[Zope-dev] Properties in DTML Document
Ze Octavio
Thu, 04 Mar 1999 19:40:14 -0300
Hello Zopians,
I updated my version of Zope and have a nice surprise, the DTML
Document ! Thanxs very much Zope's developers for this new fearture.
When I saw that fearture I started to change my project, I had to
migrate the properties from folders to new DTML Documents, ok, no
problem. But I had one new problem. I have to call an lines property
from a DTML Document but
I am having an error and I already tried to fix that problem but was not
sucessfull. Lets see the code (the part with problem):
<!--#in expr="[1,2,3,4,5,6]"-->
<select name="myselect">
<!--#with "_.namespace(idx=_['sequence-index'])"-->
<!--#in pr_days--> 'Here is a Property from an atual folder
"_.namespace(item=_.string.split(_['sequence-item'],'|'))"-->'Here I
split a
from pr_days
<OPTION VALUE="<!--#var expr="item[0]"-->"
<!--#if expr="_['2000.htm'].pr_moths[idx] ==
item[0]"-->'Here is the problem
><!--#var expr="item[1]"-->
pr_months is a lines Property in 2000.htm DTML Document but is
not working. The error message is:
Error type:
Error value: 'string' object has no attribute 'pr_months'
Somedoby have an idea ? Thanxs !
Ze Octavio