[Zope-CVS] CVS: Packages/pypes/pypes - exceptions.py:1.7 query.py:1.13

Casey Duncan casey at zope.com
Wed May 12 01:10:38 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/pypes/pypes
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv1583

Modified Files:
	exceptions.py query.py 
Log Message:
Implement "in" join primitive
Basic iterResult() method implementation for Join

=== Packages/pypes/pypes/exceptions.py 1.6 => 1.7 ===
--- Packages/pypes/pypes/exceptions.py:1.6	Tue May  4 23:37:38 2004
+++ Packages/pypes/pypes/exceptions.py	Wed May 12 01:10:36 2004
@@ -22,7 +22,8 @@
     """Cannot process requested operation. 
     An internal error used to signal to a caller to use an alernate method to
-    perform a given operation. Not general propagated to applications"""
+    perform a given operation. Not general propagated to applications
+    """
 class PypesLookupError(PypesError, LookupError):
     """Persistent pypes component lookup failure"""

=== Packages/pypes/pypes/query.py 1.12 => 1.13 ===
--- Packages/pypes/pypes/query.py:1.12	Wed May  5 00:06:35 2004
+++ Packages/pypes/pypes/query.py	Wed May 12 01:10:36 2004
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
 from operator import mul
 from sets import Set
+from itertools import imap
 from zope.interface import implements
 from compiler import ast
 from BTrees.OOBTree import OOBTree
@@ -209,6 +210,89 @@
         criteria is satisfied
+def equijoin(left_iter, left_expr, right_iter, right_expr):
+    """Join the values of the left_iter and right_iter iterables where the
+    value of left_expr equals the value of right_expr.
+    left_expr and right_expr are callables accepting the members of their
+    respective iterable input as a single argument which derive the values
+    to be compared.
+    Generate the resulting (left, right) tuple pairs where a join is made.
+    The resulting tuples are yielded in arbitrary order.
+    Complexity: O(N+M) where N=len(left), M=len(right)
+    """
+    left_by_val = {}
+    for obj in left_iter:
+        val = left_expr(obj)
+        try:
+            left_by_val[val].append(obj)
+        except KeyError:
+            left_by_val[val] = [obj]
+    for right in right_iter:
+        val = right_expr(right)
+        try:
+            left_matches = left_by_val[val]
+        except KeyError:
+            continue # No matching left objects
+        else:
+            for left in left_matches:
+                yield left, right
+def injoin(left_iter, left_expr, right_iter, right_expr):
+    """Join the values of the left_iter and right_iter iterables where the
+    value of left_expr is contained in the value of right_expr.
+    left_expr and right_expr are callables accepting the members of their
+    respective iterable input as a single argument which derive the values
+    to be compared.
+    Generate the resulting (left, right) tuple pairs where a join is made.
+    The resulting tuples are yielded in arbitrary order.
+    """
+    right_by_val = {}
+    for obj in right_iter:
+        for val in right_expr(obj):
+            try:
+                right_by_val[val].add(obj)
+            except KeyError:
+                right_by_val[val] = Set((obj,))
+    for obj in left_iter:
+        left = left_expr(obj)
+        try:
+            right_matches = right_by_val[left]
+        except KeyError:
+            continue # No matching right objects
+        else:
+            for right in right_matches:
+                yield left, right
+def greaterjoin(left_iter, left_expr, right_iter, right_expr):
+    """Join the values of the left_iter and right_iter iterables where the
+    value of left_expr is greater than the value of right_expr.
+    left_expr and right_expr are callables accepting the members of their
+    respective iterable input as a single argument which derive the values
+    to be compared.
+    Generate the resulting (left, right) tuple pairs where a join is made.
+    The resulting tuples are yielded in arbitrary order.
+    """
+    left_by_val = OOBTree() # (ordered) map of values => left members
+    for obj in left_iter:
+        left_val = left_expr(obj)
+        try:
+            left_by_val[left_val].append(obj)
+        except KeyError:
+            left_by_val[left_val] = [obj]
+    for right in right_iter:
+        right_val = right_expr(right)        
+        for left_val, left_matches in left_by_val.items(right_val, None):
+            if left_val > right_val:
+                for left in left_matches:
+                    yield left, right
 class Join:
     """Join of multiple inputs using a criteria expression.
@@ -219,6 +303,11 @@
+    _join_ops = {
+        '==': equijoin,
+        '>': greaterjoin,
+        'in': injoin}
     def __init__(self, input_map, criteria):
         """Construct the joins
@@ -232,6 +321,7 @@
         is raised.
         self._inputs = input_map
+        self._criteria = criteria
         if len(criteria.freeNames()) != 2:
             raise CantProcess, 'join criteria must have 2 free variables'
         compare_node = criteria.ast().getChildNodes()[0]
@@ -240,26 +330,82 @@
             raise CantProcess, ('join criteria must be single comparison '
                                 'between two terms')
         left, operator, right = compare_node.getChildren()
-        if operator not in ('==', 'in', '<', '>'):
-            raise CantProcess, (
-                'operator %s not suppported for join' % operator)
         if operator == '<':
             # Only greater join is directly supported
             operator = '>'
             left, right = right, left
+            self.reverse = True
+        else:
+            self.reverse = False
