[Zope-dev] Re: external product writing to a file system ?

Anthony Baxter Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Wed, 02 Jun 1999 01:04:59 +1000

> Fully rendering dtml to an html string (same way zope does !) from an
> external method still eludes me. Happy to release the zope equivalent of
> wget once that's working. Anyone ?

something like this works for me... 

        dtmlstring = """ some <!--#var dtmlstuff --> blah blah blah """
        Results = DocumentTemplate.HTML(dtmlstring)
        Results = apply(Results, (self, REQUEST), 
                 {  'dtmlstuff' : 'bananas' } )

where 'self' is the instance, REQUEST the request object (if you 
have things there that you want to look up)

or are you also talking about recursing, doing lookups, &c?
