[Zope-dev] Features / Demos want

Dave G DAve@mail.netraven.com
Sun, 7 Mar 1999 00:06:21 -0800

>Christopher Petrilli wrote:
>> On Sun, Mar 07, 1999 at 08:51:18AM +0800, Kent Sin wrote:
>> > 13. Multi-linguage management: use browser's lang perference to select
>> > language sent out, with auto menu generate in that lang and change lang
>> > menu auto gen. When a page is modified, list all pages need to modify in
>> > other languages. (some what like fontpage's task list?).
>> This would be neat, but... this is a HUGE HUGE HUGE HUGE task, and I've
>> never found a web site that does it "automatically", only thru selecting
>> seperate menu itenms.   Make sense?
>Actually, Chris, I think the Debian Linux home page at www.debian.org does
>do auto language selection. I've never experienced it myself (being one
>of those nearly-mono-lingual Americans everyone like to trash) but I've
>heard it is automatic.
>Couldn't resist - set Netscape to prefer German (de), force-reloaded
>www.debian.org, and lo and behold, there's a bunch of unreadable Deutch
>on my screen! (well unreadable to _me_;-)
That could be done through ZServer, most Mac Webservers (Web* and QPQ come
to mind) can set a preference to auto redirect for language specific sites.
The webmaster has to setup seperate root folders for each domain and
language, then the webserver uses the correct root folder based on the
browsers language preferance.

This would be relatively easy if (when ?) ZServer supported Vhosting.

>> Chris

"On the Plains of Hesitation bleach the bones of countless millions who, at
the Dawn of Victory, sat down to wait, and waiting -- died"