[Zope-DB] updating fields in a zsql method programmatically

onsombal onsombal at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 27 19:11:38 EDT 2007

So, my script now works!!  Thanks to everyone for your input.  It is greatly
appreciated.  Below is a quick summary of what I did and a relevant excerpt
of the working script.

1) I never was able to get passing the arguments via the context.Statement
to work.  I'm sure it's something I've done wrong.

2) I successfully updated the context.REQUEST.form dictionary key:value pair
with my computed value.  The computed value was to replace the blank
(hidden) 'fdbkurl' pfg form field with the url of a form object that was
copied from a standard-template to another folder, and then renamed.  After
renaming, I re-indexed the object, and then captured its absolute url --
which I then used to update the dictionary key:value.

Code follows:

    #copy, paste, rename std-survey to Folder
    from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName

    urltool = getToolByName(context, "portal_url")
    portal = urltool.getPortalObject()
    mydoc_folder = getToolByName(context, "my-documents")
    crm_folder = getToolByName(context, "crm")
    survey_folder = getToolByName(context, "std-forms")
    listing_folder = getattr(mydoc_folder, "listings")

    #manage_copyObjects(self, ids=None, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None)
    cb_copy_data = survey_folder.manage_copyObjects(["std-survey"])
    dest = getattr(listing_folder, tls_id)

    #manage_pasteObjects(self, cb_copy_data=None, REQUEST=None)
    #Paste previously copied objects into the current object.
    #If calling manage_pasteObjects from python code, 
    #pass the result of a previous call to manage_cutObjects or
manage_copyObjects as the first argument.

    #manage_renameObjects(self, ids=[], new_ids=[], REQUEST=None)
    tls_folder = getattr(listing_folder, tls_id)
    survey_id = "survey" + form.get('tls')
    survey_title = "Survey" + form.get('tls')
    survey_obj = getattr(tls_folder, "std-survey")
    tls_folder.manage_renameObjects(ids=["std-survey"], new_ids=[survey_id])
    fbkurl = survey_obj.absolute_url()
    formresult['fbkurl'] = fbkurl

    #create record in usdb listing table
And it works!

Charlie Clark-2 wrote:
> Am 27.08.2007, 21:59 Uhr, schrieb onsombal <onsombal at yahoo.com>:
>> I'm assuming the form results are stored as an object represented as a
>> dictionary.  If so, then there must be a way for my python script to  
>> change
>> the key | value pair for field1 before I call my Z SQL Method.  Is this
>> reasonable, or am I just going down a rat-hole?
> All form values are in the context.REQUEST.form dictionary which can  
> overwrite to your heart's content.
> Charlie
> -- 
> Charlie Clark
> eGenix.com
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