[Zope-DB] Another problem with DCOracle2 stored procedure calls

Christian Long clong at info-advan.com
Sun Sep 28 04:35:26 EDT 2003


I'm having trouble with stored procedure calls on DCOracle2.
See version & environment info at end of message

I tried to report it on the DCOracle2 issue tracker, but I get "Insufficient
You do not have sufficient privileges to view this page."

I'm getting the following error
DatabaseError: (6502, 'ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character
to number conversion error\nORA-06512: at line 1')

This occurs when I'm trying to pass in a NULL (python None) as the value of
a number IN/OUT parameter.  I can pass an integer on a number IN/OUT
parameter with no problem, and I can also pass a NULL on an IN parameter.
The problem occurs only when I'm passing a NULL on an IN/OUT number

  When I pass in NULL on an IN/OUT number, it fails when doing the dynamic
bind on the IN.  I'm not sure why it's doing a dynamicBindIn for a NULL

Dynamic binding (lines 347-357 of fails_w_null_inout.tracelog)
* 1064727811.791,  33, OCIStmtExecute, 1, *
* 1064727811.792,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0940, 0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e7b80 ?= 120631, 6, 0x401858a0,
0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0990, 0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e3c80 ?= 1, 2, 0x401922b8, 0, 0,
* 1064727811.792,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0a08, 0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e4e40 ?= None, 5, 0x40198670, 0,
0, *
* 1064727811.840,  34, OCIStmtExecute, -1, *
* 1064727811.840,  36, RaiseOCIError, 6502, 0x7f7f2788 ?= ORA-06502: PL/SQL:
numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
ORA-06512: at line 1

I have identified three different cases:
1) integer IN/OUT - succeeds
2) NULL IN/OUT - fails
3) NULL IN - succeeds.

I can send the relevant tracelog entries for each case, and the tracedump
from the failed call if you are interested.

I have included a digest of the most interesting parts of the tracelogs -
see below.

Thanks very much for your help.

Christian Long


Here is how the procedure is declared in PL/SQL

procedure create_recv_detail(t_recv_no           in out varchar2, --
                             t_po_no             in out
varchar2, --conditionally required
                             t_po_line           in out
number,--conditionally required
                             t_item_no           in out
varchar2,--conditionally required
                             t_control_no        in out
varchar2, --conditionally required
                             t_dist_seq          in out number, -- can be
                             t_date_expires      in out date, -- can be null
                             t_qty               in number, -- required
                             t_Recv_init         in varchar2, --
conditionally required
                             t_message           in out varchar2) is

Here is how DCOracle2 connection.describe() sees the procedure
['', 'CREATE_RECV _DETAIL', 'procedure',
['', 'T_RECV_NO', 'argument', (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ('IN', 'OU T'))],
['', 'T_PO_NO', 'argument', (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ('IN', 'OUT'))],
['', 'T_PO_L INE', 'argument', (2, 22, 0, 0, 0, ('IN', 'OUT'))],
['', 'T_ITEM_NO', 'argument' , (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ('IN', 'OUT'))],
['', 'T_CONTROL_NO', 'argument', (1, 0, 0, 0,  0, ('IN', 'OUT'))],
['', 'T_DIST_SEQ', 'argument', (2, 22, 0, 0, 0, ('IN', 'OUT '))],
['', 'T_DATE_EXPIRES', 'argument', (12, 0, 0, 0, 0, ('IN', 'OUT'))],
['', 'T_QTY', 'argument', (2, 22, 0, 0, 0, ('IN',))],
['', 'T_RECV_INIT', 'argument',  (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ('IN',))],
['', 'T_MESSAGE', 'argument', (1, 0, 0, 0, 0, ('IN',  'OUT'))]

Side note cn.describe("myschema.mypackage.myprocedure") causes a Bus error &
coredump, but I was able to snip this description out of

            Type 1 - Succeeds
dist_seq is an IN OUT number parameter.  When I call the procedure with the
dist_seq parameter as 0 (zero), the procedure gets called properly.

    t_recv_no       = '120630'
    t_po_no         = None
    t_po_line       = 1
    t_item_no       = None
    t_control_no    = None
    t_dist_seq      = 0           # Procedure called OK when this is 0
    t_date_expires  = None
    t_qty           = 45
    t_Recv_init     = None
    t_message       = None

Interesting lines from tracelog file:   works_wo_nulls_dco2.tracelog

Going in: t_recv_no    in out varchar2
10:* 1064725364.383,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x401dfb24 ?= 120630, *
12:* 1064725364.383,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 5, 1, *

