[Zope-dev] Where is the Let tag? (Was: RE: regex vs. re)
Martijn Pieters
Tue, 29 Jun 1999 10:44:24 +0200
At 18:29 28/06/99 , Michel Pelletier wrote:
> > Great. By the way, minor point, but my name is Phillip, not
> > Philip, as
> > shown in the source credit. :) Also, it needs a little more work for
> > integration. Diffs follow:
> >
>Gotcha. Sorry about that, as someone whose name is often mispelled as
>'Michael' I understand. ;)
>Diff is applied.
Here is another diff to avoid an import error:
diff -c -r1.2 DT_Let.py
*** DT_Let.py 1999/06/28 22:04:32 1.2
--- DT_Let.py 1999/06/29 08:43:12
*** 112,118 ****
as desired.
! from DocumentTemplate.DT_Util import render_blocks, str, Eval,
expr_globals, Eval, ParseError, regex, strip
class Let:
--- 112,118 ----
as desired.
! from DT_Util import render_blocks, str, Eval, expr_globals, Eval,
ParseError, regex, strip
class Let:
I'll put this into the Collector then, shall I? =)
Martijn Pieters, Web Developer
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