[Zope-dev] the right way to do wiki in zope ?

Anthony Pfrunder s341625@student.uq.edu.au
Sat, 21 Aug 1999 15:36:58 +1000 (GMT+1000)

On 20 Aug 1999, Simon Michael wrote:

> In another thread, Anthony wrote:
> I gave it an index_html method which translates words which match the
> wiki link pattern to relative hyperlinks, this way:
> <dtml-var "_.ts_regex.gsub(
> '\([A-Z]+[a-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*\|[A-Z][A-Z]+[a-z][A-Za-z]*\|_[\\\w.:_]+_\)',
> '<A HREF=\\1>\\1</a>', data)
> ">

I was thinking more along the lines of how Everything
(http://everything.blockstackers.com) does links.  Here, you surround the
link in brackets like so: [ZikiSpace] and it is turned into a hyperlink.
Then, when you click on it if the link doesn't exist a new instance of
Zikibit is created and you are dumped into the edit mode.  Thereafter, you
are lead directly to the view mode.

With regards to statistics... I was thinking we could could have a google
(www.google.com) style 1-10 rating button down the bottom so that we can
catagorise on coolness as well as popularility and frequency of editing.

Then, we could have:
	[Zikispace text page]
	Rate this page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
	[Edit this page] [Roadmap] [How to get here]
Roadmap leads to a java app showing a roadmap of where you have been in
ZikiSpace (the new session object might come in handy ;)

How to get here shows backlinks grouped by catagory items (see Everything
for the concepts behind this).


Anthony Pfrunder

PS: Did you know that you can freeze python15.dll down to 350Kbytes,
    python script library to 450KBytes and the Zope script library
    to 600KBytes -> total size of directory: 1.5-2MBytes!!  Look for Zwin
    next week folks!