[Zope-CVS] SVN: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/ GenericSetup
support for first set of plugins.
Tres Seaver
tseaver at palladion.com
Tue Nov 15 22:30:21 EST 2005
Log message for revision 40146:
GenericSetup support for first set of plugins.
A PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/exportimport.py
A PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/tests/test_exportimport.py
A PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/
A PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbgroups.xml
A PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbroles.xml
A PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbusers.xml
Added: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/exportimport.py
--- PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/exportimport.py 2005-11-15 23:15:22 UTC (rev 40145)
+++ PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/exportimport.py 2005-11-16 03:30:21 UTC (rev 40146)
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights
+# Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this
+# distribution.
+""" Export / import adapters for stock PAS plugins.
+from xml.dom.minidom import parseString
+from Acquisition import Implicit
+from zope.interface import implements
+from Products.GenericSetup.interfaces import IFilesystemExporter
+from Products.GenericSetup.interfaces import IFilesystemImporter
+ from Products.GenericSetup.utils import PageTemplateResource
+except ImportError: # BBB
+ from Products.PageTemplates.PageTemplateFile \
+ import PageTemplateFile as PageTemplateResource
+class SimpleXMLExportImport(Implicit):
+ """ Base for plugins whose configuration can be dumped to an XML file.
+ o Derived classes must define:
+ '_FILENAME' -- a class variable naming the export template
+ '_getExportInfo' -- a method returning a mapping which will be passed
+ to the template as 'info'.
+ '_ROOT_TAGNAME' -- the name of the root tag in the XML (for sanity check)
+ '_purgeContext' -- a method which clears our context.
+ '_updateFromDOM' -- a method taking the root node of the DOM.
+ """
+ implements(IFilesystemExporter, IFilesystemImporter)
+ def __init__(self, context):
+ self.context = context
+ def export(self, export_context, subdir, root=False):
+ """ See IFilesystemExporter.
+ """
+ template = PageTemplateResource('xml/%s' % self._FILENAME,
+ globals()).__of__(self.context)
+ info = self._getExportInfo()
+ export_context.writeDataFile('%s.xml' % self.context.getId(),
+ template(info=info),
+ 'text/xml',
+ subdir,
+ )
+ def listExportableItems(self):
+ """ See IFilesystemExporter.
+ """
+ return ()
+ def import_(self, import_context, subdir, root=False):
+ """ See IFilesystemImporter
+ """
+ if import_context.shouldPurge():
+ self._purgeContext()
+ data = import_context.readDataFile('%s.xml' % self.context.getId(),
+ subdir)
+ if data is not None:
+ dom = parseString(data)
+ root = dom.firstChild
+ assert root.tagName == self._ROOT_TAGNAME
+ title = root.attributes.get('title')
+ if title is not None:
+ title = title.value
+ self.context.title = title
+ self._updateFromDOM(root)
+class ZODBUserManagerExportImport(SimpleXMLExportImport):
+ """ Adapter for dumping / loading ZODBUSerManager to an XML file.
+ """
+ implements(IFilesystemExporter, IFilesystemImporter)
+ _FILENAME = 'zodbusers.xml'
+ _ROOT_TAGNAME = 'zodb-users'
+ def _purgeContext(self):
+ self.context.__init__(self.context.id, self.context.title)
+ def _updateFromDOM(self, root):
+ for user in root.getElementsByTagName('user'):
+ user_id = user.attributes['user_id'].value
+ login_name = user.attributes['login_name'].value
+ password_hash = user.attributes['password_hash'].value
+ self.context.addUser(user_id, login_name, 'x')
+ self.context._user_passwords[user_id] = password_hash
+ def _getExportInfo(self):
+ user_info = []
+ for uinfo in self.context.listUserInfo():
+ user_id = uinfo['user_id']
+ info = {'user_id': user_id,
+ 'login_name': uinfo['login_name'],
+ 'password_hash': self.context._user_passwords[user_id],
+ }
+ user_info.append(info)
+ return {'title': self.context.title,
+ 'users': user_info,
+ }
+class ZODBGroupManagerExportImport(SimpleXMLExportImport):
+ """ Adapter for dumping / loading ZODBGroupManager to an XML file.