Going in: t_po_line    in out number
42:* 1064725364.387,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 1, *
44:* 1064725364.388,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
62:* 1064725364.390,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
63:* 1064725364.390,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 1, 0x40025588, *
67:* 1064725364.391,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x4005170c ?= 1, *

Going in: t_dist_seq    in out number
113:* 1064725364.397,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 0, *
115:* 1064725364.398,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
133:* 1064725364.400,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
134:* 1064725364.400,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 0, 0x40025564, *
138:* 1064725364.400,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x400516dc ?= 0, *

Procedure prep:
178:* 1064725364.406,  33, OCIStmtPrepare, 0x401cfb00, 0x401e6014 ?= BEGIN
PROCRAPI.CREATE_RECV_DETAIL(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10); END;, 72, *

Going in: t_qty    in  number
313:* 1064725364.424,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 45, *

Dynamic binding (lines 350-389)
* 1064725364.429,  33, OCIStmtExecute, 1, *
* 1064725364.430,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d04c0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.430,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e6240 ?= 120630, 6, 0x4015f138,
0, 0, *
* 1064725364.430,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0510, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.430,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e3288 ?= 1, 2, 0x4018dcf8, 0, 0,
* 1064725364.430,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0588, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.430,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e5510 ?= 0, 2, 0x401979a8, 0, 0,
* 1064725364.498,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d04c0, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.498, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401d2d48, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.498, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.499,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6240, 0x40160cc8, 256,
0x4015f138, 0x40161070, *
* 1064725364.499,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d04e8, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.499, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cfa90, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.499, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.499,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e64b0, 0x401660d8, 256,
0x40163aa8, 0x40166fa8, *
* 1064725364.499,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d0510, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.499, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cfa20, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.500, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.500,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e3288, 0x4018e730, 48,
0x4018dcf8, 0x401917a0, *
* 1064725364.500,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d0538, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.500, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cf9b0, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.500, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.500,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6720, 0x4018ae50, 256,
0x40187bb0, 0x4018b430, *
* 1064725364.500,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d0560, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.501, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cf940, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.501, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.501,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6998, 0x40195768, 256,
0x40195540, 0x40195918, *
* 1064725364.501,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d0588, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.501, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cf8d0, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.501, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.501,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e5510, 0x40197fa8, 48,
0x401979a8, 0x40198340, *
* 1064725364.501,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d05b0, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.502, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cf860, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.502, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.502,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6c08, 0x40196860, 256,
0x40196690, 0x40196bc8, *
* 1064725364.502,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401d0628, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.502, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cf700, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064725364.502, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064725364.502,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e7098, 0x4019c878, 256,
0x4019c1a8, 0x4019ca18, *
* 1064725364.503,  34, OCIStmtExecute, 0, *

Coming out: t_recv_no    in out varchar2
405:* 1064725364.507,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e6240 ?= 120630, 6, *
406:* 1064725364.507,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401df390, *

Coming out: t_po_no    in out varchar2
411:* 1064725364.507,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e64b0 ?= 66123, 5, *
412:* 1064725364.508,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e2c90, *

Coming out: t_po_line    in out number
434:* 1064725364.510,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x401e3288 ?= 1, 1, *
435:* 1064725364.510,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x400516f8, *
441:* 1064725364.512,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 1, *
443:* 1064725364.512,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
448:* 1064725364.513,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
449:* 1064725364.513,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 1, 0x40025588, *

Coming out: t_item_no    in out varchar2
454:* 1064725364.516,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e6720 ?= 195729, 6, *
455:* 1064725364.516,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x40046340, *

Coming out: t_dist_seq    in out number
481:* 1064725364.519,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x401e5510 ?= 0, 1, *
482:* 1064725364.519,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x400516c8, *
488:* 1064725364.520,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 0, *
490:* 1064725364.520,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
495:* 1064725364.521,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
496:* 1064725364.521,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 0, 0x40025564, *

            Type 2 - Fails
dist_seq is an IN OUT number parameter.    When I call the procedure with
the dist_seq parameter as None, I get the following error.

