[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/FileCacheManager - FileCache.py:1.8 FileCacheManager.py:1.20

Chris McDonough chrism at plope.com
Sat Oct 30 21:59:39 EDT 2004

Update of /cvs-repository/Products/FileCacheManager
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv13074

Modified Files:
	FileCache.py FileCacheManager.py 
Log Message:
Add optional HTTP cache header management.

=== Products/FileCacheManager/FileCache.py 1.7 => 1.8 ===
--- Products/FileCacheManager/FileCache.py:1.7	Sun Aug 29 16:50:29 2004
+++ Products/FileCacheManager/FileCache.py	Sat Oct 30 21:59:09 2004
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 from thread import allocate_lock
 from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager
+from App.Common import rfc1123_date
 from BTrees import OOBTree
 from ZPublisher.Iterators import filestream_iterator
 from Products.StandardCacheManagers.RAMCacheManager import RAMCache
@@ -35,6 +36,8 @@
 class FileCache(RAMCache):
     """ A cache that caches rendered content to the filesystem """
     _tempfile_path = ''
+    _http_caching_interval = 0
+    _http_caching_anonymous_only = True
     def __init__(self, path='/tmp'):
         # self.cache maps physical ZODB paths to disk files.
@@ -44,6 +47,8 @@
         self._naming_expr = None
         self._tempfile_path = ''
+        self._http_caching_interval = 0
+        self._http_caching_anonymous_only = True
         self.entries = {}
     def _fileName(self, ob):
@@ -83,6 +88,12 @@
     def setTempfileDir(self, path=''):
         self._tempfile_path = path
+    def setHTTPCachingInterval(self, interval):
+        self._http_caching_interval = interval
+    def setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(self, flag):
+        self._http_caching_anonymous_only = not not flag
     def getDir(self):
         """ Retrieve the filesystem directory used for caching """
         return self._dir
@@ -134,6 +145,8 @@
         entry['hits'] += 1
         self.entries[pp] = entry
+        self.setHTTPCachingHeaders(ob)
         return fiter
     def ZCache_set( self, ob, data=None, view_name=''
@@ -150,6 +163,34 @@
         cache_entry = FileCacheEntry(self, ob, fname, self._tempfile_path)
+        self.setHTTPCachingHeaders(ob)
+    def setHTTPCachingHeaders(self, ob):
+        if not hasattr(ob, 'REQUEST'):
+            return
+        if not self._http_caching_interval:
+            return
+        request = ob.REQUEST
+        response = request.RESPONSE
+        u = request.get('AUTHENTICATED_USER', None)
+        if u is not None:
+            if (u.getUserName() != 'Anonymous User' and
+                self._http_caching_anonymous_only):
+                return
+        # manage HTTP caching headers
+        if hasattr(ob, '_p_mtime'):
+            last_mod = ob._p_mtime
+        else:
+            last_mod = time.time()
+        seconds = self._http_caching_interval
+        response.setHeader('Last-Modified',rfc1123_date(last_mod))
+        response.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'max-age=%d' % seconds)
+        expires=rfc1123_date(time.time() + seconds)
+        response.setHeader('Expires', expires)
     def record(self, state):
         pp = '/'.join(state.ob.getPhysicalPath())

=== Products/FileCacheManager/FileCacheManager.py 1.19 => 1.20 ===
--- Products/FileCacheManager/FileCacheManager.py:1.19	Sun Aug 29 20:38:49 2004
+++ Products/FileCacheManager/FileCacheManager.py	Sat Oct 30 21:59:09 2004
@@ -42,6 +42,8 @@
     _tempfile_path = ''
+    http_caching_interval = 0
+    http_caching_anonymous_only = True
     manage_stats = PageTemplateFile('www/statsFCM', globals())
     manage_main = PageTemplateFile('www/propsFCM', globals())
@@ -69,10 +71,14 @@
         return cache.values()
     def manage_editProps(self, title, settings=None, REQUEST=None):
-        'Changes the cache settings.'
+        'Changes the cache properties.'
         if settings is None:
             settings = REQUEST
         self.title = str(title)
+        interval = settings.get('http_caching_interval', 0)
+        anonymous_only = settings.get('http_caching_anonymous_only', False)
+        self.setHTTPCachingInterval(interval)
+        self.setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(anonymous_only)
         if REQUEST is not None:
             return self.manage_main(
                 self, REQUEST, manage_tabs_message='Properties changed.')
@@ -89,6 +95,9 @@
+                cache.setHTTPCachingInterval(self.http_caching_interval)
+                cache.setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(
+                    self.http_caching_anonymous_only)
                 caches[cacheid] = cache
                 return cache
@@ -136,13 +145,47 @@
         self._naming_expr_text = naming_expression_text
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens,
+                              'getHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly')
+    def getHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(self):
+        """ Retrieve flag indicating that only anonymous accesses are
+        http-cached """
+        return self.http_caching_anonymous_only
+    security.declareProtected(change_cache_managers,
+                              'setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly')
+    def setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(self, flag):
+        """ Set flag indicating that only anonymous accesses are
+        http-cached """
+        cache = self.ZCacheManager_getCache()
+        cache.setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(flag)
+        self.http_caching_anonymous_only = flag
+    security.declareProtected(view_management_screens,
+                              'getHTTPCachingInterval')
+    def getHTTPCachingInterval(self):
+        """ Retrieve HTTP caching interval """
+        return self.http_caching_interval
+    security.declareProtected(change_cache_managers,
+                              'setHTTPCachingInterval')
+    def setHTTPCachingInterval(self, interval):
+        """ Set the HTTP caching interval """
+        cache = self.ZCacheManager_getCache()
+        cache.setHTTPCachingInterval(interval)
+        self.http_caching_interval = interval
     security.declareProtected(change_cache_managers, 'manage_edit')
     def manage_edit(self, path='/tmp', tpath='',
-                    naming_expression_text='', REQUEST=None):
+                    naming_expression_text='', http_caching_interval=0,
+                    http_caching_anonymous_only=True,
+                    REQUEST=None):
         """ Edit the filesystem-related values """
+        self.setHTTPCachingInterval(http_caching_interval)
+        self.setHTTPCachingAnonymousOnly(http_caching_anonymous_only)
         if REQUEST is not None:
             return self.manage_fs(

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