+ """
+ _FILENAME = 'zodbgroups.xml'
+ _ROOT_TAGNAME = 'zodb-groups'
+ def _purgeContext(self):
+ self.context.__init__(self.context.id, self.context.title)
+ def _updateFromDOM(self, root):
+ for group in root.getElementsByTagName('group'):
+ group_id = group.attributes['group_id'].value
+ title = group.attributes['title'].value
+ description = group.attributes['description'].value
+ self.context.addGroup(group_id, title, description)
+ for principal in group.getElementsByTagName('principal'):
+ principal_id = principal.attributes['principal_id'].value
+ self.context.addPrincipalToGroup(principal_id, group_id)
+ def _getExportInfo(self):
+ group_info = []
+ for ginfo in self.context.listGroupInfo():
+ group_id = ginfo['id']
+ info = {'group_id': group_id,
+ 'title': ginfo['title'],
+ 'description': ginfo['description'],
+ }
+ info['principals'] = self._listGroupPrincipals(group_id)
+ group_info.append(info)
+ return {'title': self.context.title,
+ 'groups': group_info,
+ }
+ def _listGroupPrincipals(self, group_id):
+ """ List the principal IDs of the group's members.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for k, v in self.context._principal_groups.items():
+ if group_id in v:
+ result.append(k)
+ return tuple(result)
+class ZODBRoleManagerExportImport(SimpleXMLExportImport):
+ """ Adapter for dumping / loading ZODBGroupManager to an XML file.
+ """
+ _FILENAME = 'zodbroles.xml'
+ _ROOT_TAGNAME = 'zodb-roles'
+ def _purgeContext(self):
+ self.context.__init__(self.context.id, self.context.title)
+ def _updateFromDOM(self, root):
+ for role in root.getElementsByTagName('role'):
+ role_id = role.attributes['role_id'].value
+ title = role.attributes['title'].value
+ description = role.attributes['description'].value
+ self.context.addRole(role_id, title, description)
+ for principal in role.getElementsByTagName('principal'):
+ principal_id = principal.attributes['principal_id'].value
+ self.context.assignRoleToPrincipal(role_id, principal_id)
+ def _getExportInfo(self):
+ role_info = []
+ for rinfo in self.context.listRoleInfo():
+ role_id = rinfo['id']
+ info = {'role_id': role_id,
+ 'title': rinfo['title'],
+ 'description': rinfo['description'],
+ }
+ info['principals'] = self._listRolePrincipals(role_id)
+ role_info.append(info)
+ return {'title': self.context.title,
+ 'roles': role_info,
+ }
+ def _listRolePrincipals(self, role_id):
+ """ List the principal IDs of the group's members.
+ """
+ result = []
+ for k, v in self.context._principal_roles.items():
+ if role_id in v:
+ result.append(k)
+ return tuple(result)
Property changes on: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/exportimport.py
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/tests/test_exportimport.py
--- PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/tests/test_exportimport.py 2005-11-15 23:15:22 UTC (rev 40145)
+++ PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/tests/test_exportimport.py 2005-11-16 03:30:21 UTC (rev 40146)
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Zope Corporation and Contributors. All Rights
+# Reserved.
+# This software is subject to the provisions of the Zope Public License,
+# Version 2.1 (ZPL). A copy of the ZPL should accompany this
+# distribution.
+import unittest
+ import Products.GenericSetup
+except ImportError: # No GenericSetup, so no tests
+ print 'XXXX: No GenericSetup!'
