir(path):
-    """Return the real directory, as reported by os.getcwd from inside the dir.
-    If the arg is not a directory, try with the final path element stripped."""
-    origdir = os.getcwd()
-    try:
-        if os.path.isdir(path):
-            os.chdir(path)
-        else:
-            os.chdir(os.path.split(path)[0])
-        return os.getcwd()
-    finally:
-        os.chdir(origdir)
-    global _ACTUAL_REPO_ROOT
-    if _ACTUAL_REPO_ROOT is None:
-        _ACTUAL_REPO_ROOT = actual_dir(REPO_ROOT)
-    return _ACTUAL_REPO_ROOT
-def info(*args):
-    if not QUIET:
-        apply(warn, args, {'status': "-- Info"})
-def warn(*args, **kw):
-    status = kw.get('status', "** Warning")
-    print "%s: %s" % (status, args[0] % args[1:])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    print ("  === %s run ===\n  ...on commit of %s...\n"
-           % (sys.argv[0], RECIPE_PATH))
-    main(sys.argv)
-    print "-- Done."
+cvs_adjustlinks(recipe_name="repolinks", quiet=0)

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