[Zope-CVS] SVN: Zelenium/trunk/ Added a testsuite_name property to allow more than one testsuite to be built up from the files in a single filesystem directory.

Chris Withers chris at simplistix.co.uk
Sun Dec 18 15:20:16 EST 2005

Log message for revision 40871:
  Added a testsuite_name property to allow more than one testsuite to be built up from the files in a single filesystem directory.

  U   Zelenium/trunk/CHANGES.txt
  U   Zelenium/trunk/README.txt
  U   Zelenium/trunk/zuite.py

Modified: Zelenium/trunk/CHANGES.txt
--- Zelenium/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2005-12-18 20:08:53 UTC (rev 40870)
+++ Zelenium/trunk/CHANGES.txt	2005-12-18 20:20:15 UTC (rev 40871)
@@ -2,6 +2,10 @@
   After Zelenium-0.7
+    - Added the testsuite_name property that allows multiple test
+      suites to be built up from test cases within a single filesystem
+      directory.
     - Upgrade to selenium version 0.6
     - Suites now recurse through all "folderish" subobjects, looking

Modified: Zelenium/trunk/README.txt
--- Zelenium/trunk/README.txt	2005-12-18 20:08:53 UTC (rev 40870)
+++ Zelenium/trunk/README.txt	2005-12-18 20:20:15 UTC (rev 40871)
@@ -70,7 +70,14 @@
     The list of files to be included is computed via the following
-     - If the directory contains a file, '.objects', it is presumed to
+     - If the testsuite_name property contains the name of a file that
+       exists in the directory, it is presumed to contain a list of
+       files containing tests, one per line. The test cases will be
+       presented in the order indicated in the file, and test cases
+       may be included more than once.
+     - If the testsuite_name property is empty but the directory
+       contains  a file, '.objects', it is presumed to
        contain a list of files to be included, one per line;  only those
        files / subdirectories (if present) will be included.  In this case,
        the test cases will be presented in the order indicated in the file,

Modified: Zelenium/trunk/zuite.py
--- Zelenium/trunk/zuite.py	2005-12-18 20:08:53 UTC (rev 40870)
+++ Zelenium/trunk/zuite.py	2005-12-18 20:20:15 UTC (rev 40871)
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@
     filesystem_path = ''
     filename_glob = ''
+    testsuite_name = ''
     _v_filesystem_objects = None
     _properties = ( { 'id' : 'test_case_metatypes'
@@ -133,6 +134,10 @@
                     , 'type' : 'string'
                     , 'mode' : 'w'
+                  , { 'id' : 'testsuite_name'
+                    , 'type' : 'string'
+                    , 'mode' : 'w'
+                    }
     security = ClassSecurityInfo()
@@ -398,8 +403,9 @@
         info = { 'testcases' : (), 'subdirs' : {} }
-        # Look for a '.objects' file with an explicit manifiest
-        manifest = os.path.join( path, '.objects' )
+        # Look for a specified test suite
+        # or a '.objects' file with an explicit manifiest
+        manifest = os.path.join( path, self.testsuite_name or '.objects' )
         if os.path.isfile( manifest ):
             filenames = [ x.strip() for x in open( manifest ).readlines() ]

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