[Zope-CVS] SVN: zpkgtools/trunk/ add a way to trim branches off the included portions of the dependency tree

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at gmail.com
Mon Nov 8 13:20:50 EST 2004

Log message for revision 28403:
  add a way to trim branches off the included portions of the dependency tree

  U   zpkgtools/trunk/doc/zpkg.txt
  U   zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/app.py
  U   zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/tests/test_app.py

Modified: zpkgtools/trunk/doc/zpkg.txt
--- zpkgtools/trunk/doc/zpkg.txt	2004-11-08 17:20:15 UTC (rev 28402)
+++ zpkgtools/trunk/doc/zpkg.txt	2004-11-08 18:20:50 UTC (rev 28403)
@@ -80,6 +80,12 @@
   Print the version number of **zpkg** and exit.
+-x PACKAGE, --exclude=PACKAGE
+  Name a resource (usually a Python package) to exclude the from
+  distribution.  Dependencies of the named package will be included
+  due to `PACKAGE` needing them, but may be included due to an another
+  dependency.  This option may be given as many times as needed.
 If neither **-C** nor **-f** is specified on the command line, a
 default configuration file is loaded if it exists.  This is
 `~/.zpkg/zpkg.conf` on Unix and `~/zpkg/zpkg.conf` on Windows (note

Modified: zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/app.py
--- zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/app.py	2004-11-08 17:20:15 UTC (rev 28402)
+++ zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/app.py	2004-11-08 18:20:50 UTC (rev 28403)
@@ -114,6 +114,10 @@
         self.support_packages = DEFAULT_SUPPORT_PACKAGES[:]
             [(pkg, None) for pkg in options.support_packages])
+        self.exclude_packages = sets.Set()
+        for pkg in options.exclude_packages:
+            if pkg not in self.exclude_packages:
+                self.exclude_packages.add(pkg)
     def build_distribution(self):
         """Create the distribution tree.
@@ -128,7 +132,7 @@
         if self.options.collect:
             depsdir = os.path.join(self.destination, "Dependencies")
             first = True
-            handled = sets.Set()
+            handled = self.exclude_packages.copy()
             remaining = top.get_dependencies() - handled
             while remaining:
@@ -611,6 +615,11 @@
         "--distribution", dest="distribution_class",
         help="name of the distribution class", metavar="CLASS")
+    parser.add_option(
+        "-x", "--exclude", dest="exclude_packages", action="append",
+        default=[], metavar="PACKAGE",
+        help=("resource to exclude the from distribution"
+              " (dependencies will be ignored)"))
     options, args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
     if len(args) != 1:

Modified: zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/tests/test_app.py
--- zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/tests/test_app.py	2004-11-08 17:20:15 UTC (rev 28402)
+++ zpkgtools/trunk/zpkgtools/tests/test_app.py	2004-11-08 18:20:50 UTC (rev 28403)
@@ -256,7 +256,20 @@
         options = self.parse_args(["--support", "pkg1", "--support=pkg2"])
         self.assertEqual(options.support_packages, ["pkg1", "pkg2"])
+    def test_exclude_resources(self):
+        options = self.parse_args([])
+        self.assertEqual(options.exclude_packages, [])
+        # one package, short option:
+        options = self.parse_args(["-x", "pkg"])
+        self.assertEqual(options.exclude_packages, ["pkg"])
+        # one package, long option:
+        options = self.parse_args(["--exclude", "pkg"])
+        self.assertEqual(options.exclude_packages, ["pkg"])
+        # two packages:
+        options = self.parse_args(["--exclude=pkg1", "-xpkg2"])
+        self.assertEqual(options.exclude_packages, ["pkg1", "pkg2"])
 class ComponentTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):

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