[Zope-dev] the birth of ZCommerce
Scott Robertson
Tue, 3 Aug 1999 15:28:16 -0700 (PDT)
On Tue, 3 Aug 1999, Christopher Petrilli wrote:
> Just going to toss in my $1.50 w/inflation :-)
> > 1) integration with accounting packages such as Quicken
> Define an API, but don't specifically choose an accounting package. Deal
> with what the "use cases" are, rather than what Quicken expects. Quicken is
> nothing like what most companies use, with a full double-entry ledger system
Accounting packages are just wierd. How companies use them are even
wierder. Getting a compnay (or their accoutants) to change accounting
systems (le alone learn any new software) is a lesson in futilalty.
Probally the best thing you can do is provide ways to export data, and pray.
In other words this shouldn't be made a priority, although it would be a
nice sell.
> > 2) secure transactions
> Ah, there's the rub, this is a much more complex thing to do than it first
> appears. SSL is easy, but dealing with storage of credit-card information,
> and more so, delivery of goods via electronic means, is much more complex.
> > 3) many of the features in packages such as Intershop
If you want to have some fun start the debate in the office wether you
should store your inventory in Zope or a SQL database. Clearly both
approaches have their merits but it all depends on the situation.
I have yet to see an off the shelf integrated e-commerece solution that
makes anyone happy yet.
My current line of thingking on e-commerece in Zope would be to provide a
series of components, not necesaryily an integradted store.
The things you would need are:
* Some form of shopping cart object
* Inventory control objects that can categorize items for sale but can
come from different datasources ZODB, SQL, etc...
* Credit Card Processor object *cough Wampum Generator cough cough*
* And a way to do reporting (This makes my head hurt)
Let the developers glue it all together.
- Scott Robertson Phone: 714.972.2299 -
- CodeIt Computing Fax: 714.972.2399 -
- http://codeit.com -