+ def test_suite():
+ return unittest.TestSuite()
+ from Products.GenericSetup.tests.conformance \
+ import ConformsToIFilesystemExporter
+ from Products.GenericSetup.tests.conformance \
+ import ConformsToIFilesystemImporter
+ from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import SecurityRequestTest
+ from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DOMComparator
+ from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyExportContext
+ from Products.GenericSetup.tests.common import DummyImportContext
+ class _TestBase(SecurityRequestTest,
+ DOMComparator,
+ ConformsToIFilesystemExporter,
+ ConformsToIFilesystemImporter,
+ ):
+ def _makeOne(self, context, *args, **kw):
+ return self._getTargetClass()(context, *args, **kw)
+ class ZODBUserManagerExportImportTests(_TestBase):
+ def _getTargetClass(self):
+ from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.exportimport \
+ import ZODBUserManagerExportImport
+ return ZODBUserManagerExportImport
+ def _makePlugin(self, id='zodbusers', *args, **kw):
+ from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.ZODBUserManager \
+ import ZODBUserManager
+ return ZODBUserManager(id, *args, **kw)
+ def test_listExportableItems(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('lEI').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ self.assertEqual(len(adapter.listExportableItems()), 0)
+ plugin.addUser('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
+ self.assertEqual(len(adapter.listExportableItems()), 0)
+ def test__getExportInfo_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ info = adapter._getExportInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(info['title'], None)
+ self.assertEqual(len(info['users']), 0)
+ def test_export_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyExportContext(plugin)
+ adapter.export(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 1 )
+ filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+ self.assertEqual( filename, 'plugins/empty.xml' )
+ self._compareDOM( text, _EMPTY_ZODB_USERS )
+ self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+ def test__getExportInfo_with_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_users').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ source_info = []
+ for info in _ZODB_USER_INFO:
+ info = info.copy()
+ plugin.addUser(**info)
+ hash = plugin._user_passwords[info['user_id']]
+ info['password_hash'] = hash
+ source_info.append(info)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ info = adapter._getExportInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(info['title'], 'Plugin Title')
+ self.assertEqual(len(info['users']), len(source_info))
+ for x, y in zip(info['users'], source_info):
+ self.assertEqual(x['user_id'], y['user_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(x['login_name'], y['login_name'])
+ self.assertEqual(x['password_hash'], y['password_hash'])
+ def test_export_with_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_users').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ hashes = []
+ for info in _ZODB_USER_INFO:
+ plugin.addUser(**info)
+ hash = plugin._user_passwords[info['user_id']]
+ hashes.append(hash)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyExportContext(plugin)
+ adapter.export(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual( len(context._wrote), 1)
+ filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+ self.assertEqual(filename, 'plugins/with_users.xml')
+ self._compareDOM(text, _FILLED_ZODB_USERS % tuple(hashes))
+ self.assertEqual(content_type, 'text/xml')
+ def test_import_empty(self):
+ HASHES = ('abcde', 'wxyz')
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin)
+ context._files['plugins/empty.xml'] = _FILLED_ZODB_USERS % HASHES
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._user_passwords), len(_ZODB_USER_INFO))
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, 'Plugin Title')
+ for info, hash in zip(_ZODB_USER_INFO, HASHES):
+ user_id = info['user_id']
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.getLoginForUserId(user_id),
+ info['login_name'])
+ self.assertEqual(plugin._user_passwords[user_id], hash)
+ def test_import_without_purge_leaves_existing_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_users').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for info in _ZODB_USER_INFO:
+ plugin.addUser(**info)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin, purge=False)
+ context._files['plugins/with_users.xml'] = _EMPTY_ZODB_USERS
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._user_passwords), len(_ZODB_USER_INFO))
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._user_passwords), len(_ZODB_USER_INFO))
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ def test_import_with_purge_wipes_existing_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_users').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for info in _ZODB_USER_INFO:
+ plugin.addUser(**info)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin, purge=True)
