[Zope-DB] SQLConnectionIDs

Nicholas Wieland nicholas_wieland at yahoo.it
Fri Jul 29 04:43:32 EDT 2005

<label> Database Connection </label>
<select name="conn_id" tal:repeat="DBAdapter here/SQLConnectionIDs">
<option tal:content="python: DBAdapter [1]"> placeholder </option>
This code is not working, because I'm "not allowed to access SQLConnectionIDs in this context".
I've tried also context/SQLConnectionIDs and <option tal:content="DBAdapter">, but nothing.
I don't have the slightest idea of what's happening here, because a specular DTMLfile works perfectly, and also a test ZPT with:
<ul tal:repeat="DBAdapter here/SQLConnectionIDs">
  <li tal:content="DBAdapter"> placeholder </li>

I'd paste the traceback, but I'm not able to convert it in text (this webmail sucks, it's written for html mail) and Zope doesn't log the traceback.

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