DatabaseError: (6502, 'ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character
to number conversion error\nORA-06512: at line 1')

    t_recv_no       = '120631'
    t_po_no         = None
    t_po_line       = 1
    t_item_no       = None
    t_control_no    = None
    t_dist_seq      = None          # Procedure fails when this is None
    t_date_expires  = None
    t_qty           = 45
    t_Recv_init     = None
    t_message       = None

Interesting lines from tracelog file:   fails_w_null_inout.tracelog

Going in: t_recv_no    in out varchar2
10:* 1064727811.745,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x401d666c ?= 120631, *
12:* 1064727811.745,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 5, 1, *

Going in: t_po_line    in out number
42:* 1064727811.750,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 1, *
44:* 1064727811.750,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
62:* 1064727811.752,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
63:* 1064727811.752,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 1, 0x40025588, *
67:* 1064727811.753,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x4005170c ?= 1, *

Going in: t_dist_seq    in out number
134:* 1064727811.762,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x401e43a4 ?= None, *

Procedure prep:
174* 1064727811.768,  33, OCIStmtPrepare, 0x401cff80, 0x401e79e4 ?= BEGIN
PROCRAPI.CREATE_RECV_DETAIL(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10); END;, 72, *

Going in: t_qty    in  number
309:* 1064727811.786,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 45, *

Dynamic binding (lines 347-357)
* 1064727811.791,  33, OCIStmtExecute, 1, *
* 1064727811.792,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0940, 0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e7b80 ?= 120631, 6, 0x401858a0,
0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0990, 0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e3c80 ?= 1, 2, 0x401922b8, 0, 0,
* 1064727811.792,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401d0a08, 0, 0, *
* 1064727811.792,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e4e40 ?= None, 5, 0x40198670, 0,
0, *
* 1064727811.840,  34, OCIStmtExecute, -1, *
* 1064727811.840,  36, RaiseOCIError, 6502, 0x7f7f2788 ?= ORA-06502: PL/SQL:
numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
ORA-06512: at line 1
, *

            Type 3 - Succeeds
quantity is an IN number parameter.    When I call the procedure with the
quantity parameter as None, the procedure gets called properly, and I get
the appropriate error back from the business logic in the stored procedure

    t_recv_no       = '120632'
    t_po_no         = None
    t_po_line       = 1
    t_item_no       = None
    t_control_no    = None
    t_dist_seq      = 0
    t_date_expires  = None
    t_qty           = None         # Procedure called OK when this is 0, and
also when it is None
    t_Recv_init     = None
    t_message       = None

Interesting lines from tracelog file:   works_w_null_in_dco2.tracelog

Going in: t_recv_no    in out varchar2
10:* 1064729034.487,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x401d3c3c ?= 120632, *
12:* 1064729034.488,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 5, 1, *

Going in: t_po_line    in out number
42:* 1064729034.493,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 1, *
44:* 1064729034.493,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
62:* 1064729034.495,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
63:* 1064729034.495,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 1, 0x40025588, *
67:* 1064729034.496,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x4005170c ?= 1, *

Going in: t_dist_seq    in out number
113:* 1064729034.503,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 0, *
115:* 1064729034.503,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
133:* 1064729034.505,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
134:* 1064729034.505,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 0, 0x40025564, *
138:* 1064729034.506,  64, bindObject, SQLT_STR, 0x400516dc ?= 0, *

Procedure prep:
178:* 1064729034.511,  33, OCIStmtPrepare, 0x401cef18, 0x401e695c ?= BEGIN
PROCRAPI.CREATE_RECV_DETAIL(:1,:2,:3,:4,:5,:6,:7,:8,:9,:10); END;, 72, *

Dynamic binding (lines 350-389)
* 1064729034.534,  33, OCIStmtExecute, 1, *
* 1064729034.535,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401cf8d8, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.535,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e6af8 ?= 120632, 6, 0x4018be30,
0, 0, *
* 1064729034.535,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401cf928, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.535,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e5dd0 ?= 1, 2, 0x401994c0, 0, 0,
* 1064729034.536,  17, dynamicBindIn, 0x401cf9a0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.536,  18, dynamicBindIn, 0x401e5f48 ?= 0, 2, 0x401a4018, 0, 0,
* 1064729034.561,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf8d8, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.561, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401d24b0, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.561, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.562,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6af8, 0x4018da90, 256,
0x4018be30, 0x4018e6f8, *
* 1064729034.562,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf900, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.562, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401ceea8, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.562, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.562,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6fd8, 0x40195400, 256,
0x401950f0, 0x40195a28, *
* 1064729034.562,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf928, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.562, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cee38, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.563, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.563,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e5dd0, 0x40199b18, 48,
0x401994c0, 0x4019b758, *
* 1064729034.563,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf950, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.563, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cedc8, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.563, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.563,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e7250, 0x40197ed8, 256,
0x40197400, 0x40198078, *
* 1064729034.563,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf978, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.563, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401ced58, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.564, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.564,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e6d68, 0x4019dbf8, 256,
0x4019db08, 0x4019e3a0, *
* 1064729034.564,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf9a0, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.564, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cece8, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.564, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.564,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e5f48, 0x401a41e8, 48,
0x401a4018, 0x401a8eb0, *
* 1064729034.564,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cf9c8, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.564, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401cec78, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.565, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.565,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e74c0, 0x401a0bc8, 256,
0x401a0610, 0x401a1218, *
* 1064729034.565,  17, dynamicBindOut, 0x401cfa40, 0, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.565, 161, OCIAttrGet, 0x401ceb18, OCI_HTYPE_BIND, 0x7f7f4548,
* 1064729034.565, 162, OCIAttrGet, 0, 0, *
* 1064729034.565,  18, dynamicBindOut, 0x401e7950, 0x401abec8, 256,
0x401abd78, 0x401abf18, *
* 1064729034.565,  34, OCIStmtExecute, 0, *