+ context._files['plugins/with_users.xml'] = _EMPTY_ZODB_USERS
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._user_passwords), len(_ZODB_USER_INFO))
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._user_passwords), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ class ZODBGroupManagerExportImportTests(_TestBase):
+ def _getTargetClass(self):
+ from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.exportimport \
+ import ZODBGroupManagerExportImport
+ return ZODBGroupManagerExportImport
+ def _makePlugin(self, id, *args, **kw):
+ from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.ZODBGroupManager \
+ import ZODBGroupManager
+ return ZODBGroupManager(id, *args, **kw)
+ def test_listExportableItems(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('lEI').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ self.assertEqual(len(adapter.listExportableItems()), 0)
+ plugin.addGroup('group_id', 'title', 'description')
+ self.assertEqual(len(adapter.listExportableItems()), 0)
+ def test__getExportInfo_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ info = adapter._getExportInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(info['title'], None)
+ self.assertEqual(len(info['groups']), 0)
+ def test_export_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyExportContext(plugin)
+ adapter.export(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 1 )
+ filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+ self.assertEqual( filename, 'plugins/empty.xml' )
+ self._compareDOM( text, _EMPTY_ZODB_GROUPS )
+ self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+ def test__getExportInfo_with_groups(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_groups').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for g in _ZODB_GROUP_INFO:
+ plugin.addGroup(g['group_id'], g['title'], g['description'])
+ for principal in g['principals']:
+ plugin.addPrincipalToGroup(principal, g['group_id'])
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ info = adapter._getExportInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(info['title'], 'Plugin Title')
+ self.assertEqual(len(info['groups']), len(_ZODB_GROUP_INFO))
+ for x, y in zip(info['groups'], _ZODB_GROUP_INFO):
+ self.assertEqual(x, y)
+ def test_export_with_groups(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_groups').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for g in _ZODB_GROUP_INFO:
+ plugin.addGroup(g['group_id'], g['title'], g['description'])
+ for principal in g['principals']:
+ plugin.addPrincipalToGroup(principal, g['group_id'])
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyExportContext(plugin)
+ adapter.export(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual( len(context._wrote), 1)
+ filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+ self.assertEqual(filename, 'plugins/with_groups.xml')
+ self._compareDOM(text, _FILLED_ZODB_GROUPS)
+ self.assertEqual(content_type, 'text/xml')
+ def test_import_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin)
+ context._files['plugins/empty.xml'] = _FILLED_ZODB_GROUPS
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ found = plugin.listGroupInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(len(found), len(_ZODB_GROUP_INFO))
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, 'Plugin Title')
+ for finfo, ginfo in zip(found, _ZODB_GROUP_INFO):
+ self.assertEqual(finfo['id'], ginfo['group_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(finfo['title'], ginfo['title'])
+ self.assertEqual(finfo['description'], ginfo['description'])
+ for principal_id in ginfo['principals']:
+ groups = plugin._principal_groups[principal_id]
+ self.failUnless(ginfo['group_id'] in groups)
+ def test_import_without_purge_leaves_existing_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_groups').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for g in _ZODB_GROUP_INFO:
+ plugin.addGroup(g['group_id'], g['title'], g['description'])
+ for principal in g['principals']:
+ plugin.addPrincipalToGroup(principal, g['group_id'])
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin, purge=False)
+ context._files['plugins/with_groups.xml'] = _EMPTY_ZODB_GROUPS
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._groups), len(_ZODB_GROUP_INFO))
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._groups), len(_ZODB_GROUP_INFO))
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ def test_import_with_purge_wipes_existing_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_groups').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for g in _ZODB_GROUP_INFO:
+ plugin.addGroup(g['group_id'], g['title'], g['description'])
+ for principal in g['principals']:
+ plugin.addPrincipalToGroup(principal, g['group_id'])
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin, purge=True)
+ context._files['plugins/with_groups.xml'] = _EMPTY_ZODB_GROUPS
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._groups), len(_ZODB_GROUP_INFO))
