[Zope-dev] My sister was bit by an aq_base once

Mike Pelletier mike@compar.com
Fri, 30 Apr 1999 14:06:39 -0400 (EDT)

    Mmm!  Lunch tastes better on a patio.

On Fri, 30 Apr 1999, Jim Fulton wrote:

> Why are you using aq_base in the first place?

    I am having trouble comparing self to items in lists or attributes of
other objects.  In some cases, when I _know_ self and
some_obj.some_attr/some_list[0] refer to the same object, they don't evaluate
as equal.  I haven't figured out the pattern, but whether or not the POS has
been restarted seems to be significant in SOME instances.

    A couple of examples of what I'm trying to do:

	def UserEntries(self):
	    return filter(lambda a, self=self: self==a.user, self.HGEntries())

	def UserTasks(self):
	    return filter(lambda a, self=self: self in a.users, self.HGTasks())

    HGEntries and HGTasks are both acquired.  They return a list each.  It
seems to work more reliably when I use "self=self.aq_base" in the second
example function.

> Zen is understanding.  I think you are relying on lore, which looks
> like, but is not Zen. ;)

    I'd debate the definitive definitions of the metaphorical jargon being
applied to the grokking of Zope, but that's probably too off topic.  One way
or the other, I'm not grokking SOMETHING.


       ---              | Mike Pelletier             Work: 519-746-1607
        /opeware!       | Software Developer         Home: 519-725-7710
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