[Zope-DB] Newbie is stuck: Zope-MySQL

Roger Fisher rlfisher@sprynet.com
Sat, 11 May 2002 15:56:49 -0700

Thanks for your helpful response.

I moved the contents of zope\lib\Products\MySQL to zope\lib\python and
restarted the Zope server.  ZMySQLDA still failed to load (unable to find
_mysql).  I verified that _mysql IS in the zope\lib\python folder.  I don't
see any obvious problems in the mysql setup.py

-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Maurer [mailto:dieter@handshake.de]
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 1:41 PM
To: rlfisher@sprynet.com
Cc: zope-db@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope-DB] Newbie is stuck: Zope-MySQL

Roger Fisher writes:
 > I am having difficulty connecting Zope and MySQL on a Win9x system.  Zope
 > running fine by itself, and MySQL is running fine by itself. The trouble
 > with the connection between the two.
 > I have copied ZMySQLDA into the zope\...\Products\ZMySQLDA folder
 > I have copied MySQL-python into zope\...\Products\MySQL
Move it to "zope\lib\python".

It is not a product and should be directly accessible from the
Python path (which points to "zope\lib\python".
