[Zope-DB] updating fields in a zsql method programmatically

Charlie Clark charlie at egenix.com
Mon Aug 27 15:59:47 EDT 2007

Am 27.08.2007, 15:59 Uhr, schrieb onsombal <onsombal at yahoo.com>:

> changed_field1 = form.get('field1')
> changed_field1 = "a new computed value"
> field1 = changed_field1
> #create a new record with form field results for field2 & field3, and a
> computed value for field1
> context.insertNew()

This is really bad as it undoes all your good work of checking the the  
values in your script. All ZSQL methods also have access to the REQUEST  
object by default so your ZSQL method sees context.REQUEST.field1. Way  
back when ZSQL was developed support for request objects was given to ZSQL  
to allow funky parameters in the URL as well as the other usual special  
methods such as manage and edit. Personally I think this is a bad idea and  
always pass my parameters in as named arguments as Maciej suggests or as a  
dictionary for neatness if there is a lot of them.


Charlie Clark

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