[Zope-dev] De-Authentication / Logout

Paul Everitt Paul@digicool.com
Sat, 13 Mar 1999 09:29:50 -0500

Roger wrote:
> Jason wrote:
> > Is there a setUser type method for AUTHENTICATED_USER? I have tried
> > everything, and there isn't any docs.  I am trying to have 
> a user logout
> > without having to quit Netscape.  Any thoughts?
> > --
> It's always been my impression that unless Zope can be fitted with a
> cookie-based-authentication system (vs. the current 
> basic-auth), there's
> *no* way to force a "logout" because of the way the *browsers* handle
> basic-auth.

The unsupported UserDB package has cookie-based authentication.  We're
using it here in a consulting gig we're shipping for an intranet
budgeting system (written by Jeffrey Shell, it's the best, most polished
deliverable we've ever made).

There's a chance that this will become a more formal part of Zope on or
about May 18.  Just a hunch. :^)
