[Zope-DB] [ZODB-Dev] How to extract users info from ZODB?
Charlie Clark
charlie at egenix.com
Wed Jan 25 13:51:48 UTC 2012
Am 25.01.2012, 11:56 Uhr, schrieb smita kamdar <smita.kamdar00 at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I have exported the acl_users file in zexp format. But the file is
> unreadable. How can i make that file readable? i.e. In which format
> should i open the zexp file?
I'm sorry but it's obvious that you are new top Zope. You should probably take the time to read the basic documentation:
Documentation of the ZODB:
Malthe suggested that your "export as XML" and not as ZEXP. ZEXP is a binary format native to Zope. You can read it with Python but then you can read the ZODB directly with Python as well.
Just because your application also keeps application data in Postgres does not mean that all data such as your users is kept in Postgres. One would hope that your application is sufficiently well documented to explain which data is not stored in the ZODB as, except in rare cases such as RelStorage, the majority of data of a Zope server will be stored in the ZODB.
Finally, I must point out that Zope 2.6 is a very old and no longer supported release.
Charlie Clark
Charlie Clark
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