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._groups), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ class ZODBRoleManagerExportImportTests(_TestBase):
+ def _getTargetClass(self):
+ from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.exportimport \
+ import ZODBRoleManagerExportImport
+ return ZODBRoleManagerExportImport
+ def _makePlugin(self, id, *args, **kw):
+ from Products.PluggableAuthService.plugins.ZODBRoleManager \
+ import ZODBRoleManager
+ return ZODBRoleManager(id, *args, **kw)
+ def test_listExportableItems(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('lEI').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ self.assertEqual(len(adapter.listExportableItems()), 0)
+ plugin.addRole('role_id', 'title', 'description')
+ self.assertEqual(len(adapter.listExportableItems()), 0)
+ def test__getExportInfo_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ info = adapter._getExportInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(info['title'], None)
+ self.assertEqual(len(info['roles']), 0)
+ def test_export_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyExportContext(plugin)
+ adapter.export(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual( len( context._wrote ), 1 )
+ filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+ self.assertEqual( filename, 'plugins/empty.xml' )
+ self._compareDOM( text, _EMPTY_ZODB_ROLES )
+ self.assertEqual( content_type, 'text/xml' )
+ def test__getExportInfo_with_roles(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_roles').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for r in _ZODB_ROLE_INFO:
+ plugin.addRole(r['role_id'], r['title'], r['description'])
+ for principal in r['principals']:
+ plugin.assignRoleToPrincipal(r['role_id'], principal)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ info = adapter._getExportInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(info['title'], 'Plugin Title')
+ self.assertEqual(len(info['roles']), len(_ZODB_ROLE_INFO))
+ for x, y in zip(info['roles'], _ZODB_ROLE_INFO):
+ self.assertEqual(x, y)
+ def test_export_with_roles(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_roles').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for r in _ZODB_ROLE_INFO:
+ plugin.addRole(r['role_id'], r['title'], r['description'])
+ for principal in r['principals']:
+ plugin.assignRoleToPrincipal(r['role_id'], principal)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyExportContext(plugin)
+ adapter.export(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual( len(context._wrote), 1)
+ filename, text, content_type = context._wrote[ 0 ]
+ self.assertEqual(filename, 'plugins/with_roles.xml')
+ self._compareDOM(text, _FILLED_ZODB_ROLES)
+ self.assertEqual(content_type, 'text/xml')
+ def test_import_empty(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('empty').__of__(self.root)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin)
+ context._files['plugins/empty.xml'] = _FILLED_ZODB_ROLES
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ found = plugin.listRoleInfo()
+ self.assertEqual(len(found), len(_ZODB_ROLE_INFO))
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, 'Plugin Title')
+ for finfo, rinfo in zip(found, _ZODB_ROLE_INFO):
+ self.assertEqual(finfo['id'], rinfo['role_id'])
+ self.assertEqual(finfo['title'], rinfo['title'])
+ self.assertEqual(finfo['description'], rinfo['description'])
+ for principal_id in rinfo['principals']:
+ roles = plugin._principal_roles[principal_id]
+ self.failUnless(rinfo['role_id'] in roles)
+ def test_import_without_purge_leaves_existing_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_roles').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for r in _ZODB_ROLE_INFO:
+ plugin.addRole(r['role_id'], r['title'], r['description'])
+ for principal in r['principals']:
+ plugin.assignRoleToPrincipal(r['role_id'], principal)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin, purge=False)
+ context._files['plugins/with_roles.xml'] = _EMPTY_ZODB_ROLES
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._roles), len(_ZODB_ROLE_INFO))
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._roles), len(_ZODB_ROLE_INFO))
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ def test_import_with_purge_wipes_existing_users(self):
+ plugin = self._makePlugin('with_roles').__of__(self.root)
+ plugin.title = 'Plugin Title'
+ for r in _ZODB_ROLE_INFO:
+ plugin.addRole(r['role_id'], r['title'], r['description'])
+ for principal in r['principals']:
+ plugin.assignRoleToPrincipal(r['role_id'], principal)
+ adapter = self._makeOne(plugin)
+ context = DummyImportContext(plugin, purge=True)
+ context._files['plugins/with_roles.xml'] = _EMPTY_ZODB_ROLES
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._roles), len(_ZODB_ROLE_INFO))
+ adapter.import_(context, 'plugins', False)
+ self.assertEqual(len(plugin._roles), 0)
+ self.assertEqual(plugin.title, None)
+ def test_suite():
+ suite = unittest.TestSuite((
+ unittest.makeSuite(ZODBUserManagerExportImportTests),