Coming out: t_recv_no    in out varchar2
404:* 1064729034.569,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e6af8 ?= 120632, 6, *
405:* 1064729034.569,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401d36e0, *

Coming out: t_po_line    in out number
431:* 1064729034.572,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x401e5dd0 ?= 1, 1, *
432:* 1064729034.572,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x400516f8, *
438:* 1064729034.574,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 1, *
440:* 1064729034.574,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
445:* 1064729034.575,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
446:* 1064729034.575,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 1, 0x40025588, *

Coming out: t_dist_seq    in out number
476:* 1064729034.581,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x401e5f48 ?= 0, 1, *
477:* 1064729034.581,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_STR), 0x400516c8, *
483:* 1064729034.582,  64, bindObject, SQLT_INT, 0, *
485:* 1064729034.582,  20, BindingArrayObject_ass_item, Type mismatch on
assignment, 3, 2, *
490:* 1064729034.583,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), *
491:* 1064729034.583,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_INT), 0, 0x40025564, *

Coming out: t_message    in out varchar2   - Reporting a business logic
error as it should.
500:* 1064729034.584,  17, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e7950 ?= Qty received
must be greater than ze
ro., 39, *
501:* 1064729034.584,  18, CONVERTOUTF(SQLT_CHR), 0x401e7fc0, *

                                                My Python code

All the data access functions share one DCOracle2.connection object, and
each function declres its own cursor.

def callCreateRecvDetail(conn, receivingHeaderNumber, poLine, quantity):
    Calls the NDS stored procedure CREATE_RECV_DETAIL.
    PROC_NAME = "procrapi.create_recv_detail"
    if __debug__: mra_error.debugPrint(None, *(receivingHeaderNumber,
poLine, quantity))

    # Build a number of variables, representing the parameters
    # needed for the stored procedure call
    t_recv_no       = receivingHeaderNumber
    t_po_no         = None
    t_po_line       = poLine
    t_item_no       = None
    t_control_no    = None
    t_dist_seq      = 0
    t_date_expires  = None
    t_qty           = None
    t_Recv_init     = None
    t_message       = None

    # Pack the parameters into a tuple
    parameters = (t_recv_no,

    # Call the stored procedure.  All the paramters (modified and
    # are returned as a list from the procedure call.  We don't commit these
    # changes until all stored procedures have completed sucesssfully.
    parameters = mra_data_utility.callProcedure(conn,
                                                commit = False)

    # Unpack the returned list
     t_message) = parameters

    if t_message is None:
        # Success. Stored procedure ran OK
        success = True
        # An error occured in the procedure call
        mra_screen.printWrap("An error occurred in the create_recv_detail "
                             "stored procedure.  Changes " \
                             "were not saved.", pretty = True)
        mra_error.logNDSError(t_message, utility.userId)
        success = False

    return success, parameters

def callProcedure(conn, procname, params, commit=True):
    Generic SQL execution code for execting a stored procedure.  Requires an
    DCOracle2 connection object, the procedure name, and a sequence of
    for the SQL statement if any are needed.  Commit is a boolean indicating
    the function should do a connection.commit().  Returns a list of
    c = conn.cursor()
    params = c.callproc(procname, *params)
    if commit is True:
    return params
                                                Version & config info:

Python 2.2.2 (#2, May 27 2003, 14:57:51)
[GCC 3.2.3] on hp-ux11

HP-UX  B 11.00

PL/SQL                (Production)
Oracle8i Enterprise Edition (Production)
TNS for HPUX:         (Production)
NLSRTL                (Production)
DCOracle2   (cvs release) -- DCOracle2 1.101 (dco2:



Christian Long
Technical Analyst
Information Advantage Inc.
5793 Grande Market Dr.
Appleton, WI 54913

(920) 996 1750

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