[Zope-DB] SQL optimisation: follow up

mlist@fissgus.de mlist@fissgus.de
Tue, 12 Nov 2002 11:32:35 +0100

> -----Original Message-----
  > From: mal@lemburg.com [mailto:mal@lemburg.com]
  > Dieter Maurer wrote:
  > > M.-A. Lemburg writes:
  > >  > Funny that nobody ever considers using the open-source SAP DB.
  > >  > That's a full-blown RDBMS with a long history of being reliable
  > >  > and fast.
  > > A colleague made some tests (not completely 
  > systematically, not a complete
  > > test suite).
  > > SAP DB performed considerably worse than PostgreSQL in 
  > these tests,
  > > especially when the amount of data grew.
  > Strange, my observation is that SAP DB does really well on large
  > data (after all, it was designed for that). Unlike MySQL large
  > result sets don't lower the performance.
as Dieter pointed out: not systematically tested, no complete test
if interested, some details here:
  > > He also had some problems with the ODBC drivers and the SAP DB
  > > admin tool.
  > If you don't like the ODBC drivers (which aren't that bad compared
  > to those of several other vendors), you can still use the SAP DB
  > native Python interfaces.
sure, but for our needs, the ODBC driver is important: many people
the databases from the 'windows-world'
  > > He was transformed from a SAP DB enthusiast to an SAP DB doubter.
Maybe thats a little bit too harsh :-)
At the time, the decision which database to use had to be made, I didn't
comfortable enough to say 'sapdb is *the* database to use'.
I still 'like' sapdb and I think they did a great job. Especially their 
mailinglist is very good and usually the sapdb-people answer questions 
very fast and provide helpfull information.
When I find the time, I will definitively give sapdb a new try.

   > Anyway, just thought I'd mention SAP DB here,
I guess, no matter which database you use, it ends up to somthing like:
  - all off them have their benefits (if you know what you are doing :-)
  - sooner or later you will receive a severe blow
