[Zope-CVS] CVS: Products/PluggableAuthService/plugins/tests -
test_DynamicGroupsPlugin.py:1.1 test_DyamicGroupsPlugin.py:NONE
Lennart Regebro
regebro at nuxeo.com
Wed Sep 22 07:01:57 EDT 2004
Update of /cvs-repository/Products/PluggableAuthService/plugins/tests
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv8179
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Log Message:
Renamed misspelled testfile.
=== Added File Products/PluggableAuthService/plugins/tests/test_DynamicGroupsPlugin.py ===
# Copyright (c) 2001 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights
# Reserved.
# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this
# distribution.
""" Unit tests for DynamicGroupsPlugin
$Id: test_DynamicGroupsPlugin.py,v 1.1 2004/09/22 11:01:57 regebro Exp $
import unittest
from Products.PluggableAuthService.tests.conformance \
import IGroupsPlugin_conformance
from Products.PluggableAuthService.tests.conformance \
import IGroupEnumerationPlugin_conformance
class FauxScript:
def __init__( self, id, return_value=0 ):
self._id = id
self.return_value = return_value
def __call__( self, *args, **kw ):
return self.return_value
class FauxPrincipal:
__allow_access_to_unprotected_subobjects__ = 1
def __init__( self, id ):
self._id = id
def getId( self ):
return self._id
class DynamicGroupsPlugin( unittest.TestCase
, IGroupsPlugin_conformance
, IGroupEnumerationPlugin_conformance
def _getTargetClass( self ):
from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.DynamicGroupsPlugin \
import DynamicGroupsPlugin
return DynamicGroupsPlugin
def _makeOne( self, id='test', *args, **kw ):
return self._getTargetClass()( id, *args, **kw )
def test_empty( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'empty' )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 0 )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 0 )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.enumerateGroups() ), 0 )
def test_addGroup_simple( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'adding' )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'title', 'description', True )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 1 )
info = dpg.listGroupInfo()[0]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'everyone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], 'title' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], 'description' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:True' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], True )
def test_addGroup_duplicate( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'adding_duplicate' )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'title', 'description', True )
self.assertRaises( KeyError
, dpg.addGroup
, 'everyone'
, 'python:False'
, 'other title'
, 'other descripton'
, False )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 1 )
info = dpg.listGroupInfo()[0]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'everyone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:True' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], 'title' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], 'description' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], True )
def test_removeGroup_nonesuch( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'removing_nonesuch' )
self.assertRaises( KeyError, dpg.removeGroup, 'everyone' )
def test_removeGroup( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'removing' )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', predicate='python:True' )
dpg.addGroup( 'beast', predicate='python:666' )
dpg.addGroup( 'noone', predicate='python:False' )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 3 )
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.failUnless( 'beast' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
info_list = dpg.listGroupInfo()
self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), 3 )
ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in info_list ]
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in ids )
self.failUnless( 'beast' in ids )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in ids )
dpg.removeGroup( 'beast' )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 2 )
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.failIf( 'beast' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
info_list = dpg.listGroupInfo()
self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), 2 )
ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in info_list ]
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in ids )
self.failIf( 'beast' in ids )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in ids )
def test_updateGroup_nonesuch( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'updating_nonesuch' )
self.assertRaises( KeyError, dpg.updateGroup
, 'everyone', 'title', True )
def test_updateGroup_simple( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'updating_simple' )
dpg.addGroup( 'noone', predicate='python:False' )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 1 )
info = dpg.listGroupInfo()[0]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'noone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:False' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], '' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], '' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], True )
dpg.updateGroup( 'noone', 'python:True', 'title', 'description', False )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 1 )
info = dpg.listGroupInfo()[0]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'noone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:True' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], 'title' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], 'description' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], False )
def test_updateGroup_partial( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'updating_partial' )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'title', 'description', True )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 1 )
info = dpg.listGroupInfo()[0]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'everyone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:True' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], 'title' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], 'description' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], True )
dpg.updateGroup( 'everyone', predicate='python:False' )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupIds() ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in dpg.listGroupIds() )
