[Zope-dev] problems upgrading zope

Jeff K. Hoffman jkhoffman@carolina.rr.com
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 16:44:15 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Sebastian Luehnsdorf wrote:

> hi everyone!
> i attempted to convert a Data.bbb (Zope-1.10.3, ZODB2) database file to a
> Data.fs (Zope-2.1.1, ZODB3 ?) file using the following syntax:
>   python utilities/bbb.py -x -f Data.fs Data.bbb
> which returned "corrupt database" error messages.


  python utilities/bbb.py -x -f Data.bbb Data.fs

I've never done this, but in looking at bbb.py it says:

  -f filename

     Convert to ZODB 3 File-Storage format

as if to say 'filename' is the _file to convert_ to ZODB 3 File-Storage
format, not the other way around.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
