[Zope-DB] Re: Formulator issue with Z Search Interface (Was: Form evaluation in ZSQL-Method)

Dieter Maurer dieter at handshake.de
Thu Sep 25 14:16:46 EDT 2003

Andreas Tille wrote at 2003-9-25 07:34 +0200:
 > ...
 > > *Whenever* you report an error (it doesn't matter whether to this
 > > or the Formulator list) you *must* include the traceback.
 > > Otherwise, it becomes much more difficult to help you.
 > Right - I hope I will learn this lesson. Please see below.

Let's see what we can get from this traceback:
 > ...
     * Module TAL.TALInterpreter, line 473, in do_setLocal_tal
 >     * Module Products.PageTemplates.TALES, line 217, in evaluate
 >       URL: /Test/adr-debug_Form/report.html
 >       Line 3, Column 2
 >       Expression: standard:'here/test'
 > ...
 >  'request': <HTTPRequest, URL=http://wr-linux02.rki.ivbb.bund.de:9673/Test/adr-debug_Form/report.html>,
 > ...

You called ".../adr-debug_Form/report.html", a PageTemplate.

TAL is in "line 3" of this template evaluating "here/test".
 > ...
 >     * Module Shared.DC.ZRDB.DA, line 415, in __call__

"test" is a Z SQL Method (don't ask me why someone called them "DA" (database

 >     * Module DocumentTemplate.DT_String, line 474, in __call__

Now the Z SQL Method's body is rendered (which should give
you the SQL command to execute).

 >     * Module Shared.DC.ZRDB.sqlgroup, line 101, in render
 >       __traceback_info__: sqlgroup

in "sqlgroup".

 >     * Module DocumentTemplate.DT_String, line 474, in __call__
 >     * Module DocumentTemplate.DT_Util, line 201, in eval
 >       __traceback_info__: field_iditem
 >     * Module <string>, line 2, in f

There, somewhere in your "sqlgroup" is an undefined
"field_iditem" reference.

As you can see: the traceback gives quite a few hints where
the error occurs.


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