+        if operator not in self._join_ops.keys():
+            raise CantProcess, (
+                'operator %s not supported for join' % operator)
         bindings = criteria.bindings()
-        self._left = Expression.fromAstNode(left, bindings)
-        self._right = Expression.fromAstNode(right, bindings)
+        left_expr = Expression.fromAstNode(left, bindings)
+        right_expr = Expression.fromAstNode(right, bindings)
         self._operator = operator
-        left_names = self._left.freeNames()
-        right_names = self._right.freeNames()
+        left_names = list(left_expr.freeNames())
+        right_names = list(right_expr.freeNames())
         if (len(left_names) != 1 
-            or iter(left_names).next() not in input_map
+            or left_names[0] not in input_map
             or len(right_names) != 1 
-            or iter(right_names).next() not in input_map):
+            or right_names[0] not in input_map):
             raise CantProcess, ('left and right join criteria operands '
                                 'must contain a single input term')
+        self._left_name, = left_names
+        self._left_func = left_expr.makeFunction(left_names)
+        self._right_name, = right_names
+        self._right_func = right_expr.makeFunction(right_names)
+    def inputMap(self):
+        return self._inputs.copy()
+    def criteriaExpr(self):
+        return self._criteria
+    def namesUsed(self):
+        return self._criteria.freeNames(self._inputs.keys())
+    def _iterJoin(self, reverse=False):
+        # Generates (left, right) pairs of joined terms
+        join = self._join_ops[self._operator]
+        if reverse:
+            return join(
+                self._inputs[self._right_name], self._right_func,
+                self._inputs[self._left_name], self._left_func)
+        else:
+            return join(
+                self._inputs[self._left_name], self._left_func,
+                self._inputs[self._right_name], self._right_func)
+    def iterResult(self, *names):
+        if len(names) == 2 and names == (self._left_name, self._right_name):
+            # Special case, names match join terms in order exactly
+            # No transform of the raw join is required
+            # This case is expected to be relatively common         
+            return self._iterJoin(self.reverse)
+        joined_names = []
+        other_names = []
+        free_names = self._criteria.freeNames()
+        for n in names:
+            if n in free_names:
+                joined_names.append(n)
+            else:
+                other_names.append(n)
+        if not other_names:
+            # No names other than the joined names were selected
+            if names == (self._left_name,):
+                output = lambda row: row[0]
+            elif names == (self._right_name,):
+                output = lambda row: row[1]
+            elif names == (self._right_name, self._left_name):
+                output = lambda row: (row[1], row[0])
+            else:
+                # Ok, something is wrong with this picture
+                raise RuntimeError('Bug in join result tranformation')
+            return imap(output, self._iterJoin(self.reverse))
+        else:
+            raise NotImplementedError
 def sort(iterable, expression, order=ascending, limit=None):
     """Return a sequence containing the elements of iterable sorted in order
@@ -284,60 +430,5 @@
         sortable = sortable[:limit]
     # XXX We should be make this lazy
     return [i for key, i in sortable]
-def equijoin(left_iter, left_expr, right_iter, right_expr):
-    """Join the values of the left_iter and right_iter iterables where the
-    value of left_expr equals the value of right_expr.
-    left_expr and right_expr are callables accepting the members of their
-    respective iterable input as a single argument which derive the values
-    to be compared.
-    Generate the resulting (left, right) tuple pairs where a join is made.
-    The resulting tuples are yielded in arbitrary order.
-    Complexity: O(N+M) where N=len(left), M=len(right)
-    """
-    left_by_val = {}
-    for obj in left_iter:
-        val = left_expr(obj)
-        try:
-            left_by_val[val].append(obj)
-        except KeyError:
-            left_by_val[val] = [obj]
-    for right in right_iter:
-        val = right_expr(right)
-        try:
-            left_matches = left_by_val[val]
-        except KeyError:
-            continue # No matching left objects
-        else:
-            for left in left_matches:
-                yield left, right
-def greater_join(left_iter, left_expr, right_iter, right_expr):
-    """Join the values of the left_iter and right_iter iterables where the
-    value of left_expr is greater than the value of right_expr.
-    left_expr and right_expr are callables accepting the members of their
-    respective iterable input as a single argument which derive the values
-    to be compared.
-    Generate the resulting (left, right) tuple pairs where a join is made.
-    The resulting tuples are yielded in arbitrary order.
-    """
-    left_by_val = OOBTree() # (ordered) map of values => left members
-    for obj in left_iter:
-        left_val = left_expr(obj)
-        try:
-            left_by_val[left_val].append(obj)
-        except KeyError:
-            left_by_val[left_val] = [obj]
-    for right in right_iter:
-        right_val = right_expr(right)        
-        for left_val, left_matches in left_by_val.items(right_val, None):
-            if left_val > right_val:
-                for left in left_matches:
-                    yield left, right

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