[Zope-dev] Re: Zope performance
Damian Morton
Wed, 25 Aug 1999 12:09:31 -0400
Ive been lurking on the zope-dev list for a few months now, trying to
get an idea of how stable and usefull zope is. Ive been Python programming
for a couple of years, and its by far my favourite language, so the
oportunity to dump ASP/VBscript and move over to ZOPE/Python based web-site
creation is quite appealing.
I have a client considering the creation of a Portal site. At present,
the client is casting around looking of some kind of saviour product that
will deliver all kinds of promises, such as "relationship management",
"client tracking", "customisation", "content syndication", etc etc. The
buzzwords are deafening.
What I havent seen discussed in this list at all is performance. Is ZOPE
ready for industrial strength usage? Can it truly compete with Vignette,
Broadvision, etc etc (apart from on price?). Will ZOPE benefit from SMP? Has
anyone run ZOPE clusters?