[Zope-dev] Zope 2.0B4 WebDav rename lockups on Win32
Brad Clements
Thu, 12 Aug 1999 14:36:19 -0400
Can anyone else recreate this?
On NT 4.0 SP4 server, with IE5 client running Zope 2.0B4, Z2.py
manual-start server
1. Create a folder in Zope via management interface
2. Use WebDav to open the folder from IE5 (ie, open as folder)
3. Open a regular Windows Browser and find a directory with about 30
.gif files
4. Drag and drop those .gifs into the WebDav folder so IE5 copies them
to the Zope server (isn't that great!)
5. After the webdav folder finishes copying and refreshes, begin
renaming individual images by right-click/rename in the IE5 webdav
folder view.
6. On the fifth rename, the server "hangs". IE5 still shows "renaming",
but Z2 does not respond.
7. CTRL-C (not CTRL-Break) causes Z2 to shut-down ok with "keyboard
I can recreate this at will, 5 renames, boom, zserver locks up.
Can anyone else recreate this?
Maybe it's a win32 thing, or an IE5 thing.
Brad Clements, bkc@murkworks.com (315)268-1000
http://www.murkworks.com (315)268-9812 Fax
netmeeting: ils://ils.murkworks.com ICQ: 14856937