[Zope-DB] Access to db from file system products

Mauro Colorio linuxbox at interfree.it
Wed Jul 7 03:46:52 EDT 2004


I'm refactoring some old code written in zope, while doing this task 
I'm searching the best way to do queries from a zope product on file
system on a relational DB.

I think the best way is to use the "connection pool" provided by the
database connections objects, but I'm not sure about using ZSQLmethod
for my product, expecially for the transaction management, I want to
have the complete control.

I tryed to use the query method provided by the connection object, but
in this way I've not the query result mapped into a brain object, or a
dictionary so I can't access to my fields with row['field'] and this
means that my code will not be so readable.

so.. what's the best way to do this task? there is another solution?
what's the most elegant for zope?



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