[Zope-dev] De-Authentication / Logout

Andrew Snare ajs@pigpond.com
13 Mar 1999 15:06:08 +1100

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>>>>> "Roger" == Roger Espinosa <roger@umich.edu> writes:

  Roger> At 4:40 PM -0500 3/12/99, Jason Spisak wrote:
  >> Zope-misters
  >> Is there a setUser type method for AUTHENTICATED_USER? I have
  >> tried everything, and there isn't any docs.  I am trying to have
  >> a user logout without having to quit Netscape.  Any thoughts?  --

  Roger> It's always been my impression that unless Zope can be fitted
  Roger> with a cookie-based-authentication system (vs. the current
  Roger> basic-auth), there's *no* way to force a "logout" because of
  Roger> the way the *browsers* handle basic-auth.

Generally, the workaround/kludge is to change the authentication realm
to something different, since most browsers seem to only remember
authentication information for the most recent authentication realm
(if I recall correctly).

Also note that lynx gets it right since you can press _ to make it
forget all known authentication information.

 - Andrew
#!/usr/bin/env python
print(lambda s:s+"("+`s`+")")\
('#!/usr/bin/env python\012print(lambda s:s+"("+`s`+")")\\\012')
print(lambda x:x%`x`)('print(lambda x:x%%`x`)(%s)')

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