[Zope-DB] [ANN] Modified version of DCOracle2 is available

Maciej Wisniowski maciej.wisniowski at coig.katowice.pl
Mon Dec 4 12:56:25 EST 2006

> I still do not understand how to get hold of the new dco2.c file (along
> with other files in the DCOracle2 package).
> You state right from the start:
> ******************
> Code is here:
> http://code.google.com/p/dcoracle2da/
> Should be available via svn with:
> svn checkout http://dcoracle2da.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ dcoracle2da
> ******************
> Can someone give clear instructions on how to get these files?
To get files you need to have Subversion (SVN) client installed on
your machine. On modern linux you should already have it, otherwise
it should be availaible from system repositories. Home page is
To check if you have Subversion type in the console:


If you have SVN client then simply type:

"svn checkout
https://dcoracle2da.googlecode.com/svn/tags/1.0RC1 DCOracle2"

This will get files from googlecode into folder named 'DCOracle2'.

The addres above is to most current version I have although there may
still be some errors. This version uses SQLAlchemy pool so if you want
to use this with Zope you'll need to install SQLAlchemy from
sqlalchemy.org too. See INSTALL file.

Currently I had not much time to do something with this project,
but I'll try to make it cleaner soon, write some tests (so far I was
not able to run original tests...) and to put this into official Zope

> On a different note:
> The 'official' distribution of DCOracle2 (from zope.org) compiled fine
> with Oracle 9i on Solaris.  However, with Oracle 10g on Solaris, I ran
> into a compilation error and I had to add the line:
> typedef unsigned int dword;
> I did not have the time to investigate the reason that this happened
> with Oracle 10g.
Thanks for this info. We have this DCOracle2 compiled with Oracle10 on
RedHatEnterprise 4. Unfortunatelly I have no Solaris. But would be nice
if you can check dco2.c from this version on Solaris machine. At last
I'll add a note about this Solaris issue into INSTALL file.

Maciej Wisniowski

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