[Zope-DB] Python Scripts and Database Connections

William Trenker wtrenker@shaw.ca
Fri, 10 May 2002 14:03:21 -0700

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I'm testing a Zope DA that I've put together for SQLite 
(http://hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/index.html).  I'm getting pretty familiar with 
Zope and am quite experienced with Python.  I've read the doc's but I'm 
still a bit confused on one point (well, lots of points).

Is there a way to create a Zope DB Connection instance on the fly from a 
Python Script?  What I'd like to do is programmatically create a DB 
Connection object on the fly, feed it some SQL, again on-the-fly, and then 
delete the connection object.

(The reason is that I'd like to set up a script with a front-end that asks 
the user for a DSN and some SQL.  I don't know, in advance, what database 
connection the user may wish to access.  But I don't want the usual ZMI 
management screens to flash up when the script is running.)

Thanks in advance,

"The commandments of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart. The 
commands of the LORD are clear, giving insight to life . . . For this is 
the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are 
not burdensome." (Psalm 19:8, 1John 
5:3)    <http://torahteacher.com/>torahteacher.com

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