[Zope-dev] the birth of ZCommerce
Andreas Kostyrka
Thu, 5 Aug 1999 23:26:36 +0200 (CEST)
On Thu, 5 Aug 1999, Christopher Petrilli wrote:
> > Josh Zeidner wrote:
> >
> >> 2) Maybe we should agree on an accounting system to implement the API in (
> >> Beachtree seems like a likely candidate ).
> >
> > No, we shouldn't. We want this done the Unix fashion, where you have
> > choice.
> An unfortunate reality for anyone who has not spent their entire life mired
> in accounting is that you have to have a *starting point* for all
> implementations. To design an API in a vacuum is a foolish thing indeed.
> It is best to try and look at what one instance requires and make it as
> generic as possible. It is not unreasonable to choose a commercial product
> for this given the fact that I know of no "Open Source" accounting packages,
> and even if they did exist, I'd hazard they have market share measured on a
> single hand. This wouldn't be the most prudent method to grain a scalable
Well, there is something called Kantor, done in Java and being GPL.
It's done by some German company, but I'm not sure how far advanced they
What they did have last time I've checked (last year), was a sensible
table layout :) (I didn't look for the Java stuff, I'm not the biggest
Java fan on this planet ;) )
Andreas Kostyrka | andreas@mtg.co.at
phone: +43/1/7070750 | phone: +43/676/4091256
MTG Handelsges.m.b.H. | fax: +43/1/7065299
Raiffeisenstr. 16/9 | 2320 Zwoelfaxing AUSTRIA