[Zope-dev] how to install a method hook

Jepthte CLAIN minf7@educ.univ-reunion.fr
Fri, 03 Dec 1999 10:26:28 +0400

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here is the 'problem': I want to write support for french dates and
various other stuff in my zope installation.

Until now, i've always patched zope, but it proves to be a pain to patch
my installation each time a release is out.

for now, I want to write a product that 'replace' some common objects by
a my custom objects.

For example, I derived DateTime to provide french date display and
input. I would like to 'replace' (in term of acquisition) the toplevel
Application.ZopeTime with my own ZopeTime (instance of DateTimeFr)

For now, I have written a custon Folder which has a ZopeTime method,
returning an instance of DateTimeFr
All object under such a folder get the new ZopeTime thanks to

But I would like to replace ZopeTime for the toplevel folder too.

<---------- the actual question ------------>
could I do this with the legacy methods of context.RegisterClass ?
If I install a product that register ZopeTime legacy methods, will it
'replace' the toplevel ZopeTime? I read the source, but it unclear to me
if it will work that way

If it work that way, I could do a Locale_fr product which replace the
locale sensitive objects with custom ones.

Are there any other ways to do this?

please cc to my address as I'm not on the list

Jephte CLAIN
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