self.assertEqual( len( dpg.listGroupInfo() ), 1 )
info = dpg.listGroupInfo()[0]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'everyone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:False' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], 'title' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], 'description' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], True )
def test_enumerateGroups_all( self ):
from Products.PluggableAuthService.tests.test_PluggableAuthService \
import FauxRoot
root = FauxRoot()
dpg = self._makeOne( 'enumerating' ).__of__( root )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'Everyone', '', True )
dpg.addGroup( 'noone', 'python:False', active=True )
dpg.addGroup( 'hohum', 'nothing', active=True )
info_list = dpg.enumerateGroups()
self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), 3 )
ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in info_list ]
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in ids )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in ids )
self.failUnless( 'hohum' in ids )
def test_enumerateGroups_exact_list( self ):
from Products.PluggableAuthService.tests.test_PluggableAuthService \
import FauxRoot
root = FauxRoot()
dpg = self._makeOne( 'enumerating' ).__of__( root )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'Everyone', '', True )
dpg.addGroup( 'noone', 'python:False', active=True )
dpg.addGroup( 'hohum', 'nothing', active=True )
ID_LIST = ( 'everyone', 'noone' )
info_list = dpg.enumerateGroups( id=ID_LIST, exact_match=True )
self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), len( ID_LIST ) )
ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in info_list ]
for id in ID_LIST:
self.failUnless( id in ids )
def test_enumerateGroups_exact_one( self ):
from Products.PluggableAuthService.tests.test_PluggableAuthService \
import FauxRoot
root = FauxRoot()
dpg = self._makeOne( 'enumerating' ).__of__( root )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'Everyone', '', True )
dpg.addGroup( 'noone', 'python:False', active=True )
dpg.addGroup( 'hohum', 'nothing', active=True )
info_list = dpg.enumerateGroups( id='noone', exact_match=True )
self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), 1 )
info = info_list[ 0 ]
self.assertEqual( info[ 'id' ], 'noone' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'title' ], '' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'description' ], '' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'active' ], True )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'predicate' ], 'python:False' )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'pluginid' ], 'enumerating' )
# Because teher is no proper REQUEST, the properties_url will be incorrect
# It should normally be '/enumerating/noone/manage_propertiesForm'
# But it will be '//noone/manage_propertiesForm'
URL = '//noone/manage_propertiesForm'
self.assertEqual( info[ 'properties_url' ], URL )
self.assertEqual( info[ 'members_url' ], URL )
def test_enumerateGroups_skip_inactive( self ):
from Products.PluggableAuthService.tests.test_PluggableAuthService \
import FauxRoot
root = FauxRoot()
dpg = self._makeOne( 'enumerating' ).__of__( root )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:True', 'Everyone', '', True )
dpg.addGroup( 'noone', 'python:False', active=True )
dpg.addGroup( 'inactive', 'nothing', active=False )
info_list = dpg.enumerateGroups()
self.assertEqual( len( info_list ), 2 )
ids = [ x[ 'id' ] for x in info_list ]
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in ids )
self.failUnless( 'noone' in ids )
self.failIf( 'inactive' in ids )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_empty( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_request' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 0 )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_principal( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_principal' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
dpg.addGroup( 'effable', 'python:principal.getId().startswith("f")' )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'effable' in groups )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_python( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_python' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
dpg.addGroup( 'everyone', 'python:1' )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'everyone' in groups )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_request( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_request' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
dpg.addGroup( 'local', 'request/is_local | nothing' )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 0 )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, { 'is_local' : 0 } )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 0 )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, { 'is_local' : 1 } )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'local' in groups )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_group( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_group' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
dpg.addGroup( 'willing', 'group/willing' )
dpg.willing._setProperty( 'willing', type='boolean', value=0 )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 0 )
dpg.willing._updateProperty( 'willing', 1 )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'willing' in groups )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_plugin_nope( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_plugin' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
dpg.addGroup( 'scripted', 'python: plugin.callme(request)' )
callme = FauxScript( 'callme', 0 )
dpg._setOb( 'callme', callme )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 0 )
def test_getGroupsForPrincipal_plugin_ok( self ):
dpg = self._makeOne( 'ggp_plugin' )
principal = FauxPrincipal( 'faux' )
dpg.addGroup( 'scripted', 'python: plugin.callme(request)' )
callme = FauxScript( 'callme', 1 )
dpg._setOb( 'callme', callme )
groups = dpg.getGroupsForPrincipal( principal, {} )
self.assertEqual( len( groups ), 1 )
self.failUnless( 'scripted' in groups )
if __name__ == "__main__":
def test_suite():
return unittest.TestSuite((
unittest.makeSuite( DynamicGroupsPlugin ),
=== Removed File Products/PluggableAuthService/plugins/tests/test_DyamicGroupsPlugin.py ===
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