[Zope-DB] Interested in continued Oracle support in Zope? Raise your hand!

Dario Lopez-Kästen dario at ita.chalmers.se
Wed Aug 25 11:35:08 EDT 2004

greets, ladies and gentlemen.

I worry about the future of Oracle support in Zope, and in Python, too, 
for that matter.

So I am wondering what interest there actually is for having Oracle in 
Python/zope, and it raises a few questions:

(Oracle support = having decent Oracle connectivity from python/Zope)

1) Does anyone out there have a business case for using Oracle with 

2) Will anyone suffer badly, ie. will switch from Python or Zope to 
something else, if Oracle support would dissapear?

3) Will anyone suffer badly, ie. will switch from Python or Zope to 
something else, if Oracle support is not improved? (ie less crashes, 
better throughput, etc).

4) Of those who say yes to at least one of 1-3, who can invest actual 
cash to create and maintain good quality Oracle Support in Python/Zope?

5) Of those who say yes to at least one of 1-3, who can invest time to 
create and maintain good quality Oracle Support in Python/Zope?

What are the sentiments of other people on this list and elsewhere? 
(forward to all yout pythoneering Oracle friends).

I myself, say yes to 1-3, however I can only invest time (somewhat 
limited) and no cash. Also, I seem to be one that really bangs on 
DCOracle2 - we use it super-extensivly for thousends of users, and seem 
to encounter all kinds of problems with it.

So I am interested in what the future, if any, there is with Oracle and 



-- -------------------------------------------------------------------
Dario Lopez-Kästen, IT Systems & Services Chalmers University of Tech.

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