+ unittest.makeSuite(ZODBGroupManagerExportImportTests),
+ unittest.makeSuite(ZODBRoleManagerExportImportTests),
+ ))
+ return suite
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+_ZODB_USER_INFO = ({'user_id': 'user_1',
+ 'login_name': 'user1 at example.com',
+ 'password': 'password1',
+ },
+ {'user_id': 'user_2',
+ 'login_name': 'user2 at example.com',
+ 'password': 'password2',
+ },
+ )
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<zodb-users title="Plugin Title">
+<user user_id="user_1"
+login_name="user1 at example.com"
+password_hash="%s" />
+<user user_id="user_2"
+login_name="user2 at example.com"
+password_hash="%s" />
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+_ZODB_GROUP_INFO = ({'group_id': 'group_1',
+ 'title': 'Group 1',
+ 'description': 'First Group',
+ 'principals': ('principal1', 'principal2'),
+ },
+ {'group_id': 'group_2',
+ 'title': 'Group 2',
+ 'description': 'Second Group',
+ 'principals': ('principal1', 'principal3'),
+ },
+ )
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<zodb-groups title="Plugin Title">
+<group group_id="group_1" title="Group 1" description="First Group">
+<principal principal_id="principal1" />
+<principal principal_id="principal2" />
+<group group_id="group_2" title="Group 2" description="Second Group">
+<principal principal_id="principal1" />
+<principal principal_id="principal3" />
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+_ZODB_ROLE_INFO = ({'role_id': 'role_1',
+ 'title': 'Role 1',
+ 'description': 'First Role',
+ 'principals': ('principal1', 'principal2'),
+ },
+ {'role_id': 'role_2',
+ 'title': 'Role 2',
+ 'description': 'Second Role',
+ 'principals': ('principal1', 'principal3'),
+ },
+ )
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<zodb-roles title="Plugin Title">
+<role role_id="role_1" title="Role 1" description="First Role">
+<principal principal_id="principal1" />
+<principal principal_id="principal2" />
+<role role_id="role_2" title="Role 2" description="Second Role">
+<principal principal_id="principal1" />
+<principal principal_id="principal3" />
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(defaultTest='test_suite')
Property changes on: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/tests/test_exportimport.py
Name: svn:keywords
+ Id
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbgroups.xml
--- PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbgroups.xml 2005-11-15 23:15:22 UTC (rev 40145)
+++ PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbgroups.xml 2005-11-16 03:30:21 UTC (rev 40146)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<zodb-groups xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
+ title="PLUGIN TITLE"
+ tal:define="info options/info;
+ "
+ tal:attributes="title info/title;
+ "
+ <group group_id="GROUP_ID" title="TITLE" description="DESCRIPTION"
+ tal:repeat="group info/groups"
+ tal:attributes="group_id group/group_id;
+ title group/title;
+ description group/description;
+ ">
+ <principal principal_id="PRINCIPAL_ID"
+ tal:repeat="principal_id group/principals"
+ tal:attributes="principal_id principal_id" />
+ </group>
Property changes on: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbgroups.xml
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbroles.xml
--- PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbroles.xml 2005-11-15 23:15:22 UTC (rev 40145)
+++ PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbroles.xml 2005-11-16 03:30:21 UTC (rev 40146)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<zodb-roles xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
+ tal:define="info options/info;
+ "
+ title="PLUGIN TITLE"
+ tal:attributes="title info/title;
+ "
+ <role role_id="ROLE_ID" title="TITLE" description="DESCRIPTION"
+ tal:repeat="role info/roles"
+ tal:attributes="role_id role/role_id;
+ title role/title;
+ description role/description;
+ ">
+ <principal principal_id="PRINCIPAL_ID"
+ tal:repeat="principal_id role/principals"
+ tal:attributes="principal_id principal_id" />
+ </role>
Property changes on: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbroles.xml
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
Added: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbusers.xml
--- PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbusers.xml 2005-11-15 23:15:22 UTC (rev 40145)
+++ PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbusers.xml 2005-11-16 03:30:21 UTC (rev 40146)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+<zodb-users xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
+ title="PLUGIN TITLE"
+ tal:define="info options/info"
+ tal:attributes="title info/title;
+ ">
+ <user user_id="USER_ID" login_name="LOGIN" password_hash="PASSWORD_HASH"
+ tal:repeat="user info/users"
+ tal:attributes="user_id user/user_id;
+ login_name user/login_name;
+ password_hash user/password_hash;
+ " />
Property changes on: PluggableAuthService/trunk/plugins/xml/zodbusers.xml
Name: svn:eol-style
+ native
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