[Zope-dev] FW: Can Zope be used for database forms type applications?
Anthony Baxter
Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Thu, 05 Aug 1999 19:45:52 +1000
>>> Neil.Smith@aucs-europe.com wrote
>I have started to read about Zope, and am in the process of setting up a
>server to try it out. From what I have read so far, it seems mainly targeted
>at displaying dynamic content. Can it also be used to generate web apps for
>maintaining database content? If so, can anyone recommend a site where there
>is a demo or tutorial or any other good information relevant to this. If it
>isn't suitable, can anyone recommend any other good tools (either opensource
>or commercial).
Zope is _outstanding_ for maintaining database content.
I'm mid-way through building a quite large and complex database application
(a customer database) which uses Zope as the frontend, and an SQL database
or two as the backend. It's not something that I can show outside,
unfortunately, but it makes heavy use of Zope's SQL interfacing abilities...
(ob-zope-dev: oracle's SQL features a neat feature allowing you to
automatically traverse parent/child object trees - this allows you to
do some incredibly cool stuff. look for select... connect by... in the